Saturday, September 5, 2020

TorrentFreak's Latest News


ETTV Opens Doors to Uploaders After SPARKS Bust Takes Down Prime Source
Ernesto Van der Sar, 05 Sep 07:07 PM

ettv logoThe piracy ecosystem is more structured than most people assume. While anyone can upload a file online, the most popular content is distributed publicly by a small number of uploaders.

This was also the case at ETTV, which started out as a TV-torrent distribution group on the public torrent site ExtraTorrent.

After its original home was shut down, ETTV decided to launch its own website, allowing a select group of uploaders to share content there. These types of distribution groups feed the majority of all pirated videos to the masses. However, they are not the source.

Many Torrent Groups Rely on The Scene

Groups like ETTV often get their content from the top of the piracy pyramid, also known as The Scene. While there is no active cooperation between Scene groups and torrent uploaders, those who know where to look can get access to Scene content. That is, until a major bust changes the game.

As reported in great detail over the past days, a criminal investigation by the US authorities shook up The Scene. Three alleged members with ties to the group SPARKS were arrested and raids across the world toppled dozens of topsites where Scene content was shared.

This was not just a major blow to The Scene. It affects the entire piracy ecosystem, as became apparent from a recent decision made by ETTV.

ETTV just moved to a new domain at as its previous one was heavily downranked and blocked by Google. However, what's even more significant is that the site now allows all members to upload torrents, instead of just the small group of uploaders that it previously worked with.

SPARKS Was ETTV's Prime Source

Torrents from known uploaders will now be listed as 'verified' but, other than that, everyone can add content. While this change was already in the planning, the SPARKS bust sped up the process. As it turns out, SPARKS was ETTV's prime source.

"All ETTV torrents were coming from them," ETTV administrator 'sidekickbob' tells us. "With exception of a couple of movies here and there, we don't upload anything anymore at the moment because we're not getting any new content."

This is an example of how the investigation into a few Scene members affected the entire piracy ecosystem, including Jane Doe in Sydney, who suddenly couldn't download her favorite TV-shows.

"There was a significant reduction in available content after the bust. We need 'independent' uploaders to fill in the blanks. If they do a good job, they will get a more prominent appearance on the ETTV site by being upgraded to 'Uploader'," sidekickbob says.

The Future Remains Uncertain

It's not as if piracy has come to a complete standstill. Those who look hard enough can still find pretty much all they need. However, ETTV was impacted severely, according to sidekickbob, who mentions that they are mostly looking for consistent TV show uploaders.

By opening the site up to the public ETTV also hopes to increase content variety. On the other side, it will also require more moderation as spammers and scammers are always lurking.

ETTV has had quite a lot of trouble over the past few months. The site's main operator disappeared without a trace last December after which sidekickbob stepped up. However, several domains and resources were lost. For now, the site is hanging in there but its future remains uncertain.

"After losing four domains, the image host, and being blocked on Google, it's a wonder we're still alive. This latest domain change is the last effort to remain alive, and I think we will, but I will know for sure by the end of the year," sidekickbob says.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Copyright Alliance Again Urges Congress To Close Streaming Piracy Loophole
Andy Maxwell, 05 Sep 12:02 PM

Streaming KeyLast month, entertainment industry-backed group Digital Citizens Alliance and content protection company NAGRA published a new study that estimated the pirate IPTV market to be worth a billion dollars each year in the US alone.

These types of piracy studies are nothing new but what is interesting about this particular market is that even the biggest 'pirate' US players, if they take caution in what type of content they offer and how, are unlikely to find themselves on the wrong end of an aggressive criminal prosecution.

There are caveats and exclusions but in general terms, streaming piracy is not a felony in the United States.

The 'Streaming Loophole'

That such a loophole exists in the United States under what many believe are some of the most strict copyright laws in the world is a surprise in itself. But exist it does and here's how it came to be.

Under existing criminal copyright laws, felony penalties are only available for infringements that breach the exclusive rights of reproduction and distribution, i.e the unlawful copying of content and distribution to others. In many cases, however, streaming is viewed as infringing public performance rights, which is considered a misdemeanor.

