Sunday, July 12, 2020

TorrentFreak's Latest News


Trump's Meme Post Survives on Facebook Despite New York Times Complaint
Ernesto Van der Sar, 12 Jul 10:34 PM

fair use trumpA few days ago, the mainstream media jumped all over the news that the New York Times had removed a Trump 'meme', posted by President Trump, on Twitter.

The NYT owns the right to the underlying photo that was taken by photographer Damon Winter and used in a 2015 feature on the President.

While the newspaper admitted that there are fair-use considerations with these type of memes, it saw Trump's post as copyright infringement and submitted a DMCA takedown notice to which Twitter swiftly complied.

Fair Use?

In a fast-paced news cycle, this story is pretty old by now. However, the claim lodged against President Trump is unique enough to warrant a follow-up. Especially because the meme in question was, and still is, being widely used by others.

When we reached out to the NYT wast week the paper informed us that it would investigate other uses of the same meme – which run to the many thousands – to see of these qualify as fair use or not.

"We are looking at the other social media accounts that are using it to determine whether they, too, are in violation of copyright laws. That requires a case-by-case fair use analysis, which is ongoing," NYT spokesperson Eileen Murphy tells TorrentFreak.

While we don't know the outcome of this investigation, a search on Lumen's takedown notice repository reveals that Trump's tweet remains the only image targeted. As such, it looks like the President's post was specifically targeted.

This may not come as a surprise, considering the tension between some mainstream media outlets and President Trump. However, these tensions generally don't involve copyright claims.

Earlier this week we asked NYT whether it has reached a decision in the fair use analyses of other users who posted the same image. The newspaper didn't answer directly but says that it intends to act if action is "justified".

"In each instance, we are required to make an individual assessment of the usage. When we think some sort of action is justified, we intend to act," a NYT spokesperson tells us.

Facebook Hasn't Taken the Meme Down

Thus far, the newspaper hasn't sent any new takedown requests to Twitter. However, it did confirm that a takedown notice was sent also to Facebook, where President Trump posted the same meme. Interestingly, this post is still online today.

Trump's Facbook Post

trump facebook

Following up on this, we reached out to Facebook to ask if the platform sees this post as fair use, which it could be, but the company didn't respond. For now, the Facebook post survives.

One has to wonder whether the NYT's approach is this situation was smart if their intention was to prevent copyright infringement.

By issuing the takedown request the newspaper elevated the tweet to world news. This triggered many others to repost the meme, which amplified the (possibly fair use) 'infringements' in what can be considered an exemplary case of the Streisand Effect.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

ISP Cox Hands Six Month Internet Ban to Alleged Repeat Infringer
Andy Maxwell, 12 Jul 01:03 PM

Pirate KeyIn 2019, ISP Cox Communications was hit with an unprecedented $1 billion verdict after a jury found it liable for infringements carried out by its customers.

More than 50 music companies including Capitol Records, Warner Bros, and Sony Music, successfully argued that Cox failed to terminate repeat copyright infringers and profited from their piracy. The ISP was found to be both contributorily and vicariously liable and ordered to pay $99,830 for each of 10,017 copyrighted works.

Cox is still fighting that decision (1,2) but questions remain over its repeat infringer policy and precisely what type of behavior might trigger it.

Last year, TorrentFreak wrote to all major ISPs in the United States, Cox included, asking them to provide precise details of their repeat infringer policies. None replied, which given the high-stakes probably shouldn't come as a surprise.

Recently, however, we were able to find a Cox customer who told us about his experiences with the company which suggest that higher numbers of complaints can result in tough measures.

How Cox Handled Allegations of Copyright Infringement

"I had a lot of copyright notices through the past couple of years and [Cox] do warn that you will be disconnected if they continue to receive copyright notices. But they're vague on if and when that disconnection would happen," he explained.

"Every time there's a copyright claim they shut your internet off and you have to call to know why and they'll warn you and turn you back on. You can check your account if you have alternate internet access and see what the copyright claim is specifically. Sometimes the only way to know is to call and ask."

Fast forward to this month and matters quickly escalated. The customer informs TF that Cox has a panel where details of copyright infringement claims can be viewed. For privacy reasons the image below is cropped and redacted but it originally showed the content supposedly infringed, the complainant, the type of service allegedly used to infringe (in this case BitTorrent), and other information such as times and dates.

Cox Panel

This time around, however, something was different. Our source says that the above violations screen which detailed the five most recent infringements had been reset to zero. As it turned out, that wasn't accompanied by further good news.

Too Many Allegations of Infringement – Internet Access Terminated

"A few days ago I checked my account. The violations were gone from the screen where they usually keep score. And there was a message saying my service has been terminated," he revealed.

"My internet was still working fine though. I thought maybe they're doing what I heard about in the old days where they just start you over. Nope. On [date redacted] it just shut down in the middle of a long message I was typing. Called them and they said I was terminated for six months. Didn't have a concrete specific notice or heads up."

As the image below shows, the customer's information screen at Cox shows the termination clearly but adds that "any additional service products are still active and accessible. This indicates that rather than terminate all of its business dealings with a customer, the company is happy to retain them for other business.

Cox Termination

In a communication sent to our source titled "Notice of AUP Violation", Cox says that while it does not "monitor nor control" the information transmitted by customers, it does take action based on allegations from third-parties.

Termination Parameters – Around Six Allegations, Maybe More

"We have a policy, however, consistent with the Digital Millenium Copyright Act, to take steps when we receive communications of claimed infringement. We also have a policy of terminating repeat infringers in compliance with Digital Millenium Copyright Act Safe Harbor for online service providers," it reads.

The specifics of that policy remain unclear. Cox refuses to say how many complaints trigger a termination, or over what period of time. Their terminated customer, however, has some thoughts on what the threshold might be.

"Upon termination, the Cox rep said there were a total of nine violations. Some were rapid-fire (two at a time) and the latest as recent as [the day before the disconnection] but Cox wasn't notified of it until [the morning after] which automatically shut the internet off to where I have to call to find out what happened," he explained.

"So it likely made it to six violations, was prepared for termination, with another violation appearing again before actually being terminated. There were at least a couple of earlier violations that disappeared from the list from long ago but the Cox rep did have them ultimately listed, reading them to me. I remember them all."

We've been asked not to identify the specific content allegedly infringed but we can confirm that the notice senders were Paramount, Viacom, and NBCUniversal. Perhaps surprisingly to those who believe that older content isn't monitored so intensively, the movies in question spanned from the 1980s to the early 2000s.

The Fallout

According to our source, there aren't too many options where he lives to replace Cox, which causes problems.

"I don't have any blame for Cox in all this. Their hands are tied. The only blame are their high prices and monopoly on the service in certain areas, making them the only close to reliable internet service around in town," he said.

"For the next six months, smartphone internet will be the only internet anyone will be using here. The bright side is that I will be saving over $800 which otherwise would have gone to Cox.

"It's just wrong that internet service providers have to follow the orders of a third party via CLAIMS of infringement," he continued.

"One cannot control what everyone does on the internet in one household or business. To deny internet service when they're the only choice around is wrong."

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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