Friday, December 4, 2020

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ACE & MPA Target Pirate IPTV Provider & Yet Again, VOD Will Be The Achilles' Heel
Andy Maxwell, 04 Dec 06:56 PM

ACE logoWhile torrent sites still play an important role in the piracy landscape, Hollywood and major content distributors consider illegal streaming to be a key threat.

Of particular concern are pirate IPTV services that for just a small outlay per month, represent direct and credible competition for legitimate platforms. As a result, many IPTV services and sellers have been targeted around the world under various laws.

ACE/MPA Subpoena Reveals Interest IPTV Service

As we have previously reported, the Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment together with the MPA regularly obtain DMCA subpoenas in the US that compel companies such as Cloudflare to give up the personal details of pirate site operators. Thus far, the overwhelming majority have been torrent and web-based streaming sites but this week there was a small but interesting deviation.

Who is Behind SentraTV?

As far as IPTV providers go, SentraTV seems a pretty insignificant player. Its website doesn't attract large numbers of visitors and searches don't reveal much interest on the broader Internet. So why, given the large number of big targets available to ACE and the MPA, are they demanding that Cloudflare unmasks its operator?

Due to their policy of not discussing ongoing investigations, we can only speculate on the motivation. However, there are some interesting factors, such as SentraTV providing an address in Delaware for correspondence. Indeed, this same address is used by numerous IPTV sellers, including PingIPTV, UpTickTV and Wave-TV, to name just three.

The websites of these services are obviously similar too, with what appear to be identical packages and pricing. Whether these are all the same service, operated by the same or different people, or have connections to the same suppliers, are things for ACE to find out. All that having been said, if ACE/MPA choose to pursue SentraTV in a US court, they will win the case.

VOD and 24/7 Channels Are The Achilles' Heel

When ACE/MPA targeted and then shut down the large Vaders IPTV service, the fact that the provider offered thousands of live channels wasn't the main focus.

Like other similar platforms, Vaders had a large VOD platform offering movies and TV shows, including so-called 24/7 channels dedicated to specific shows. With direct infringement easily provable, that ending up costing its operators $10m. After offering the same type of service, the owners of Crystal Clear Media were later handed a $40m bill.

Despite knowing about these cases (surely?), SentraTV still offers a large VOD service including dozens of 24/7 channels. For ACE/MPA it's now an easy target ripe for a lawsuit that Hollywood can't lose or, alternatively, a settlement that will involve handing over large sums of money plus detailed information about its business, including its dealings with customers and suppliers.

Of course, ACE/MPA are only at the subpoena stage but one can't help think that without the easy target of VOD, the movie and TV companies might have picked a different target.

The DMCA subpoena can be found here and here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Search Engines Reported to Monopoly Investigators Over Pirated Content
Andy Maxwell, 04 Dec 11:04 AM

SearchEvery week, millions of Internet users turn to search engines hoping to find links to pirated content. Not to so long ago, this could prove effective but in recent years things have changed.

Massive delisting operations to remove billions of links using copyright law have been supported by voluntary initiatives by Google, for example, to downgrade sites for which lots of DMCA complaints are received. As a result, basic searches tend to yield often disappointing results, albeit with some exceptions.

Delistings in Russia As Part of a Voluntary Agreement

In 2018, leading content companies and distributors plus Yandex, Rambler Group, Mail.Ru Group, vKontakte, and RuTube signed up to a landmark anti-piracy memorandum.

Supported by the creation of a centralized database of allegedly-infringing content, Internet platforms agreed to voluntarily query the resource in close to real-time to identify and then delete 'pirate' links from their search indexes.

Although the Russians have a different approach, they have the same goal as copyright holders in the US and Europe – to make pirated content harder to find in search results. However, unlike the DMCA's takedown rules and their EU equivalents, this voluntary scheme is currently biased towards large copyright holders involved in video content, with others – such as publishers – excluded.

Publishers File Complaints With the Federal Antimonopoly Service

Under the umbrella of the Association for the Protection of Copyright in the Internet (AZAPI), major publishers are determined to change this by being heard at the highest levels.

Documents obtained by Vedomosti reveal that 15 of the largest publishing houses including Eksmo and AST (which together control 30% of the market), Alpina Publisher, Hachette subsidiary Azbuka Atticus, Mann, plus Ivanov and Ferber, have filed complaints with the Federal Antimonopoly Service alleging anti-competitive behavior by Yandex and

Yandex Should Eliminate Unfair Competition From Search Results

Signed by AZAPI chief Maxim Ryabyko, the complaints demand an order that would require Yandex to stop "abusing its dominant position" while removing "unfair competition" from search results.

AZAPI says that while Yandex is happy to support other copyright holders as part of the memorandum, publishers are excluded. This means that Yandex's search results and indeed its other products (Yandex.disk, and are littered with links to pirated ebooks and audiobooks.

Since they are denied access to the voluntary scheme, the publishers have to keep going to court to have pirate sites blocked. However, when sites deploy mirrors to counter blocking, these sites immediately appear in Yandex's search results, undermining the work done thus far. Allegedly Discriminates Against Some Rightsholders may not be as immediately recognizable in the West as Yandex but its power in Russia cannot be understated. As the owner of social media giants vKontakte, Odnoklassniki (Classmates) and Moi Mir, plus numerous other services, is a major player. As a result, AZAPI accuses the company of abusing its position, including by creating discriminatory conditions for copyright holders.

In 2019, vKontakte implemented finger-printing technology that allowed publishers to identify and remove pirated copies of eBooks. While this was a step forward for the publishers, they are now complaining that despite their calls for cooperation, is resisting deployment of the same anti-piracy system on its other platforms.

Pirated Content Helps Yandex and Stay Dominant

Copyright owners have long accused Internet platforms of indirectly benefiting from piracy. It's a claim now repeated in AZAPI's complaints, which allege that Yandex and's discrimination against publishers help them to maintain both a dominant position and user loyalty.

"For many years, illegal content has been an important tool for attracting new users and maximizing the reach of the Russian-speaking audience for social networks, creating a so-called network effect," AZAPI says.

Complaints Under Consideration

The Federal Antimonopoly Service has confirmed that AZAPI's complaints are now under consideration. In a statement, Yandex said that search engines do not know and cannot determine the legal status of indexed content., on the other hand, said that AZAPI's complaints do not relate to anti-trust regulations.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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