Thursday, August 11, 2022

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Software Company Still Fighting U.S. Navy Over Millions in Piracy Damages
Ernesto Van der Sar, 11 Aug 11:59 AM

old ships navy pirateThe U.S. Government regularly goes after copyright-infringing companies and individuals, both domestically and abroad.

That doesn't mean that there are no copyright issues within its own ranks.

Six years ago the US Navy was sued for mass copyright infringement by German software vendor Bitmanagement, which requested hundreds of millions of dollars in damages.

Software Company Sues US Navy

The lawsuit is not a typical piracy case in the sense that Navy officers downloaded software from shady sources, but the end result is the same.

It all started in 2011 when the US Navy began testing Bitmanagement's 3D virtual reality application 'BS Contact Geo'. After some testing, the Navy installed the software across its network, assuming that it had permission to do so.

bs contact geo

This turned out to be a crucial misunderstanding. Bitmanagement said it had never authorized this type of use and when it heard that the Navy had installed the software on 558,466 computers, the company took legal action.

Bitmanagement Wins Appeal

At the United States Court of Federal Claims, the German company accused the US Navy of mass copyright infringement. The Court initially dismissed the complaint but Bitmanagement appealed, with success.

Last year, the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit sided with the software company, concluding that the US Government is indeed liable.

This meant that the matter was referred back to the Federal Claims court, to determine the appropriate damages amount. This resulted in a legal back and forth and after a trial, held behind closed doors earlier this year, the case is about to reach its conclusion.

600,000 'Infringing' Copies

Unfortunately, most of the legal paperwork is sealed. However, a redacted "post-trial" brief submitted by Bitmanagement a few days ago sheds some light on the main disagreements that remain.

According to the software vendor, the court's task is fairly straightforward. It's a simple calculation that should lead to a damages award of many millions of dollars. This is based on the installed copies and the price both parties would have reached in a 'fictitious' negotiation.

"Before the Court is a simple matter of arithmetic. The Court should determine that the Navy made 600,000 infringing copies of BS Contact Geo, and that the parties would have agreed to a price of $259 per copy, for a total of $155,400,000 in damages," the company writes.


This negotiation, which never happened, includes a 30% volume discount. That is a reasonable percentage, Bitmanagement argues, as it's based on an AutoCAD software deal that actually took place.

"The best estimate for this volume discount is 30%, based on a similarly large Department of Defense software purchase contract for AutoCAD, a computeraided design program that enables the creation of two- and three- dimensional drawings."

579 'Infringing' Copies

The U.S. Government's official position is not public, but the plaintiff's filing shows that they are aiming for a substantially lower damages amount. A few weeks ago the court opened the trial record to hear Mr. Kennedy, a Government witness whose testimony was previously excluded.

In Mr. Kennedy's view, the hypothetical negotiation between the Navy and Bitmanagement would have resulted in a price of up to $200 per license for just 579 licenses. These would reflect the "actual uses" of BS Contact Geo instead of the number of installs.

This estimate would result in 'just' $115,000 in damages, which is a far cry from the $155,400,000 estimated by the German software vendor.

Needless to say, Bitmanagement disagrees. The company says that Mr. Kennedy's testimony shouldn't be part of the record and characterizes his approach to damages as legally improper and unreliable. However, since it's on the record now, the Court will take it into consideration.

The post-trial brief lists a variety of reasons why the "actual uses" argument is not valid. For one, it is unclear how many copies the U.S. Navy actually used as Mr. Kennedy's calculation is based on incomplete data.

In addition, Bitmanagement notes that the Court has previously made it clear that the royalty base must be linked to the number of copies the Navy made, not how often they were used.

Even without reading the Government's official position, it is clear that the US Court of Federal Claims has quite an important decision to make. For a relatively small company such as Bitmanagement, it will be a history-defining decision.

A copy of Bitmanagement's post-trial brief is available here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Cheat Seller AimJunkies Uses Subpoenas to Fire Back at Bungie
Ernesto Van der Sar, 10 Aug 10:34 PM

aimjunkiesLast summer, Bungie filed a complaint at a federal court in Seattle, accusing of copyright and trademark infringement, among other things.

The same accusations were also made against Phoenix Digital Group, the alleged creators of the Destiny 2 cheating software.

AimJunkies argued that cheating isn't against the law. In addition, it refuted the copyright infringement allegations; these lacked any substance and were ungrounded because some of the referenced copyrights were registered well after the cheats were first made available.

Dismissal and Do-Over

In May, U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Zilly largely sided with AimJunkies. The original complaint didn't provide sufficient evidence for a plausible claim that the 'Destiny 2 Hacks' infringed any copyrights.

This was a major setback for Bungie but the court did offer the developer the option to file a new complaint to address these shortcomings, which it did soon after.

As time progresses, it's becoming clear that both sides intend to fight this case tooth and nail. Through discovery, they hope to obtain additional information to support their respective positions. Bungie, for example, subpoenaed PayPal requesting copies of account information and other documents related to the cheat seller.

AimJunkies, meanwhile, is also keeping itself busy. The defendant has prepared several subpoenas, targeting Google, PayPal, and Valve, through which it hopes to gather evidence against Bungie.

Valve Subpoena

Through Valve, AimJunkies want to obtain information from the Steam platform. This includes the monthly number of Destiny 2 players going back to 2017, as well as monthly sales including merchandise.

aim subpoena

The subpoena doesn't explain what AimJunkies plan to do with this information but through a press release, the company behind the cheat seller informs TorrentFreak that it could help to disprove Bungie's argument that cheaters hurt the company.

"Bungie claims that we caused grievous harm to their game when in fact some of their most popular months of player counts and sales were during the time Aimjunkies offered their software products. We believe and intend to gather actionable proof of that and disprove another one of their wild assertions," Phoenix Digital notes

In addition to the sales figures, AimJunkies also request all information held by Steam and Valve on Phoenix Digital and several key people involved with the cheat developer.

Decompiling and Overlays

The PayPal and Google subpoenas are harder to interpret at first glance. They request information on a person named "Martin Zeniu," who has no web presence. The Google subpoena also targets someone with a "jesuslover" username.

The same two targets, one of whom appears to be connected to Bungie, also show up in the Valve subpoena. While AimJunkies is yet to reveal its concrete intentions, there's a suggestion that someone may have violated the terms of service of their cheat software.

"Phoenix Digital Group will prosecute individuals or companies who violated our Copyrights and Terms Of Service to the fullest extent of the law and this is the first step down that path," the company notes.

"We believe on information and belief an un-named employee/contractor for a un-named company purchased Aimjunkies software and turned it over to their employer to decompile and analyze. We intend to subpoena documents with actionable information to answer these questions."

The cheat maker further suggests that the in-game "overlays" its software offered are not illegal. Other services, including Steam, offer the same. To show this, the Valve subpoena requests overlay source code used by the Steam platform, including that relating to the file "GameOverlayRenderer.dll".

The above shows that AimJunkies isn't intimidated by the legal battle. The company believes that Bungie has a rather weak case and seems confident that it will emerge victorious.

The subpoena documents referenced in this article are available here (1, 2, 3)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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