Thursday, August 18, 2022

TorrentFreak's Latest News


Reddit Bans '/r/PiratedGames' for Excessive Copyright Claims
Ernesto Van der Sar, 18 Aug 09:38 AM

redditReddit is without doubt one of the most popular user-submitted content sites that exists on the Internet.

The community-driven platform has "subreddits" dedicated to pretty much every topic you can think of. These generate a constant stream of discussions and links, some more useful than others.

Moderators play an essential role in bringing order to this chaos. They delete spam, remove off-topic content, and make sure that 'unauthorized' content is swiftly removed. The latter category includes links to copyright infringing material.

Despite these moderation efforts, problematic links can remain online longer than rightsholders wish. This can lead to Reddit receiving DMCA takedown notices, which over the course of the last year led to the removal of 920,672 pieces of content from the platform. Subreddits that are repeatedly targeted in takedown notices risk a permanent ban.

/r/PiratedGames Banned

Yesterday, the popular /r/PiratedGames was banned for this very reason, with Reddit stating that the community was targeted by too many copyright removals.


The decision may seem logical considering the name of the subreddit but posting infringing links to /r/PiratedGames was strictly forbidden. Instead, users were asked to keep their contributions limited to discussing pirated games and cracks.

With more than 300,000 members, it isn't always easy to spot all problematic content. Keeping an eye on submitted posts isn't that hard but user comments are the real problem as these are harder to keep up with.

No Advance Warning or Notice?

TorrentFreak spoke to PiratedGames moderator GrowAsguard who said that the team wasn't warned about the ban in advance. In fact, he says that Reddit never informed them about any of the takedown notices. The ban just appeared out of the blue.

"None of us in the moderator team were informed of either the then-upcoming ban or the various pieces of content Reddit had removed from the sub due to copyright Infringement," GrowAsguard said.

The moderators did hear from Reddit when the ban was instated. They received a message in their inboxes that contained, among other things, the following statement from the admins.

A subreddit you moderate has been banned for excessive copyright infringement. Note that reconstituting the community under an alternative subreddit will be considered under our ban evasion policy – Reddit


GrowAsguard says that the moderators plan to file an appeal. If that's not successful, they will look for an alternative venue to host the community. There are no plans to start a new subreddit.

"Hopefully the decision sides with us and the community. But if it does not, then we might move the subreddit to either Raddle, Saidit or Lemmy. Another sub will not be made as it will just get banned again.

"Anonymity is important for us, so our options are limited now in terms of moving the community forward," GrowAsguard added.

PiratedGames is one of the largest communities to find itself banned by Reddit but it's not the only one. Last year, 2,625 subreddits were taken down permanently under the platform's "repeat infringer" policy. This included the popular mmastreams subreddit. In addition, 283 users were banned for repeat infringement.

Previously /r/Piracy, another popular piracy-related subreddit, did get an advance warning from Reddit that it was on the verge of being banned. The moderators managed to avoid this fate but that required the deletion of more than 10 years of history.

The DMCA Minefield

The PiratedGames ban is not unexpected considering Reddit's strict policy but the implementation raises questions. If moderators are not informed about DMCA notices, they may not even be aware that there's a problem.

Reddit is required by the DMCA to adopt and reasonably implement a policy that allows for the termination of repeat infringers. But is it 'reasonable' to shut down a 300,000-member community without warning?

It's essentially a DMCA minefield that can make it particularly hard for communities to survive, even when they have good intentions.

We don't know what the ban threshold is for subreddits and neither do the moderators we spoke with. We asked Reddit for more information but the company didn't immediately respond to our request.

For the PiratedGames community, these questions and considerations are irrelevant now, as the damage is already done.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

IPTV Pirates Must Pay ACE $181k But More Evidence Needed For Damages
Andy Maxwell, 17 Aug 07:14 PM

IPTVIn August 2021, US broadcaster DISH Network, Sling and NagraStar sued pirate IPTV service Nitro TV.

The case focused on Nitro operator Alex Galindo and other members of his family, alleging mass violations of the DMCA's anti-circumvention provisions and the Federal Communications Act (FCA). The case went undefended and this June came to a close, with the plaintiffs being awarded over $100m in statutory damages.

Since that judgment was handed down the docket has been kept busy with sealed documents. From the available information, it seems that the plaintiffs are attempting to garnish property owned by one or more of the Galindos. While the process won't be pretty it's perhaps necessary given that other people are also queuing up to get paid.

ACE Copyright Infringment Lawsuit

A coalition of entertainment companies headed up by Universal, Paramount, Columbia, Disney and Amazon filed their complaint against Nitro in 2020 but for a number of reasons the case is still open after more than two years.

In contrast to the DISH lawsuit, Alex Galindo did mount some kind of defense here, and at one point even tried to have the whole thing dismissed. Perhaps the $7m processed through the Galindo's accounts is a motivating factor but the studios seem determined to prevail against the defendants, who now find themselves without an attorney.

Clock Ticks, Costs Mount, Galindo Must Pay

According to the studios, the defendants have been uncooperative at best, deliberately obstructive at worst. Allegations of evidence destruction and other misconduct led to a motion for sanctions, followed by a recent report from a judge to the district judge recommending a finding that Alex Galindo willfully violated court orders, failed to cooperate in discovery, and should be held liable for infringement.

Meanwhile, the studios have continued to run up huge legal and administrative bills. Attorney's fees and costs associated with their discovery motion alone reached $88,080, while those for the plaintiffs' sanctions motion topped out at $93,000. United States District Judge Maame Ewusi-Mensah Frimpong conducted a review but found nothing to contradict the recently submitted report.

"Galindo's assertions and arguments have been reviewed carefully. The Court, however, concludes that nothing set forth in Galindo's Response or otherwise in the record for this case affects or alters, or calls into question, the findings and analysis set forth in the Report," Judge Frimpong's order reads.

With the court accepting the findings and recommendations in the report, Alex Galindo now has just 60 days to pay $88,080 in attorneys' fees and costs associated with the plaintiffs' discovery motion, plus $93,000 in fees and costs associated with their sanctions motion, to a total of $181,080.

That may seem like a small amount when compared to the $100m already owed to DISH, but the studios are nowhere near finished.

Plaintiffs Seek Default Judgment, Judge Wants to See Evidence

The parties in the case have rarely been in agreement but one point of contention has now been resurrected by the Judge. The defense previously noted that if the studios had clarified the full nature and extent of infringement at Nitro, the case would've gone to a default judgment a long time ago. The Judge now says that the court will need to see more information to move on.

Judge Frimpong raises the possibility of a default judgment in favor of the plaintiffs but notes that would not automatically entitle the plaintiffs to the damages requested. Noting that the court has "considerable leeway" to determine what information it requires before an entry of default, the Judge says the plaintiffs need to submit evidence in greater detail.

"In this case, the Court finds that Plaintiffs have neither provided a complete enumeration of the copyrighted works at issue, a full accounting of the corresponding amount of statutory damages sought pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 504(c)(2), nor evidence to support either of the above. In the absence of these items, the Court declines to enter Judgment at this time," the Judge notes.

Columbia Pictures, Amazon Content Services, Disney Enterprises, Paramount Pictures, Warner Bros. Entertainment, Universal Studios Productions, Universal Television, and Universal Content Productions, now have 60 days to file a brief identifying every movie and TV show for which they are seeking damages, along with relevant evidence.

The studios must also identify the factors the court should consider when calculating statutory damages. The studios previously submitted a list of copyright works to the court (pdf) but that was over two years ago.

Judge Frimpong's order can be found here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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