Friday, July 17, 2020

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Crunchyroll Downloader Tool Nuked Following Copyright Complaint
Andy Maxwell, 17 Jul 09:21 PM

downloadOwned by WarnerMedia, Crunchyroll is one of the most recognized platforms for anime content distribution.

In addition to a free albeit limited service, Crunchyroll offers two premium packages that allow uses to stream anime in 720p and 1080p to a range of devices including Apple TV, XBox, Playstation, iOS, Android, and Roku.

However, some users prefer to augment their streaming experience with a level of permanence by downloading content to their own machines for offline playback.

In common with YouTube, this activity isn't endorsed by Crunchyroll but it's still popular with some users, who use a range of third-party tools to rip content in various formats. Crunchyroll itself isn't notable for taking action against ripping but content providers are less keen, as a complaint filed with Github this week reveals.

DMCA Complaint Filed Against Github By MX International

The complaint was filed by anti-piracy company IP Arrow on behalf of MX International. The copy published by Github begins slightly confusingly, noting that MX International has not granted permission "for their copyright to be uploaded to [Github's] service". This doesn't make sense as written and even when interpreted doesn't apply since none of MX International's content has been uploaded to Github.

Nevertheless, the notice goes on to state that MX International's content can be viewed on the Crunchyroll service and no one has the right to download it.

"The sources listed below infringe our clients copyright by allowing the illegal downloading of ALL of their content using the apps in the listed sources. The apps allow users to download any and all of our clients content. Using the sources below allow for the downloading of Naruto, One Piece, Black Clover and every other anime our client offers [sic]," it reads.

Any evidence of that actually happening on those titles is absent from the notice.

The Crunchyroll Downloader

Crunchyroll Downloader appears to have made its debut in late 2019 and has since been updated several times to the latest version v1.2.2. It was created by Tim Schneeberger (aka ThePBone), a German student who focuses on building open source desktop and mobile applications.

"I wanted to create an app that was able to 'simulate' the official client as good as possible, in order to provide a safe method to download content directly from Crunchyroll at high speeds, rather than relying on reuploads on piracy sites or torrents," he informs TF.

"My app was able to search through the complete database without copy-and-pasting a URL even once. I actually started this project in the first place to reverse-engineer an undocumented web API for fun, but it was a perfect opportunity to create something more useful, so I decided to focus on this app instead."

According to its documentation, the tool is able to download full MP4 videos and M3U HLS streaming playlists, unlock region-blocked content via a built-in proxy, while filtering episodes by series and collections/seasons. Importantly, it is also capable of downloading from Crunchyroll without users having an account, including 1080p content which is normally reserved for premium-only subscribers.

The software is liked by many Crunchyroll users but also comes with a warning that it should not be used "to download any copyrighted content unless [the user has] obtained permission from the copyright holder." It's doubtful that many (if any) users followed that advice.

Demands in the Complaint

Predictably, the complaint demands that the repository for Crunchyroll Downloader and several other forks should be deleted. However, it goes further still by demanding that action should be taken against 'ThePBone'.

"Disable access to the individual who has engaged in the conduct described above; and
terminate any and all accounts that this individual has through you if they fall under repeat infringer," it reads.

Crunchyroll Downloader Complaint

As far as we can see, the latter pair of demands have not been carried out by Github but the complaint itself, despite being processed by the Microsoft-owned platform, is a little unorthodox in its presentation.

DMCA Anti-Circumvention Provisions?

The complaint itself doesn't reference the DMCA at all (apart from being addressed to Github's DMCA agent) and as far as we can see doesn't list any copyrighted works being infringed on Github itself, because none are, of course.

What it appears to have relied upon, therefore, is that Github would do the necessary calculations to determine whether Crunchyroll Downloader somehow falls foul of the anti-circumvention provisions of the DMCA. While that is probably the case, no such claim is mentioned in the complaint.

Indeed, the notification sent to 'ThePBone' by Github indicates that the notice can be appealed, which isn't usually the case with anti-circumvention notices since there is no formal counternotice process.

Project Deleted Anyway

Despite the notice being delivered with pretty broad strokes, Github has deleted the original project plus eight forks, meaning that at least from Github, the downloading tool is no longer available. 'ThePBone' doesn't have any problem with that and fully understands why the notice was sent.

The developer says he has no intention of contesting the Github notice so the software won't be available from that location in the future. However, a cursory search reveals that the tool is still available in plenty of other places, so the whac-a-mole will probably continue.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more. Domain Takedown Was Ordered from Brussels, Registry Confirms
Ernesto Van der Sar, 17 Jul 11:30 AM

torrentz2When one of the most visited torrent sites loses a domain name, people take notice.

This is exactly what happened last month when the European Registry of Internet Domain Names (EURid) suspended

The torrent search engine has used the domain for nearly four years but that run came to an abrupt end. According to an email EURid sent to Torrentz2, the domain registry acted on a public prosecutor's order.

The Order Came from Brussels

The exact office or even a country was missing from this email, nor was there a copy of the order enclosed. When we contacted EURid for further information, the organization said that it never comments on court orders or prosecutor actions. However, it did clarify that the request came from Brussels.

"For this case, we acted upon the explicit order of the Belgian Public Prosecutor to whom you may request a copy of the order," EURid informed TorrentFreak.

The involvement from Brussels doesn't come as a complete surprise. We already hinted at this possibility in our previous coverage, because EURid flagged other torrent sites four years ago following a request from the same prosecutor's office. At the time, the domains were not suspended, however.

Rabbit Hunting in Brussels

Hoping to find out more, we contacted the Brussels Prosecutor's Office repeatedly, requesting a copy of the order. Unfortunately, the office didn't share a copy, pointing us to a court order from the Commercial Tribunal in 2018 instead.

When we contacted the Dutch Commercial Tribunal in Brussels, we were referred to the French Commercial Tribunal in the same city. However, our request for paperwork was rejected again.

Instead, we obtained the name of the lawyer that acted on behalf of the claimant in this case. When we specifically asked for the claimant's name, the court again urged us to contact the lawyer, who works at the firm HOYNG ROKH MONEGIER.

We reached out to the attorney and the press contacts of the Brussels-based law firm but no response was received, ending the official trail. However, there are enough pieces of the puzzle to make an informed guess who the complaining party is.

Motion Picture Association?

Generally speaking, a prosecutor would act upon a complaint from a copyright holder group. The Motion Picture Association (MPA), for example, which has its local headquarters in Brussels.

The same MPA is also working with the earlier mentioned law firm HOYNG ROKH MONEGIER on other piracy cases, which makes that guess even more likely.

TorrentFreak contacted the MPA and asked the organization to confirm or deny its potential involvement but this request remains unanswered too.

It would be in the public interest to know on what grounds this order was made and which rightsholders are connected to it. However, it appears that the trail runs dead here.

For Torrentz2 the final details won't change much. The site continues to be available from its backup domain In addition, the site has updated its homepage to remove the link, while adding other backups with and

New Torrentz2 domains

torrentz2 new domains

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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