Monday, July 27, 2020

TorrentFreak's Latest News


Another ISP Sues Record Labels Over False and Deceptive Piracy Notices
Ernesto Van der Sar, 27 Jul 09:48 PM

pirate flagUnder US copyright law, Internet providers must terminate the accounts of repeat infringers "in appropriate circumstances."

In the past such drastic action was rare, but with the backing of legal pressure, ISPs are increasingly being held to this standard.

Several major music industry companies including Artista Records, Sony Music Entertainment, Universal Music, and Warner Records, have filed lawsuits against some of the largest U.S. Internet providers. This also includes Bright House, which is now owned by Charter.

Through this lawsuit, the music companies hope to win hundreds of millions of dollars in damages. While that may sound high, last year a federal jury handed down a billion-dollar award in a lawsuit against Cox Communications.

Bright House hopes to avoid this fate and a few days ago it struck back with some claims of its own. The ISP has submitted two counterclaims, suing the music companies for sending inaccurate DMCA takedown notices that targeted the music files they didn't own.

This is not the first time such an allegation has been made. The music-hosting platform Spinrilla has made similar allegations and Charter has also sued the music companies over similar claims earlier this year.

In the Bright House case, the 'inaccuracy' issue was brought to the fore when the music companies submitted their amended complaint earlier this year. That suddenly removed hundreds of works from the case.

"On February 15, 2020, Plaintiffs amended the list of works in suit, removing over 280 works from this case," Bright House notes, adding that the music publishers used the RIAA to send notices for these files anyway.

"Upon information and belief, the Record Company Plaintiffs did not own the Dropped Works when they sent notices for them," the ISP adds.

Aside from sending notices for titles they didn't own or control, Bright House also highlights that anti-piracy notices, in general, are not always accurate. The ISP highlights several reports and studies to back this up this unreliability claim, including a TorrentFreak article.

"Multiple news stories, including stories from the time period covered by Plaintiffs copyright infringement allegations, reported errors in notices sent by MarkMonitor to online service providers," Bright House informs the court, citing several articles.

bright house citing TF

The accusations ultimately lead to two separate claims. First, Bright House accuses the music companies of violating the DMCA by knowingly sending inaccurate piracy notices.

"The Record Company Plaintiffs knew or should have known, or acted with reckless indifference in failing to acquire knowledge, that the notices contained inaccurate information before they were sent," Bright House writes.

"For example, the Record Company Plaintiffs knew or should have known, or acted with reckless indifference in failing to acquire knowledge, that they did not own or control certain of the works identified in notices sent to Bright House before they were sent."

In addition, the ISP also accuses the music companies of violating Florida's Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act.

Specifically, Bright House accuses them of "knowingly or recklessly sending […]false, deceptive, and misleading copyright infringement notices" for works they didn't own the rights to.

"Plaintiffs' acts and practices offend established public policy, and are immoral, unethical, oppressive, unscrupulous or substantially injurious to consumers, and are misleading or likely to mislead consumers who were acting reasonably in the circumstances, to the consumers' detriment."

These accusations are similar to the ones Charter lodged against the same companies in a different lawsuit. The ISP argues that these misleading and deceptive notices hurt the ISP as well as their customers.

For example, Bright House incurred costs by processing and forwarding the piracy notices. In addition, the false notices created tension between the ISP and its customers, which also impacted the company's goodwill and reputation.

Bright House subscribers, for their part, were also impacted by the inaccurate notices. They were falsely led to believe that they had violated the law and were coerced to comply with baseless threats, the ISP says.

These are strong accusations, to say the least. Both the record label and ISPs are now using the DMCA against each other. Which of these claims will hold up is for the court, or an eventual jury, to decide.

A copy of Bright House's answer to the amended complaint, including its counterclaims, is available here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

YouTube Sued By Frustrated User Over Alleged DMCA Failures
Andy Maxwell, 27 Jul 02:07 PM

YouTube SadFueled by the massive resources of Google, YouTube is now considered one of the most important sites on the Internet.

Every month two billion users log into the platform and according to the latest statistics, people watch more than a billion hours of video every day. This wouldn't be possible without creators uploading their content to YouTube, with many doing so in the hope of gaining exposure and/or a share of the financial spoils.

However, despite increasing numbers of channels earning five and six-figure payouts, the road is not always smooth for smaller contributors. In particular, many feel they are overlooked or mistreated when it comes to copyright claims that target their content and leave their accounts in poor standing.

One such user is LaTonya R. Finley of Oakland, California. Finley ran out of patience with YouTube recently and responded with a lawsuit demanding compensation and an injunction against the company for alleged failures under the DMCA.

Filed in California district court last week, the lawsuit is being allowed to progress in forma pauperis ("in the manner of a pauper"), meaning that since the plaintiff has limited financial means, she is excused from paying filing fees and court costs. After even a cursory view of the case, that is probably a good thing for the plaintiff.

Alleged False Copyright Claim, YouTube Refuses to Process Counter

According to the complaint, around May 4, 2020, Finley received a notification from YouTube indicating that a company called 'Pixel World Roleplay LTD' had submitted a copyright complaint against her channel and as a result, it had received a copyright strike from YouTube.

