Tuesday, August 16, 2022

TorrentFreak's Latest News


€8.5m Copyright Infringement Verdict Against Vimeo Stands on Appeal
Ernesto Van der Sar, 16 Aug 11:50 AM

vimeoVimeo is a New York-based video streaming platform that mostly targets business users.

The service has over a quarter billion registered users and monetizes its platform through subscriptions, pay-per-view videos, and advertisements.

Like many other online platforms, Vimeo is predominantly used for legitimate purposes. However, on occasion, its users also upload copyright-infringing content and if these videos are not rapidly removed, it can cause serious problems.

€8.5m Damages for Failing to Remove Infringing Videos

In Italy, these "copyright infringing" uploads resulted in a legal battle with local broadcasting giant Mediaset. Three years ago, this resulted in a win for the rightsholder, with the court ordering Vimeo to pay €8.5 million in damages.

Vimeo was held liable because it failed to take action against infringing TV content uploaded to the platform, roughly 2,000 copyright-infringing videos in this case.

The U.S. streaming platform followed up with a petition to appeal the verdict, but last week a panel chaired by Judge Gianna Maria Zannella confirmed the initial ruling. This means that the damages remain unchanged as well.

Court Rejects Vimeo's Appeal

According to the Court, Vimeo can't be seen as a passive intermediary. The platform has an "active role" that's "comparable to a video on demand service" because "the audiovisual contents are precisely cataloged, indexed and linked with each other," in order to create value for users.

The Court cites jurisprudence from the EU Court of Justice and states that Vimeo can't simply hide behind safe harbor exemptions. The ruling is also in line with an Italian Supreme Court ruling, which concluded that Yahoo can be seen as an "active host" under certain conditions.

As a result of the ruling, Vimeo will have to be extra vigilant when it comes to potentially infringing content. The Court previously highlighted that fingerprinting tools and other upload filters might help to prevent further trouble.

All in all, the Court of Appeal ruling will further strengthen the position of copyright holders. It adds to earlier wins, including a recent decision against Cloudflare, which was ordered to make pirate sites unavailable through its DNS resolver.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

MarkMonitor Wants to Keep Court Transcript Away From "Pro-Piracy" Forces
Ernesto Van der Sar, 15 Aug 10:10 PM

markmonitorFor more than a decade, anti-piracy company MarkMonitor has been a trusted partner of the major record labels.

Among other things, the company provided evidence and testimony for the piracy lawsuit against Internet provider Bright House that was settled two weeks ago.

Shortly after the settlement was announced, MarkMonitor asked the court to make sure that sensitive evidence doesn't see the light of day. The company notes that, among other things, a recent hearing transcript discusses sensitive details about its anti-piracy detection system.

MarkMonitor Wants to Keep Anti-Piracy Secrets Safe

The documents in question are now shielded and the anti-piracy company would like it to keep it that way, to prevent adversaries from gathering knowledge.

"The transcript contains information and reference to MarkMonitor's source code that is private, proprietary, confidential and commercially sensitive trade secret information regarding its antipiracy detection system," MarkMonitor writes.

"Public disclosure of MarkMonitor's proprietary verification process to its competitors or others would cause significant injury to MarkMonitor," the company adds.

The company argues that the transcript isn't relevant to the public at large. It discusses proprietary code and includes evidence of a dispute between businesses. However, that can be valuable information to competitors.

The "Pro-Piracy" Sector?

The term competitors should be used quite broadly here. It doesn't only refer to rival anti-piracy outfits but also to "others that wish to publicize or exploit MarkMonitor's highly sensitive technical information in the pro-piracy sector of the general public."

The transcript isn't the only document MarkMonitor would like to keep away from the public. The filing lists several others that contain sensitive information, including an email about decompiling tools.

"Exhibit T is an email discussing decompiling tools that can be used to unpack MarkMonitor's confidential and proprietary binary files into readable code, which could be harmful in the wrong hands. Accordingly, this exhibit should be destroyed or permanently sealed."

This isn't the first time that MarkMonitor has shown concern over its anti-piracy details being exposed. A few months ago, the company submitted a similar request that dealt with information and documents that were shared in this lawsuit.

At the time, the anti-piracy outfit was particularly concerned that TorrentFreak would publish the information in a news article. This time around we are not mentioned by name, perhaps in part because restricting the public newsflow is not a particularly good argument.

Cox Is Interested in MarkMonitor's Evidence

Aside from competitors, pirates, and news outlets, there is another group that has an interest in the 'sensitive' information. Shortly after MarkMonitor submitted its motion, Internet provider Cox Communications stepped in.

Cox is not a party to this lawsuit but it is involved in a similar piracy battle with record labels, where it was ordered to pay a billion dollars in damages. This case, where MarkMonitor also provided evidence, is currently under appeal.

The ISP suggests that MarkMonitor may want to get rid of the evidence because it could otherwise be used in that legal battle. This is just a theory, for now, but that's enough for the ISP to intervene.

"Although Cox has not seen the documents that are the subject of MarkMonitor's motion regarding return or destruction of materials, the context of the Motions strongly suggests that the documents at issue are directly relevant to pending issues in Sony," Cox's lawyer writes.

"Cox believes that MarkMonitor lacks a proper basis for maintaining these materials under seal or otherwise preventing their appearance in the public record of this litigation," the company adds.

Cox plans to file an official motion to intervene this week. In the meantime, the company also informed the record labels and the RIAA, that it is their duty to preserve all relevant documents.

A copy of MarkMonitor's request to return or destroy the sealed documents is available here (pdf) and Cox's response can be found here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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