Saturday, December 5, 2020

TorrentFreak's Latest News


'Downloading' Videos From Netflix & Disney+ To Keep is Possible But Delivers 'Meh' Results
Andy Maxwell, 05 Dec 06:31 PM

old tvFor those who remember using audio cassette tapes, VHS and Betamax video recorders and similar wizardry, recording content from various sources to keep for a while was the sole purpose of the technology.

Whether those recordings were songs from the radio, 'backup' copies of friends' legitimately purchased movies (or, more likely, tapes hired for the night from a rental store), recording media onto tapes was a way of life for millions spanning decades. Then digital happened and everything changed.

Media Collections Aren't What They Used To Be – At Least Legally

These days, people are more likely to stream music and movies from Spotify and Netflix but what neither of these platforms offers is a way to become a collector. Many people still like to have permanent copies of content on their own devices, rather than having to continually connect to the Internet or maintain a subscription. This presents problems.

Essentially, those looking to maintain a collection today either need to spend small fortunes on physical media, rely on downloads from streaming platforms, or head off down the piracy route. At least in terms of music and TV shows (legalities aside), the latter is by far the easiest option but what if there was a way to download content from legal streaming services to keep forever, just as people did with tapes decades ago?

Downloading from Netflix, Disney+ and Amazon

Over the past few years, several apps have appeared on the market claiming to allow users to do just that. Flixgrab, for example, claims to allow users to download from Netflix, Disney+, Prime Video and more, with the software itself freely downloadable either directly from the maker's site or from the Microsoft Store.


"FlixGrab is a new powerful application for downloading videos from the most popular online video websites. You can download and watch videos from anywhere: Netflix, Amazon Prime, HULU, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram and many others with only one FlixGrab app. This freeware absolutely contains no adware, no spyware, no registration or other unwanted software," the marketing reads.

While all of that sounds attractive enough, there are also caveats that are so significant that they are likely to put people off acquiring a collection using these kinds of tools.

These Apps Do Not Download – They Record

When using a tool such as youtube-dl, for example, the user downloads a digital file that's an exact replica of the one they were listening to on YouTube. However, with apps such as the one mentioned above, that's simply not the case. While they are billed as 'downloaders', they are essentially a type of screen recorder that take the original source material from the service in question, convert it on the user's machine, and spit out a transcoded video file.

While this may sound attractive to some, there are serious quality issues. While subscribers to Netflix or Disney+ consume content in 4K or even the relatively lower 1080p, when files are 'recorded' through these apps the end result is a million miles away.

The files that are produced may claim to be 1080p ('pseudo' 4K isn't available – yet), their filesizes give away the quality on offer and a few hundred megabytes for a 1080p movie just doesn't cut it. Essentially, if people think they are going to get a quality copy for keeps, they're going to be disappointed.

Plenty of Positive Reviews Online But Caution is Advised

Those looking to research these kinds of apps online will quickly discover lots and lots of positive reviews claiming they're the greatest thing since sliced bread. However, people should be aware that it's possible to get free keys to access premium versions of these tools in exchange for writing nice things about them.

So, if you're watching a great review on YouTube, reading a five-star Trust Pilot recommendation, or even posts on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram that read like an advert, those reviews stand a good chance of being connected to a free key. Some may be genuine of course, but proceeding with caution shouldn't be dismissed.

Ultimately, tools that actually download high-quality video from services such as Netflix and Disney+ aren't available to the masses and even when 'professional' pirates 'screen record' to produce so-called 'web-rips', they certainly don't use these commercially available tools – the results would be way too disappointing for the discerning pirate.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Domain Registrar Can Only be Held Liable for Pirate Sites As a Last Resort
Ernesto Van der Sar, 05 Dec 12:56 PM

In 2013,, one of the Internet's most-visited torrent sites at the time, disappeared from the web.

The downtime was initially shrouded in mystery but it later became clear that the site was at the center of a copyright infringement action.

'Blurred Lines' Takedown

In order to stop the distribution of a copy of Robin Thicke's album Blurred Lines, Universal Music had obtained an injunction against Key-Systems, a German-based registrar where the domain name was registered.

Key-Systems wasn't happy with the ruling and the precedent it set but had no other option than to comply. However, the company did appeal the verdict and seven years later both sides are still fighting in court.

In 2018 the domain registrar suffered another setback. On appeal, the Higher Regional Court of Saarbrücken ruled the injunction was proper and that even a single link can require the company to take down a domain. Unsatisfied with this decision, Key-System went to Germany's highest court whose verdict was just made public.

Domain Registrar Only Liable as Last Resort

The order of the Federal Court of Justice can be seen as a victory for the registrar. While the court stressed that domain registrars can be held secondarily liable for pirate sites, this should only be used as a last resort.

"Unlike the hosting provider who may save infringing data, the registrar only ensures the connection of an internet domain," the court writes, stressing that domain registrars are neutral service providers.

The court further noted that the rights of Universal Music should be carefully weighed against those of the domain registrar. Generally speaking, registrars have no obligation to monitor or police the activities of their customers.

Weighing Rights

"When weighing up the fundamental rights involved, there is a risk that this results in a disproportionate burden on the registrar," the court writes, adding that registrar liability "is the last resort if copyright protection cannot be effectively ensured in any other way."

In addition, the rights of the public at large shouldn't be ignored either. This means that overblocking should be prevented and copyright holders must show that a website is predominantly offering illegal content.

"Contrary to the opinion of the court of appeal, the fact that internet users are affected by the fundamental right to freedom of information cannot be ignored," the court notes. This means that one pirated link is not sufficient to take an entire site offline.

Domain Registrar Isn't Liable Yet

Universal Music already made it clear during the appeal that was largely offering copyright-infringing material. However, the music company did not show that it tried to go after the operator or its hosting provider directly.

Without proof that Universal has taken legal action against the operator or the hosting company, Key-Systems can't be held liable. The Federal Court of Justice, therefore, decided to refer the matter back to the lower court to properly review this angle.

This is positive news for the domain registrar, for now, but the legal battle will continue. The Federal Court of Justice also left the door open for a further review at the European Court of Justice, should that be needed.

A copy of the verdict, spotted by Tarnkappe, is available here (in German)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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