Finley claims that YouTube provided no contact information enabling her to reach the copyright holder and she wasn't told which content she'd allegedly infringed. Then, when she tried to file a counternotice under the DMCA, YouTube informed her that it hadn't "been able to process her counter notification given the information she had provided.

Aside from the bare claims, the lawsuit provides no evidence indicating the validity (or otherwise) of the original claim nor any details of Finley's response. However, the complaint goes on to criticize YouTube for only providing limited means to contest a copyright claim and to be frank, only goes downhill from there.

Plaintiff Alleges That YouTube Has No DMCA Agent

"Defendants have repeatedly violated the DMCA requirements for copyright takedown, by failing to provide the registered agent information, such as: full name, phone number, and email as required by the DMCA. This lawsuit seeks to hold YouTube accountable for the misconduct, negligent [sic] and for the damage YouTube has caused the creator," it reads.

Finley seems to be working on the assumption that YouTube doesn't provide this information when in fact it does. The site also has a designated DMCA agent, as reported in the Designated DMCA Agent Directory.

Alleged Lack of DMCA Agent Denied Plaintiff Counternotice Rights

The lawsuit states that a platform like YouTube can lose its "safe harbor' protections if it doesn't have a DMCA agent. While that may be true, the complaint seems to present a situation where YouTube's agent exists to assist with the contesting of copyright claims. Since YouTube does not have an agent for Finley to contact (at least according to the lawsuit), she has been denied her right to file a counternotice, the complaint insists.

Finley complaint

The lawsuit presses ahead on this basis, claiming that YouTube punishes creators by not protecting them from abusive copyright holders while withholding information that would allow YouTube users to identify abusive notice senders and take appropriate legal action.

"YouTube as the service provider has an obligation that the plaintiff has the necessary information to file its complaint before the on any false information that has been submitted that has injury to the plaintiff [sic]," it adds.

The lawsuit ends with a series of demands, including compensatory damages in an amount to be decided at trial for YouTube's alleged breaches of the DMCA, plus costs and attorneys' fees. It also demands a preliminary injunction preventing YouTube from allowing Pixel World LTD to file any more false notices against Finley and "to continue to allow a strike against plaintiff's channel.."

The Complaint Probably Isn't Going Anywhere

Aside from the fact that YouTube does provide contact details for copyright issues and does have a registered DMCA agent, the complaint seems to be based on the assumption that YouTube is legally obliged to process counternotices under the DMCA. An earlier case indicates that no such requirement exists.

Last year, YouTuber DJ Short-E sued YouTube for not processing copyright claims properly, something which resulted in his channel getting shut down and a significant loss of revenue.

The YouTuber demanded $720,000 in compensation for lost income, among other things, and asked the court to prevent YouTube from ever banning him again. He argued that YouTube had failed to live up to its duties by failing to process his DMCA counternotices. Unfortunately, these requests were all denied by the court.

In its defense, YouTube argued that its Terms of Service allows the company to remove any content "without prior notice" and "in its sole discretion." This includes not restoring content following a copyright claim, even when the claim is challenged.

"[O]nce a user submitted a counter-notice, the agreement reserved to YouTube's sole discretion the decision to take any further action, including whether to restore the videos or even to send the counternotice to the purported copyright owner," the judge in the case wrote.

"Thus, YouTube did not agree to act as a neutral processor of notices and counter-notices. YouTube retained control to evaluate counter-notices and infringement on its own," he added, dismissing the complaint.

Due to the challenges faced by the United States due to the coronavirus pandemic, the case will not proceed until a later date. Nevertheless, it will be heard, hopefully not causing the plaintiff to incur too many costs when it does.

The Finley v. YouTube, LLC complaint can be found here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Top 10 Most Torrented Movies of The Week – 07/27/20
Ernesto Van der Sar, 27 Jul 09:14 AM

The data for our weekly download chart is estimated by TorrentFreak, and is for informational and educational reference only.

These torrent download statistics are meant to provide further insight into the piracy trends. All data are gathered from public resources.

This week we have three new entries in the list. The American war movie Greyhound is the most downloaded title this week. The film, starring Tom Hanks, was released on Apple TV+ July 10th.

The most torrented movies for the week ending on July 27 are:

Movie Rank Rank last week Movie name IMDb Rating / Trailer
Most downloaded movies via torrent sites
1 (1) Greyhound 7.1 / trailer
2 (2) The Old Guard 6.7 / trailer
3 (5) The Silencing 6.2 / trailer
4 (…) The Kissing Booth 2 6.1 / trailer
5 (3) Palm Springs 7.6 / trailer
6 (…) The Rental 5.8 / trailer
7 (…) Coma 6.4 / trailer
8 (7) The Outpost 6.6 / trailer
9 (4) Hamilton 9.1 / trailer
10 (8) Scoob! 5.7 / trailer

Note: We also publish an updating archive of all the list of weekly most torrented movies lists.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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