Thursday, September 10, 2020

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Archivists Want Broader DMCA Exemption for 'Abandoned' Online Games
Ernesto Van der Sar, 10 Sep 09:19 PM

gameboy advanceThere are a lot of things people are not allowed to do under US copyright law, but perhaps just as importantly there are exemptions too.

The U.S. Copyright Office regularly reviews these exemptions to Section 1201 of the DMCA, which prevents the public from 'tinkering' with DRM-protected content and devices.

These provisions are renewed every three years after the Office hears various arguments from stakeholders and the general public. This also allows interested parties to suggest new exemptions.

During the last update in 2018, there was a small but significant win for nostalgic gamers. To preserve 'abandoned' games for future generations, the Copyright Office expanded the game preservation exemptions to games that require an online component.

This was a crucial addition, as most games nowadays have an online aspect. With the new exemption, preservation institutions that legally possess a copy of a video game's server code and the game's local code were allowed to break DRM and other technological restrictions to make these playable.

This type of "tinkering" is now seen as fair use by the Government, which rejected critique from the major game companies who feared that libraries and museums might exploit this right for commercial purposes, which would hurt their sales.

A few weeks ago the Copyright Office started its latest review of the DMCA exemptions which will be updated next year. Since then, several submissions from archivists, digital rights, and consumer organizations have come in. Several of these ask the Office to renew the current exemptions for abandoned online games.

The Software Preservation Network (SPN) and the Library Copyright Alliance (LCA) note that this new exemption ensures that classic games will be preserved. This allows nostalgic gamers and younger generations to play older games that are no longer officially supported. This has already led to some success stories.

"For instance, Georgia Tech Library's Computing Lab, retroTECH, has a significant collection of recovered video game consoles, many of which are made accessible for research and teaching uses by the §1201 exemption. Dozens of Gameboy Advance, console and PC games can now be preserved, with lower risks of copyright infringement claims or legal action," SPN and LCS write.

The call to renew the exemption is supported by the nonprofit group Consumer Reports, which notes that the exemption "has proven very beneficial to consumers in removing this obstacle to preserving the functionality of video games they enjoy."

In addition to renewing the current rules, SPN and LCS have also requested an expansion. At the moment, they are allowed to break DRM, if needed, but these games can only be made available inside the premises of 'eligible' institutions such as libraries and museums.

In a new submission, both groups ask the Copyright Office to drop this restriction.

"SPN and the LCA request expansion of the video game preservation exemption […] to eliminate the requirement that the program not be distributed or made available outside of the physical premises of an eligible institution," they write.

As always, the current DMCA review will take a few months to be completed. While the request will certainly be considered, it's possible that games companies will object to the new suggestion, as they have done repeatedly in the past.

Much of the credit for getting the Copyright Office to adopt the present exemption goes to San Francisco's Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment (The MADE), which filed its petition three years ago.

The Museum, which is loved by many gaming fans, recently had to close its doors and put its collection into storage. However, like many abandoned games, it's not gone forever. The MADE is currently raising money to respawn elsewhere.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Streams For Us & Other IPTV Suppliers Shut Down Following ACE Threats
Andy Maxwell, 10 Sep 09:57 AM

IPTVAs the popularity of pirate IPTV suppliers, sellers, and resellers continues to grow, entertainment industry companies – which were initially quite slow to combat the threat – are now piling on the pressure.

The momentum arrives via the Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment (ACE), the huge anti-piracy coalition featuring the combined power of Hollywood, Netflix, Amazon, plus a broad array of global entertainment industry names.

While ACE's press office sits quietly by, knowing all but saying pretty much nothing, news of fresh ACE activity hits TF's newsdesk several times every month and regularly features action against IPTV providers. This week offers no let-up in that trend.

'Streams For Us' Shuts Down Under ACE Pressure

There are hundreds of IPTV brands on offer today and Streams For Us was one of the better-known providers. Until this week, that is, when it suddenly shut down.

As always, rumors varied from the operators "doing a runner" with the cash to being forced out of business due to actual or potential legal action. From the information received by TF thus far on the matter, it appears that the latter applies in this case.

It is extremely common for ACE pressure to begin with a cease-and-desist notice. At this point it's up to the IPTV entity to decide on the direction – ignore it and carry on or comply with its terms. Streams for Us was placed under pressure by ACE and subsequently shut down.

That will almost certainly not be the end of the matter though, as ACE also likes to tie up loose ends, including taking over domains and perhaps reaching a settlement offer. The terms of any settlement are almost always confidential but depending on how quickly an agreement can be reached, it's likely that Streams For Us domains will be transferred to the MPA shortly after.

Precisely when this pressure to close began isn't clear but according to reports, the Streams For Us 24/7 VOD channels were removed a few days ago. So-called 24/7 channels specialize in a particular TV series, showing episodes constantly.

While popular with customers, these channels require copies of the episodes to be stored on – and distributed from – a server, a breach of copyright law and a clear head above the parapet for those seeking to exploit the 'streaming loophole'.

At the time of writing, and are both down along with the service's social media accounts.

Other IPTV Brands Go Down, Potentially Due to the Above

After Streams For Us went down, other IPTV brands – some of which appear to have connections to the targeted provider – also disappeared according to users.

Thunder IPTV, Commando IPTV, Nue Media, Net Streams are all reportedly down at the time of writing, with reports suggesting that some acted as resellers or rebrandings of the Streams For Us service. TheHeroTV also appears to have gone down during the past few days too but we were unable to establish if connections exist to the above.

Whether any of these brands were targeted individually by ACE is currently unknown but if the claims of reliance on Streams For Us channels are true, cutting off the head may have achieved the desired result without that being necessary.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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