Monday, September 14, 2020

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Dutch Government Did Not Induce Online Piracy, Appeals Court Rules
Ernesto Van der Sar, 14 Sep 08:27 PM

cassette tapeThe Netherlands has long been a relatively safe haven for pirating consumers.

Downloading movies without permission, regardless of the source, was not punishable by law according to Government officials.

This eventually changed in 2014 when the European Court of Justice ruled that this tolerant stance was not in accordance with EU law. As a result, the Dutch Government quickly outlawed downloading from unauthorized sources.

Despite this radical shift, in reality, not much changed for pirates. Sharing pirated material via torrents was already outlawed since it involved uploading. Also, copyright holders were and are not suing casual file-sharers in court.

Filmmaker Sue Dutch State over Piracy Messaging

Instead of going after pirates, copyright holders pointed their finger at the Dutch state. In 2015, Dutch filmmakers' association SEKAM lodged a legal claim against the state, demanding compensation for the piracy losses they claimed to have suffered.

The filmmakers highlighted statements that were made by Government officials which clearly indicated that downloading pirated material was allowed. These statements were made prior to the downloading ban.

One of those statements was made in a 2010 press release by former state Secretary for Security and Justice Fred Teeven. Looking ahead at future policy, he noted that "downloading of copyright-protected works from evidently illegal sources will become unlawful, but not punishable."

Dutch State Held Liable

In 2018, the Court of The Hague partially sided with the filmmakers. It ruled that the statements indeed confirmed that downloading pirated material was allowed and that the Dutch state can be held liable for the resulting damage.

"Based on this message, expressed by the responsible Government official in the public domain and in the media, there will have been downloaders who assumed that downloading from illegal sources was permitted, whereas this was generally known to be forbidden in other EU member states," the Court wrote.

The Dutch state was not happy with this conclusion and appealed the matter, with success. A recent verdict by the Appeal Court finds that the state did not induce piracy and is therefore not liable for any damages.

Appeals Court: State Did Not Induce Piracy

The Appeals Court agreed that the Government's messaging indeed suggested that downloading pirated material was not unlawful. That's not unusual, since this was also the Government's perception at the time.

According to the Appeals Court, these statements were factually correct. While the European Court later ruled that this policy ran contrary to EU law, that wasn't known at the time.

Also, unlike the lower court, the Appeals Court does not believe that these statements encouraged any people to pirate. On the contrary, the same press release mentioned that this type of piracy would be outlawed in the future.

"It cannot be seen that the Statements made in 2010 induced persons to illegally download, especially when taken into account the Government's incorrect conviction that downloading from illegal sources was allowed, had already been advocated since 2002/2003," the verdict reads.

"So there was no expected disadvantage from these statements for rightsholders such as SEKAM," The Hague's Appeals Court adds.

The verdict is a clear win for the Dutch state, which doesn't have to pay any piracy damages based on the statements that were made in the past. SEKAM doesn't have to pay anything either. As IPKAT notes, the Dutch state agreed not to claim legal costs if the filmmakers association agreed not to argue the appeal.

A copy of The Hague's Appeals Court ruling is available in Dutch here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

EU Advocate General: Inline Content Embedding Requires Copyright Holder Permission
Andy Maxwell, 14 Sep 11:57 AM

EU CopyrightWebsites that produce and publish their own content usually have little to worry about under copyright law but for those that utilize content originally published elsewhere, life is more complicated.

In a few rare cases, copyright disputes cannot be immediately settled by local courts in the EU so they are referred to the region's top court, the EU Court of Justice, for clarification. This was the case with a dispute involving Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek (DDB), a library website based in Germany.

Digital Showcase Must Be Protected From Third-Party Use

The main aim of the DDB project is to provide free access to the cultural and scientific heritage of Germany via the Internet, i.e. to millions of books, archives, pictures, sculptures, pieces of music and other audio documents, films, and sheet music.

To achieve its goals, the library links to digitized content stored on the various Internet portals of its participating institutions, displaying thumbnails of that content in what is described as a "digital showcase".

DDB operator Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz points to a licensing arrangement with copyright collecting society Verwertungsgesellschaft Bild-Kunst (VG Bild-Kunst) to display the thumbnails. However, that comes with a requirement for DDB to use technical measures to prevent third-party websites from displaying those thumbnails using the 'framing' technique.

For reference, perhaps the most common example of framing is where a YouTube video is placed on a third-party website in a 'frame' but is delivered from YouTube itself and is not hosted by the embedding site.

Matter Taken to Local Court, Referred to EU Court of Justice

The requirement to prevent framing was considered unreasonable by Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz. The foundation took its case to court in Germany requesting a ruling that VG Bild-Kunst is required to grant a license without the condition that DDB's showcase is protected by technical measures to prevent framing.

