Thursday, December 17, 2020

TorrentFreak's Latest News


YouTube-DL Dispute Helps Enhance Lawsuit Against RIAA
Andy Maxwell, 17 Dec 07:25 PM

RIAADuring October, the RIAA ignited a fierce debate and significant outrage when it filed a complaint that took down the open source software youtube-dl from Github.

The music industry group stated that the "clear purpose" of youtube-dl was to "circumvent the technological protection measures" used by YouTube to "reproduce and distribute music videos and sound recordings owned by our member companies without authorization for such use."

Pre-Emptive Strike By YouTube-Ripper Yout

Just days later with public opinion swinging strongly in youtube-dl's favor, YouTube-ripping platform Yout seized the opportunity to sue the RIAA. Yout had previously been targeted with similar allegations, including that Yout is an illegal tool that violates Section 1201 of the DMCA by circumventing YouTube's "technical protection measures."

Dismissing the RIAA's claims as baseless, Yout's complaint outlined various actions taken by the label group that ended up damaging its business. For example, Google took the RIAA's copyright complaints at face value and delisted Yout from its search results. On top, the public takedown notices also devalued Yout's business by tarnishing its reputation, the company explained.

Amended Complaint Highlights Additional Damage

In an amended complaint filed in a Connecticut court this week, Yout repeated many of the allegations contained in its original complaint. However, a new piece of information suggests that the RIAA also used its powers to attack Yout's ability to make and receive money.

Yout says that in response to searches for its platform, Yout's customers were informed by Google that due to copyright complaints received against, results had been removed at the behest of the RIAA. This, the platform claims, ended up in Yout customers canceling their subscriptions.

Furthermore, Yout claims that the RIAA also used its powers to limit its ability to receive process payments.

"On information and belief, Defendants' DMCA notices have caused PayPal to shut down Yout's account, causing Yout further significant monetary and reputational damage," the filing reads.

"The Defendants acted with intent and actual malice when they engaged in the foregoing conduct because they intended to harm the Plaintiffs."

Enhanced Rejections of Anti-Circumvention Allegations

In Yout's original complaint the platform described itself as a time-shifting service that, in the absence of any specific circumvention of technological copyright protection, cannot be in violation of the anti-circumvention measures of the DMCA.

Indeed, Yout flatly denied circumventing any of YouTube's protection measures, including its so-called "rolling cipher", the mechanism at the very heart of the RIAA's complaint against youtube-dl. What is interesting in Yout's amended complaint is that it now makes enhanced claims and denials, which show clear signs of benefiting from the EFF's and Github's legal stance in the youtube-dl matter.

"[T]he rolling cipher mechanism employed by YouTube does not prevent copying of videos or other digital media," Yout's amended complaint reads.

"Yout's software platform works the same way as a browser when it encounters
the signature mechanism: it reads and interprets the JavaScript program sent by YouTube, derives a signature value [referred to by RIAA as a 'rolling cipher'], and sends that value back to YouTube to initiate the video stream

"Yout's software platform contains no password, key, or other secret knowledge that is required to access YouTube videos. It simply uses the same mechanism that YouTube presents to each and every user who views a video," the company adds.

In a nutshell, Yout says that it cannot circumvent the rolling cipher (as defined in the DMCA) because YouTube itself provides the means to access video streams to anyone who asks for them.

"[O]ne cannot 'circumvent' an access control by using publicly available means," the platform concludes.

Targeting YouTube-DL Proves Counterproductive

Whether the RIAA anticipated the backlash in response to its targeting of youtube-dl or not, it now faces a significantly more difficult struggle to suppress similar tools and services. With the EFF and Github now heavily involved, it's no longer a simple case of sending takedown notices and watching tools disappear.

And, as Yout's lawsuit shows, there could be additional legal repercussions too, including a potential effect on long-running cases that the RIAA is already embroiled in.

Yout's amended complaint can be found here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

"Freedom to Share" Launches EU Citizens' Initiative to Legalize File-Sharing
Ernesto Van der Sar, 17 Dec 09:46 AM

sharing is caringMillions of people around the world use torrent sites and forms of file-sharing to share copyrighted material on a regular basis. In most countries, this is against the law.

This restrictive stance toward 'sharing' is problematic according to a group of activists, who have launched the "Freedom to Share" initiative.

One Million Signatures

The campaign is a European Citizens' Initiative. This is a form of direct democracy that allows the public to take part in the development of EU law and policies. With enough support across various EU member states and at least one million signatures, the EU Commission will have to officially consider the proposal.

This is certainly not the first time that activists have called for the legalization of file-sharing. However, this campaign has substantial backing. It has support from the Italian Wikimedia Foundation, for example, and various Pirate parties are taking part as well.

Current EU law restricts the freedom of access to science and culture, according to the organizers. It is overly restrictive as the interests of major rightsholders are often put before those of regular people.

Right to Share

"We see the legalization of file-sharing as part of the 'right to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits' described in Article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights," Freedom to Share informs TorrentFreak.

"We also think that this approach would make some invasive laws obsolete. Examples of such laws span from the infamous 'upload filters' described in Article 17 of the EU Copyright Directive, that monitor uploads for copyright infringements, to regulations in some countries that limit open WiFi hotspots on the same ground."

freedom to share

The Italian attorney Marco Ciurcina acts as a spokesperson for the initiative. He believes that current laws hinder freedom of access to science and culture. Sharing files should not be illegal anywhere, whether that's via P2P networks such as BitTorrent, email, or other sharing tools.

"The question is: is it fair for copyright, related rights, and sui generis database rights to prevent the sharing of works and other material?" Ciurcina asks.

What About Creators?

The Freedom To Share initiative answers this question with a resounding NO. However, fearing that revenues will plunge, some major copyright holders will see things differently. The group doesn't believe that artists will be harmed by sharing though, quite the opposite.

"We believe modern technology is an opportunity for authors, not a problem. We also believe that it's harmful for authors to depend on and support the very unfair and unpopular status quo of copyright laws. Some authors might be appreciated and known by people much more thanks to file-sharing."

The proposal doesn't come with any solutions for how creators should be compensated. However, file-sharers can and will still consume legally. Research has shown, for example, that 'pirates' spend more on legal entertainment than those who don't share.

In addition, Freedom to Share suggests that there could be other options to bring in additional revenue. For example, through taxes, or through collecting societies that are dedicated to file-sharing.

The first priority, however, is to bring the legalization proposal into the EU spotlight. Freedom to Share hopes that it will be able to gather enough signatures in the coming weeks. And to reach that goal, it encourages all file-sharers to sign and share their initiative.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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