Sunday, December 13, 2020

TorrentFreak's Latest News


MediaFire Counters La Liga's 'Baseless' Piracy Accusations
Ernesto Van der Sar, 13 Dec 10:21 PM

mediafire logoFounded in 2006, MediaFire is one of the oldest file-storage sites still around today.

Operating from The Woodlands in Texas, the file-sharing service has evolved into one of the largest services of its kind, serving 43 million registered users and more than 12 million daily visitors.

Hollywood's Crosshairs

Early on, this popularity put the site in the crosshairs of the Hollywood studios, who branded it a "rogue cyberlocker" several years ago. That accusation came at a turbulent time, just weeks after Megaupload was taken down by the US Government.

Surprised by this accusation, MediaFire emphasized that it has always cooperated with rightsholders by taking down infringing content. At the same time, the company worked hard behind the scenes to expand its service into more than just a plain old file-sharing platform.

MediaFire Evolved

Today, the site offers a full suite of backup and sync options, similar to Dropbox and Google Drive. This doesn't mean that people can no longer use it to host pirated content, but MediaFire says it does all it can to help rightsholders.

This shift in recent years hasn't gone unnoticed. The RIAA, for example, repeatedly praised the company for using "efficient and reasonable technological solutions" to prevent piracy. For example, by scanning uploaded files for potential copyright infringements.

Despite this improved track record, MediaFire's 'cyberlocker' stigma still haunts the company.

La Liga Targets MediaFire

Most recently, the Spanish football league La Liga recommended the US Trace Representative, to add the Texan company to its forthcoming list of notorious piracy markets.

MediaFire wasn't happy with this recommendation and this week the company's CEO, Derek Labian, submitted a late rebuttal, countering La Liga's accusations.

The rebuttal begins by pointing out some telling facts. Despite the grave accusations, MediaFire notes that it received only two DMCA takedown notifications from the organization over the past year. There was no other correspondence from La Liga either.

'La Liga's Claims Don't Hold Up'

MediaFire's CEO goes on by responding in detail to the broad claims that were made about cyberlockers. For example, La Liga said that it is very easy to detect illegal content hosted on these platforms, something the company denies.

"[W]e are not aware of any readily or 'easily' available mechanism that would allow us to detect a copyrighted sports video in the same way we would identify other types of content. This claim is not supported anywhere in the submission," Labian writes.

La Liga also claimed that cyberlockers offer instant and unlimited download speeds to premium users who pay for the service. Again, MediaFire denies this, noting that it treats all customers the same and has never had any artificial barriers.

"We have avoided these types of subscriptions specifically because it encourages illicit behavior which is contrary to our business model and Terms of Service," MediaFire's CEO writes.

MediaFire is a 'Good Citizen'

The letter goes on to highlight other claims from La Liga, pointing out that these simply don't apply to their services.

All in all, MediaFire stresses that it does what it can to prevent abuse, including copyright infringement. It works with various copyright holders, such as the RIAA, which recognized the company's efforts and classified it as a 'good citizen'.

"We implement best practices and go above and beyond to prevent abuse. Further, our business model itself is not conducive to abuse, especially the kind claimed by LaLiga."

Whether the rebuttal has convinced the US Trade Representative will become clear in the near future, when the next 'notorious markets' list is published.

A copy of the letter from MediaFire's CEO is available here (pdf). The original La Liga submission can be found here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Pirate IPTV Provider Must Pay DISH $15.8m in Damages
Andy Maxwell, 13 Dec 02:49 PM

IPTVWhen the stars align, there is good money to be made running a pirate IPTV service.

Given that suppliers, software, hardware, customers and payment processors all behave as expected, things can run relatively trouble-free. However, there's always a risk that rightsholders will step in to disrupt or even shut down the party.

DISH Files Lawsuit Targeting Pirate IPTV Service

As it has done on numerous occasions in the past couple of years, back in January DISH filed a lawsuit in a US court in an effort to shut down a pirate IPTV service.

Owned by Robert Reich, an alleged resident of Riviera Beach, Florida, the business involved platforms operating under several brands including Channel Broadcasting Corporation of Belize Ltd, Channel Broadcasting Cable, CBC Cable, and CBC.

According to the DISH complaint, Reich is the owner and operator of the 'CBC X-View Cable Service' which does business at DISH alleged that the service utilized official DISH subscriber accounts (many of which had Florida addresses) to 'steal' the company's programming before retransmitting it via the Internet.

"Defendant sells subscriptions to the CBC pirate television service for $60 per month plus a $55 installation fee. To purchase a subscription, customers can contact CBC through a variety of means according to CBC's website, including telephone, email, Facebook, and WhatsApp VOIP service," the complaint alleged.

DISH went on to claim that Reich's service was also being used in several hotels in Belize, including the Radisson Fort George, with DISH error messages on the establishments' screens betraying that DISH was the source of the pirated video content.

DISH Tracked Reich Down in Belize

During April, DISH used a former police officer and process server to serve Reich in Belize, delivering an ex parte motion for a temporary restraining order and motion for preservation order, and an asset freeze granted previously by the court.

In a subsequent motion to quash, Reich said that he hadn't been properly served but in a Florida court, Judge Rodney Smith dismissed the motion and sided with DISH. In May, the court noted the earlier temporary restraining order and acknowledged that the parties had met to agree the terms of a preliminary injunction to be formalized by the court.

With that order granted and severe restrictions placed on Reich's assets, the court ordered the businessman to keep detailed records of his expenditures moving forward. The case rolled on but in October, the court was told that the parties were moving towards a settlement.

Stipulated Judgment and Permanent Injunction

Documents filed with the court this week revealed that a settlement had indeed been reached.

Rather than dealing with the matter outside court, DISH and partner NAGRASTAR asked the court to enter judgment under the Federal Communications Act, specifically 47 U.S.C. § 605(a) and 47 U.S.C. § 605(e)(4), which covers the sale of device codes (aka subscriptions) and piracy devices such as configured set-top boxes.

According to the filing, defendants Robert Reich, wife Carol Reich (who was named in an amended complaint), and their company Channel Broadcasting Corporation of Belize Limited have agreed to pay damages to DISH following their sale of more than 21,000 'access credentials' (aka subscriptions) that utilized DISH content.

The court was happy to sign off on the arrangement.

"DISH is awarded statutory damages of $15,852,000.00 under the FCA, calculated at the parties' agreed upon amount of $750.00 for each of the 21,136 access credentials sold and supported by Defendants to the CBC Service through which Defendants provided unauthorized access to DISH's television programming," Judge Rodney Smith writes in his order.

In addition to the substantial damages award, the defendants are now the subject of a permanent injunction that prevents them from receiving, retransmitting or copying any DISH content, or assisting others to do so.

They are also permanently restrained from operating any website that trafficks in any technology or service that might enable third-parties to access DISH programming without paying the broadcaster.

The related documents can be found here and here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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