With clarification needed, the Federal Court of Justice asked the EU Court of Justice to interpret the Copyright Directive, which requires member states to provide rightsholders with the exclusive right to grant or prohibit any communication to the public of their copyright works.

On Friday, the EU Court published Advocate General Maciej Szpunar's opinion on the matter. Such opinions are not legally binding but in most cases the EU Court of Justice adopts the Advocate General's recommendations in its final decision. In this case, Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz and DDB appear to have the law on their side although the final decision will be for the German court to decide.

'Framing' Does Not Require Copyright Holders' Permission

"[E]mbedding in a webpage of works from other websites (where those works are made freely available to the public with the authorization of the copyright holder) by means of clickable links using the framing technique does not require the copyright holder's authorization, since he or she is deemed to have given it when the work was initially made available," the Court's summary of the advice reads.

Interestingly, the opinion goes further still to address DDB's assertion that it should not have to implement technical measures to prevent framing by third-parties. The Advocate General says that even when technical measures are deployed to prevent framing, the same still applies.

"Such measures restrict neither access to a work nor even a means of accessing it, but only a manner of displaying it on a screen. In those circumstances, there can be no question of a new public, because the public is always the same: the public of the website targeted by the link," the opinion adds.

'Automatic Inline Linking' is a Different Matter

A simple example of 'inline linking' can be found when a copyrighted image is published on one site then a second site publishes that image by directly linking to the original source URL.

In a news article, for example, a picture posted by the New York Times at can be reproduced on a third-party site using that same URL, displaying it automatically and making it appear that the content is actually hosted on the second site, with appropriate permission. According to the opinion, this is not acceptable.

"[T]he embedding of such works by means of automatic links (inline linking, the works being displayed automatically on the webpage viewed as soon as it is opened, without any further action on the part of the user), normally used to embed graphics and audiovisual files, requires, according to the Advocate General, the authorization of the holder of the rights in the works," the EU Court writes.

"Where those automatic links lead to works protected by copyright, there is, from both a technical and a functional point of view, an act of communication of those works to a public which was not taken into account by the copyright holder when the works were initially made available, namely the public of a website other than that on which that initial making available of the works took place."

A key difference between inline linking and framing, the opinion notes, is that the user cannot determine where an image has come from since there is no visible link to the original publishing site. As a result, it "cannot be presumed" that the copyright holder took these secondary users into account when authorizing the original platform to publish the work.

While 'inline linking' is therefore generally disallowed, exceptions can exist, such as when works are used for the purposes of "quotation, caricature, parody or pastiche".

Circumvention of Technical Measures

Circumvention of technical measures to protect copyright works is usually a breach of copyright but the circumvention rules only apply in matters where the rightsholders' permission is required. The Advocate General says that since permission isn't required to 'frame' content, the circumvention rules do not come into play here.

"Since framing does not require such authorization, technological protection measures against framing are not therefore eligible for the legal protection provided for by the directive. By contrast, since inline linking requires the authorization of the copyright holder, technological protection measures against inline linking are eligible for that legal protection," the opinion concludes.

Previous Ruling on Embedding

In 2014, the EU Court of Justice ruled that embedding a file or video in a webpage in a frame is not a breach of copyright, as long as the content isn't altered or communicated to a 'new public'.

In that case, the original content had been uploaded to YouTube without the creator's permission and embedded in a second site. However, that initial infringement wasn't carried through to the second site as the content was presented in a frame and wasn't considered a new communication to the public.

The full opinion, which is now part of the EU judge's deliberations, is available here. Judgment will be handed down in due course.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Mulan is the Most Torrented Movie of The Week – 09/14/20
Ernesto Van der Sar, 14 Sep 09:14 AM

mulanThe data for our weekly download chart is estimated by TorrentFreak, and is for informational and educational reference only.

These torrent download statistics are meant to provide further insight into the piracy trends. All data are gathered from public resources.

This week we have two new entries in the list. Disney's action drama "Mulan" crushed all competition and is the most downloaded title this week, by far. At the time of writing, tens of thousands of people are actively sharing the film, which is a rare sight.

The film eventually came out on Disney+ two weeks ago after the box office release was delayed several times due to the COVOD-19 pandemic.

The most torrented movies for the week ending on September 14 are:

Movie Rank Rank last week Movie name IMDb Rating / Trailer
Most downloaded movies via torrent sites
1 (1) Mulan 5.7 / trailer
2 (2) Bill & Ted Face the Music 6.5 / trailer
3 (5) Ava 5.4 / trailer
4 (4) Tenet 7.9 / trailer
5 (3) Project Power 6.1 / trailer
6 (8) Peninsula 5.6 / trailer
7 (…) Pets United 3.6 / trailer
8 (6) The Owners 4.6 / trailer
9 (10) Greyhound 7.1 / trailer
10 (…) The Social Dilemma 8.1 / trailer

Note: We also publish an updating archive of all the list of weekly most torrented movies lists.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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