Friday, August 26, 2022

TorrentFreak's Latest News


Metadata Ruling Gives YouTube a Timely Boost in Content ID Lawsuit
Andy Maxwell, 26 Aug 12:33 PM

dataMany digital file formats allow creators to embed additional data to provide details of ownership or any other relevant information.

This metadata might include the name of the person who created the file but it can be much more comprehensive. Photographs may carry metadata identifying the exact location where they were taken, while MP3 files could include the title, artist, album, track number, and BPM, to name just a few possibilities.

This metadata can be useful to copyright holders, from conveying something as simple as their name and website address to management and monitoring functions. The problem is that metadata can be removed, so once third parties have access to a file, all bets are off.

The DMCA recognizes metadata (and other related marks) as Copyright Management Information (CMI) when "conveyed in connection with" a creative work. 17 U.S. Code § 1202 prohibits the intentional removal of CMI without obtaining permission from the copyright owner, when it is known that will "induce, enable, facilitate, or conceal an infringement."

CMI Claims Against YouTube

A class action lawsuit filed by musician Maria Schneider against YouTube contains many copyright infringement allegations, including claims relating to CMI. While YouTube denies them all, at some point the CMI matter will need to be addressed.

In a 2017 blog post, Schneider described YouTube as a Wood Chipper on Steroids, complaining that when MP3s are uploaded to YouTube, they are converted into a different format and in the process, all metadata – Copyright Management Information – is lost.

"To strip CMI metadata 'knowingly,' or to distribute such works knowing CMI has been stripped, is potentially criminal under the law," Schneider wrote.

"But until there is an actual court case on this issue, YouTube will continue to strip away metadata from literally billions of files, like a power chipper on steroids."

Schneider ultimately took YouTube to court over its removal of CMI, but other cases dealing with similar issues were concluded first. One is of particular interest.

Photographer's CMI Erased

Victor Elias specializes in hotel and resort photography. Between 2013 and 2017, Elias took photographs of hotels and licensed their owning companies to use them in promotional activities. All of the photographs contained embedded metadata, i.e Copyright Management Information.

The owners of the hotels later made the licensed images available to another company, Ice Portal, to facilitate their appearance on travel agents' websites for promotional purposes. As part of that process, the original images were downloaded from the hotels' servers and converted to a faster-loading format used by the travel agents.

The conversion from one format to another meant that metadata was sometimes lost. This meant that images on the travel agents' websites didn't always contain CMI as Elias intended. Copies of his images also appeared on other websites, again without the metadata.

Copyright Lawsuit, Violations of DMCA

In 2019, Elias sued Ice Portal (owned by Shiji Group) in a Florida district court for violations of the DMCA under 17 U.S. Code § 1202(a) and (b).

Ice Portal/Shiji's motion for summary judgment was successful. Elias failed to show that Shiji knew, or should have reasonably known, that its actions (removal of CMI) would "induce, enable, facilitate, or conceal a copyright infringement."

The US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit agreed, noting that liability under the DMCA is reliant on two factors – that the defendant knew that CMI had been removed and also knew that the removal would either cause or conceal an instance of future infringement.

"The court explained that the statute's plain language requires some identifiable connection between the defendant's actions and the infringement or the likelihood of infringement," Stanford Libraries explains.

"To hold otherwise would create a standard under which the defendant would always know that its actions would 'induce, enable, facilitate, or conceal' infringement because distributing protected images wrongly cleansed of CMI would always make infringement easier in some general sense."

Implications Moving Forward

A Bloomberg Law report says the Eleventh Circuit adopted a "heightened standard" towards CMI, with Trace Jackson, an intellectual property attorney at Rogers Towers, offering his understanding of what that means.

"It has to be the case that the person stripping the photograph of the CMI knows of some specific infringement that will or may occur because of that," the attorney told Bloomberg Law.

Jackson believes the nature of the platform where the content was published could also provide guidance. Removing a photo's CMI and putting it on a travel agent's website would be different from placing it on "some website labeled 'free public domain pictures here,' where you're kind of asking for infringement."

Jackson also believes that to protect artists' interests, future licensing agreements should carry clear language that prohibits the removal of CMI.

Copyright Management Information is protected under the DMCA for a reason but Schneider's claims against YouTube won't have been helped by the Eleventh Circuit's affirmation of the lower court's ruling in the Elias matter.

The Eleventh Circuit opinion can be found here (pdf)


In Maria Schneider's CMI article she talks about the moral rights of artists, including the right to attribution and the right of integrity. Few people would argue against these fundamentals and their importance to an artist's identity. But artists have another basic right – the freedom to choose who to do business with. When business partners refuse to meet problems half way, another business partner might be a better option.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

'Pirate' App Developer Uses DMCA to Remove 'Stolen' Copy from GitHub
Ernesto Van der Sar, 25 Aug 08:40 PM

GitHub is no stranger to copyright complaints. Last year, the developer platform removed nearly 20,000 projects in response to DMCA takedown notices.

These takedowns can target all sorts of content. Major media companies often complain about software that allows people to access pirated content, for example. However, there are also instances where developers see copies of their own content elsewhere on Github, placed there by others without permission.

A DMCA takedown notice sent to Github this week appears to fall into the latter category but also comes with an unusual piracy angle.

Movies and Series Scraper

The dispute revolves around "Movies and Series Scraper," a basic app that allows users to stream or download films and TV shows with minimal effort. According to the project description, it's even possible to download an entire TV series.

"A console application to scrape a valid watching links for any movie or series with exact season and episode number, you can also download a whole season with one click," the Egyptian dev writes.

While many people will appreciate this kind of tool, the creators of the movies and series are unlikely to be happy with it. The GitHub repo shows how content such as "Game of Thrones" can be downloaded from pirate sources, making it especially problematic.

The App in Action (image:via)

got watch

The software's creator may or may not be aware of these sensitivities. What's clear, however, is that he understands the concept of copyright infringement.

Stolen Code

In a DMCA takedown notice sent to GitHub this week, the developer of "Movies and Series Scraper" complains that someone has 'stolen' his code and is passing it off as their own.

"Someone stole a repo that was [private] and published it with his name as the author," the notice reads, adding that "each line of code is copied" while requesting the reported content to be removed.

The takedown notice also claims that the copied repository circumvents technical protection measures, which would be an additional violation of the DMCA.

GitHub Complies

After reviewing the request GitHub concluded that the 'circumvention' claims don't hold ground. However, the copyright infringement allegations are valid and warrant the removal of the copied repository.

"While GitHub did not find sufficient information to determine a valid anti-circumvention claim, we determined that this takedown notice contains other valid copyright claim," the platform writes.

Indeed, the 'stolen' repository has now been removed from GitHub. This shows that the DMCA takedown process works as intended but the same process could also be used against the "Movies and Series Scraper" as well.

TorrentFreak reached out to the developer who defends the app by stressing that it's merely scraping content from third party (piracy) sources. It's simply a "middleman" that protects users from harmful ads, he says.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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