Wednesday, August 10, 2022

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Brazil's New IPTV Anti-Piracy Blocking Plan Prepares to Bypass Judiciary
Andy Maxwell, 10 Aug 12:08 PM

blackholeDespite taking significant action to reduce all kinds of online piracy, Brazil remains on the United States Trade Representative's 'Watch List'. Lack of effort doesn't appear to be the problem, however.

The São Paulo Court of Justice ordered major ISPs to block file-hosting platform Mega in 2019, but within days the ruling was overturned. That didn't matter too much though as much bigger things lay ahead.

Last year Brazil filed a criminal complaint against, a stream-ripping site currently in a legal spat with the RIAA in the United States. The platform was blocked by ISPs and this June, Yout's operator was offered a deal that would see him avoid prison but take on additional risks.

Brazilian authorities are currently immersed in Operation 404, a campaign to seriously disrupt the IPTV and web streaming piracy landscape. This year alone there have been multiple arrests, domain seizures, and claims that hundreds of apps have been taken down or blocked.

But with basics such as removing piracy apps from Google Play apparently still an issue, Brazil says its now ready to commit to a program of ISP blocking to prevent IPTV and other streaming-based piracy. In previous cases the courts were involved and while that might still be required initially, so-called 'administrative blocking' could be just around the corner.

Agencies Team Up to Streamline Blocking

The project is the work of 'Ancine' (Agência Nacional do Cinema) and telecoms regulator Anatel (Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações). Both are administratively independent agencies, with the former operating under the supervision of Brazil's Ministry of Culture and the latter operating under powers inherited from the Ministry of Communications.

Since 2018, Brazil's Plano de Ação de Combate à Pirataria (Action Plan to Combat Piracy/PACP) has sought to counter the country's piracy problems but with support from ABTA, the Brazilian Pay TV/Telecom Association (Associação Brasileira de Televisão por Assinatura), Ancine and Anatel want a rapid and streamlined ISP blocking system.

Commenting on the agency's involvement in Operation 404, last month Anatel's Superintendent of Inspection, Hermano Tercius, said that site-blocking had been taking place "in a judicial way" but a system without such complications would be better placed to combat piracy. Those sentiments have been around for some time but the pieces are now falling into place.

Blocking Program Formalized

During the Pay-TV Forum event in São Paulo last week, a joint Anatel/Anacine announcement revealed that the proposal had cleared Ancine's technical department and been approved by its directors. From there it was received by Anatel, with Vice-President Moisés Queiroz confirming that following a consolidation process, things should move quickly.

"We are formalizing the technical cooperation agreement, which has already been approved by Ancine's board, is now in Anatel's technical area and will go up to the Board of Directors, where it will certainly be approved as well," Queiroz said.

Ancine director Tiago Mafra dos Santos said that a strategy that takes advantage of the tools available to both regulatory agencies will prove most effective.

"Ancine cannot walk alone, and neither can Anatel. There are functions of both that compliment each other. There is no content distribution without going through telecommunications," he said.

The details of the blocking program were not revealed but given that executives from Anatal will travel to Europe in September, that provides more than a nod towards the model they hope to emulate.

Portugal – The 'Gold Standard' in ISP Blocking

It's not just the shared language that makes Portugal a destination for Anatel. Portugal's administrative site-blocking scheme is operated with assistance from the Inspectorate General for Cultural Activities (IGAC) and is designed to deal with copyright complaints quickly and without judicial oversight.

Each month, anti-piracy group MAPiNET is able to report up to 100 websites to IGAC, which carries out an evaluation within 48 hours. Once approved for blocking, the list is sent local ISPs to implement a DNS blocking regime within another 48 hours. In 2018, the program was updated to deal with "live blocking", i.e dealing with IPTV providers offering live sports and similar time-sensitive content.

This entirely voluntary system is supported by rightsholders, advertisers and trade associations, plus every major ISP in Portugal. It is viewed by rightsholders as a particularly effective system to reduce infringement and due to standardization, is both predictable and cheap, especially when compared with court processes that can turn out to be neither.

Anatel representatives will also travel to Spain where the country's Sinde Law and voluntary arrangements facilitate administrative blocking. It's a little early for certainties but it seems likely that rightsholders would prefer Brazil to follow the Portuguese model when blocking is implemented in 2023, as the current plan envisions.

WIPO – Advisory Committee on Enforcement

In the meantime, Brazil is one of four countries set to share its anti-piracy experiences during the fifteenth session of WIPO's Advisory Committee on Enforcement which begins late August in Geneva.

A document made available in advance of the event features contributions from Eduardo Luiz Perfeito Carneiro, Head of Anti-Piracy at Ancine, and Brazil's National Council for Combating Piracy and Intellectual Property Crimes (CNCP).