The end result is that, regardless of the scale of a pirate streaming operation and how much revenue is generated by it, the hands of the authorities are effectively tied in respect of offenses that would otherwise attract years in prison.

Exceptions Exist, It's Not a Complete Free-For-All

As ongoing cases against Megaupload and Jetflicks demonstrate, streaming offenses can sometimes enter the criminal realm. While some streaming services exploit the loophole cited above, others can face criminal charges when they are deemed to have breached reproduction and distribution rights, by copying infringing content and distributing it to others.

Also, as highlighted by the Department of Justice in a letter to the Senate last year, criminal prosecutions may also follow when unlicensed streaming operations are alleged to have committed other crimes, such as money laundering and racketeering, charges also being faced by Kim Dotcom and his Megaupload co-defendants.

Pressure Building To Close The Loophole

In an opinion piece published in The Hill yesterday, Keith Kupferschmid, chief of powerful industry group Copyright Alliance, again raised the issue of the loophole.

Echoing the sentiments of law enforcement groups, entertainment companies, filmmakers and sports groups that have contributed to the debate thus far, he urged Congress to ensure that "in appropriate large-scale commercial cases", felony penalties are available to federal prosecutors.

"Virtually every significant form of willful, commercial piracy can be prosecuted as a felony under appropriate circumstances — including copying CDs, illegal file sharing, and even 'camripping' movies in the theater," he wrote.

"But unlike all of these, streaming piracy — no matter how widespread or organized, and regardless of the amount of damage done — can only be prosecuted as a misdemeanor simply because when the laws were drafted streaming video wasn't an option."

Indeed, the laws that currently limit felony penalties to infringements involving reproduction and distribution were put in place almost three decades ago. At that time, widespread Internet use wasn't yet a thing and the possibility of streaming movies or TV shows to the public was a distant dream.

Congress "Working Hard" to Close the Loophole

"Fortunately, Congress is working hard to solve this problem — convening negotiations and developing a simple two-page proposal that would close this 'streaming loophole' and ensure that in appropriate large-scale commercial cases, felony penalties are available to federal prosecutors," Kupferschmid wrote.

"The resulting proposal is a consensus product with broad-based support. It is narrowly tailored to address the serious problem of commercial streaming piracy ensuring ordinary internet users, legitimate businesses, and non-commercial actors have nothing to fear from this proposal."

The mention of ordinary Internet users remaining unaffected by these proposals is of interest. The last time a bill was presented to amend the relevant sections of the law – 17 U.S.C. § 506 and 18 U.S.C. § 2319 – to render criminal breaches of public performance rights punishable as felonies, things didn't go well for copyright holders.

The Commercial Felony Streaming Act

Back in 2011, Bill S.978 – labeled the Commercial Streaming Felony Act – was introduced to the Senate in an effort to render unauthorized streaming of copyrighted content for "commercial advantage or personal financial gain" a felony punishable by up to five years in prison.

However, despite assurances that the intent wasn't to penalize regular Internet users, concern began to build that 'normal' people (such as Justin Bieber who launched his career by posting cover versions of songs to YouTube) could be considered felons under the amendments.

Ultimately, however, the contents of the proposed amendments, which later formed part of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), were never passed due to unprecedented public outcry.

Not a Done Deal, But Momentum is Building

While companies that rely on streaming and physical product sales are desperate for the "streaming loophole" to be well and truly closed, this time around they will not have to contend with the scale of the uproar that accompanied the far-reaching SOPA bill.

Indeed, there seems to be optimism that Congress will see fit to accept the proposals which, according to Kupferschmid, are being formed with the assistance of tech companies, not potentially at their expense as per last time around.

"This highly transparent and rigorous process which included participation from groups and organizations of all perspectives — including the creative community and victims of streaming piracy as well as those representing internet users, technology companies, internet service providers and civil society — has been lauded across Capitol Hill as a model way to vet and develop new proposals," he wrote in The Hill. "It's time for Congress to close the streaming loophole."

Given all of the circumstances and developments of the last decade, particularly considering the rise of legal and illegal streaming, the environment today is literally and figuratively years apart from SOPA. As a result, it arguably presents the perfect opportunity for Congress to deliver.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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