Wednesday, August 3, 2022

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Free F1 Streaming Sites Latest Targets in French Piracy Blocking Campaign
Andy Maxwell, 03 Aug 12:44 PM

canal+ logoFaced with the impossibility of filing lawsuits against every single site offering content without a license, rightsholders all over the world are now fully invested in site blocking.

Whether the process begins with a court injunction or utilizes an administrative framework (or both), rightsholders are causing hundreds of sites and associated domains to be blocked by ISPs every month. Those seeking a clear and panoramic view of the scale of site blocking measures will find an opaque system, one that seems designed to limit how much information is made available to the public.

That being said, actions that begin in court can shine some light on who is obtaining blocking orders. In France, premium TV company Canal+ has reentered the fray with what appears to be the first injunction designed to reduce piracy of Formula 1.

High Court in Paris Says 'Oui'

New legislation in France allows rightsholders to enter an accelerated legal process that authorizes "proportionate measures" to prevent online infringement. In January, sports broadcaster beIN became the first company to obtain a blocking order protecting football rights.

Ongoing blocking now supports beIN, football league UEFA, and local broadcaster Canal+, with the latter now expanding its campaign to underpin the company's new contract with Formula 1.

Lequipe reports that the Tribunal Judiciaire de Paris has granted a Canal+ application to render inaccessible 39 pirate sites offering unlicensed Formula 1 streams. The order covers four major French ISPs – Bouygues, Orange, Free, and SFR.

The order won by Canal+ is 'dynamic', meaning that when pirates take countermeasures with new domains, mirror sites or proxies, the Arcom regulator has the power to add new domains to the list and compel the ISPs to block them. In a sign of how quickly these updates can take place, the original order to block 39 domains has already expanded to 59 domains and probably won't stop there.

Local reports indicate that the ISP blocks are DNS-based, meaning that internet users who switch to third-party DNS providers (such as Google or Cloudflare) are unaffected by the blockades. Whether the authorities will seek to close this loophole remains to be seen but at least for now, blocking is moving full steam ahead in France.

Hundreds of Domains Blocked Since January

During a press conference in April, Arcom announced that since its inception in January, 250 sports piracy sites had been blocked, together representing more than 60% of the country's 'pirate' sports audience. By mid-May, the number of pirate sites blocked had swelled to around 400, a figure that includes sites blocked by court order and any additional sites reappearing to circumvent blocking.

Arcom says that at least 1,200 additional pirate sites have also been blocked by French ISPs resulting in dramatic falls in piracy, including a reported 77% decline in piracy of the Champions League competition.

Whether any of this activity will translate to consumers spending more on legitimate services remains to be seen but that's unlikely to be a prominent feature in anti-piracy reports, at least on the same slides. Graphs tend to show how effective blocking is at preventing users from visiting blocked domains, not how effective they are at converting former pirates to paying customers.

In that respect, France also has additional problems of its own making that seem to fuel piracy, rather than discourage it.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Major Record Labels and ISP Settle Piracy Lawsuit One Day Before Trial
Ernesto Van der Sar, 02 Aug 08:38 PM

cassette tape pirate musicThree years ago, several of the world's largest music companies including Warner Bros and Sony Music sued Internet Provider Bright House Networks

With backing from the RIAA, the record labels accused the provider of not doing enough to stop pirating subscribers. Specifically, they alleged that the ISP failed to terminate repeat infringers.

Ever since the complaint was filed the parties have gone back and forth in court with various arguments and accusations. Just recently both sides requested summary judgments, hoping to start the trial with an advantage. These efforts failed and the case moved forward.

This week, the trial was scheduled to start in a Florida federal court. Both parties submitted their schedules and the jurors were getting ready to take their seats on the bench for up to fifteen days.

Surprise Agreement

The proceedings were initially planned to start on Monday but due to one of the plaintiffs' attorneys testing positive for COVID-19, events were postponed until tomorrow. However, a surprise update today reveals that the entire trial has been canceled after the parties resolved their differences at the last minute.

"Pursuant to Local Civil Rule 3.09, the Parties hereby notify the Court that they have resolved the above-captioned action," the parties just informed the court.

case closed

Neither side has made any public statements yet but this likely means that the music companies and Bright House reached a settlement behind closed doors. Details are not mentioned but, with hundreds of millions of dollars in potential damages, it wouldn't be a surprise to learn that the settlement contains a financial element.

In a similar trial a few years ago, a Virginia jury ruled in favor of the music companies. This was a costly verdict, requiring Internet provider Cox Communications to pay a billion dollars in damages for its failure to terminate repeat copyright infringers.

Case Closed?

Shortly after both parties informed the court, US District Court Judge Mary Scriven dismissed the case with prejudice. This means that the lawsuit cannot be revived again in the future. Needless to say, all pending motions, hearings, and the trial itself are canceled too.

TorrentFreak reached out to the RIAA and the ISP to request more details on the nature of their agreement but we received no immediate responses. If we receive any additional information we will update this article accordingly.

While Bright House has resolved this matter, its parent company Charter Communications is still facing similar repeat infringer claims. Two separate lawsuits, filed by many of the same music companies, accuse the telecoms giant of turning a blind eye to pirating subscribers.

Update: An RIAA spokesperson informed us that it's unable to comment on this particular matter.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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