Summary of key points as follows (all in respect of Ancine activities):

  • Full access to data held by federal government agencies
  • Access to data held by movie and TV show companies on piracy activities
  • Already blocked 1,000+ streaming sites (Operation 404)
  • Assists police during the execution of search-and-seizure warrants
  • 1.5 million illegal streaming devices seized in 2020-2021
  • Some 'illegal devices' donated to schools, hospitals, police
  • Since joining WIPO Alert, 300 pirate sites listed for advertising boycotts
  • Brazil's site blocking plans 'inspired' by blocking in the UK and Portugal
  • Quick and Effective site blocking may be the only way to contain piracy

The WIPO document is available here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

PrimeWire Replacement HydraWire Sacrifices Itself to Hollywood
Andy Maxwell, 09 Aug 08:59 PM

mpaIn April 2022, several Hollywood studios and Netflix won an injunction to shut down PrimeWire, a long-standing illegal streaming site and continuous thorn in the side of the MPA.

The injunction was granted after the studios filed a massive copyright infringement lawsuit against PrimeWire in 2021. It aimed to close the platform down for a good after close to a decade of disruption activity against the site produced somewhat limited results. This time around the studios have the upper hand but not without some complications.

PrimeWire Inactive But Domains Mostly Intact

After the injunction was handed down the US, PrimeWire initially took no action but eventually modified its operations and pledged to offer a legitimate service.

The studios didn't believe a single word and moved to seize new domain, hoping to add it to a list of other PrimeWire domains already subject to disabling and seizure. On that front, and .vc are non-operational but and remain in use.

At the time of writing the same is true for but last month a new domain entered the mix.

The Rapid Rise and Fall of HydraWire

At the end of May, the MPA's anti-piracy team became of a new site called HydraWire. Its .tv domain had been registered a day after the MPA won its preliminary injunction in April and as far as the studios were concerned, this was just PrimeWire by another name.

Evidence presented in court made that assertion difficult to challenge but with the site gaining traffic, it needed to be stopped as soon as possible. The studios decided that should be added to the now permanent injunction but perhaps didn't anticipate what came next.

On July 19 and on behalf of the studios, an attorney at law firm Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP submitted a message via the contact form at HydraWire giving notice of their upcoming motion.

In common with the people behind PrimeWire, who haven't appeared in court but have communicated anonymously with the plaintiffs, the alleged owner of HydraWire also responded anonymously two days later. The message was that the intentions of HydraWire's operator had been misunderstood by the plaintiffs.

"The sender of this email claims to have launched HydraWire. They say they did so because they 'saw an opportunity to have a website with lot[s] of visitors' and 'wanted to continue [PrimeWire's] legacy'," the studios informed the court this week.

"The emailer then said they had 'shut down hydrawire for good' and offered to 'transfer the domain' to Plaintiffs."

HydraWire Throws in the Towel

Swift resolutions haven't featured prominently in the case thus far so the MPA's anti-piracy team wasted no time in seizing the opportunity.

"In an effort to put a temporary stop to this latest infringement of their rights, Plaintiffs accepted the transfer of the domain and took control of the domain, which is now offline," the studios reveal.

Jan Van Voorn, Executive Vice President and Chief of Global Content Protection, reveals the process began quickly and was over in a week.

"On or about July 23, 2022, GCP investigators used the authorization code provided in correspondence from [email address] to initiate a transfer of the domain to the MPA's control. On or about August 1, 2022, GCP investigators confirmed that has been transferred to the MPA," his declaration reads.

MPA Still Wants Added to Injunction

While this domain takeover was comparatively easy, the studios are still taking time to keep the court informed of every new detail. They're also building a pretty solid picture of the plaintiffs doing everything by the book and the defendants falling short in every possible way.

Aside from PrimeWire's general failure to appear, the studios strongly suspect that by following the PrimeWire 'playbook' of apparent capitulation in the face of an injunction, those behind HydraWire betrayed their connections. The MPA's anti-piracy team appear unable to prove they've been talking to the same people but for now at least, that doesn't matter.

The plaintiffs say that HydraWire was inspired by PrimeWire and was designed to continue its legacy. Text from PrimeWire was duplicated on HydraWire and there was a feature for PrimeWire users to migrate their libraries across. The very appearance of HydraWire showed disrespect for the court injunction and at any minute it could reappear under a new domain to rinse and repeat, they add.

"For these reasons, as well as those stated in Plaintiffs' motion, Plaintiffs respectfully request that the Court grant their motion to modify the permanent injunction and extend the time for Defendants to take discovery in support of their damages claims," the motion concludes.

Perhaps the most striking aspect of this and earlier motions is the determination of the MPA to punish any move designed to breathe new life into PrimeWire. It's certainly possible that other ventures under different branding are already making headway but, given the pressure, the original PrimeWire seems unlikely to have a future in any obviously recognizable form.

The motion and supporting documents can be found here (1,2,3, pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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