Wednesday, November 3, 2021

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Pirates Seem Happy to Trust Applinked But Caution May Be Advised
Andy Maxwell, 03 Nov 09:31 AM

ApplinkedBack in June, the hugely popular Filelinked service, which enabled Amazon Fire TV users to easily install piracy-related apps, disappeared in mysterious circumstances.

It was later revealed that the shutdown followed legal pressure from the Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment, which objected to the tool's ability to act as an unofficial marketplace for piracy-focused apps. As always, however, replacements were soon at hand.

The so-called hydra analogy dictates that when one head is cut off, several more appear to replace it and in this case, Applinked, FileSynced and Unlinked were happy to oblige. All three are functionally similar tools (marketing and community approaches aside) but Applinked is perhaps the most interesting for a couple of reasons.

Applinked Developer Operated Openly

Operating in what Filelinked demonstrated was a controversial niche, it was a surprise to see Applinked offered in the open by a developer who is easily found on the web. In fact, Applinked was initially served from the developer's own website and is still advertised and linked from there, despite what happened to its predecessor.

Of course, there could be a level of confidence that the same fate does not apply in this instance, perhaps for a number of legal reasons and considerations. Nevertheless, in early October an announcement clearly indicated that change was on the horizon.

Given the long history of sites and services changing owners for any number of reasons, this didn't come as a particular surprise. However, new owners aren't interested in existing projects for no reason so what followed next could be of some interest to users of the software.

This particularly applies to people who are happy to install updates to any software that isn't open source or is delivered without informative changelogs or indeed any at all.

New Version of Applinked Just Grew 10x in Size

Those who have monitored the filesizes of Applinked, Filesynced and Uplinked over time will be aware that, give or take, all floated around the 3MB mark. However, the last update of Applinked has now jumped from 3MB to a relatively huge 33MB, without offering any significant additional functionality or features.

It's important to stress that this in its own right does not show that anything nefarious is at play here but given that a change in ownership reportedly took place just before this update was rolled out, these two developments could be linked, at least potentially.

The developer and new owners (whoever they are) are currently silent on the purpose of that additional 30MB but running the APK through VirusTotal's scanner shows that Applinked's previous clean bill of health is now covered in red ink, with at least 16 security vendors advising caution over the software.

Applinked Virus Total

False positives are not unusual in this space but alerts from 16 vendors is a concern and worthy of explanation. That does not appear to be a priority, however.

Developer 'Takes a Break' From Social Media

In an announcement on October 20, the developer of Applinked – who is now not the owner according to previous statements – said that he would be taking a break from social media.

"This does not mean I won't continue to develop… you will see updates being pushed for all my apps you just may not see the announcements here. the reason for [the] break [and] silence is the idiotic people who think they can command [and] I will obey," he wrote on Twitter.

Withdrawing from social media due to insulting behavior certainly isn't a crime and is probably the best response in many circumstances. However, given the change of ownership and the massively increased filesize, the withdrawal may have been a little mistimed. Add in the warnings now attached to the APK and a public statement seems to be needed more than ever.

Whether that explanation will come is yet to be seen but for the masses who have installed the app, assurances that the sudden unexplained bloat and alerts from VirusTotal are not a cause for concern (and why) could put fears to rest.

In the meantime, it's worth repeating that people who install software purely based on trust are always susceptible to unexpected outcomes. Such outcomes are invariably traded off risk versus reward, but people shouldn't be surprised when things go wrong.

It's happened countless times before in the P2P, file-sharing and streaming spaces over the years (even with previously-trusted software) and it will happen again. Maybe this time, maybe not, but people certainly shouldn't be afraid to ask questions.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

YouTube Terminates Account of 'Fraudulent' Copyright Takedown Sender
Ernesto Van der Sar, 02 Nov 10:04 PM

youtube sad errorYouTube's copyright takedown policy poses one of the biggest threats to the platform's content creators.

YouTubers who receive three copyright infringement strikes can easily lose their channels, which for some equates to their livelihood.

Over the years we have seen numerous examples of YouTubers whose accounts were terminated after repeated copyright claims, legitimate or not. Examples of claimants being punished are rare though.

Targeting Takedown Abuse

The only example that comes to mind is the lawsuit YouTube filed against a scammer who extorted people through the takedown process. The man, who requested payments in exchange for retracting bogus copyright claims, eventually settled the matter and offered a formal apology.

In recent years there have been increasing calls to hold senders liable for such false claims. This even reached the political agenda where it's now being considered as part of the DMCA review.

YouTube doesn't need a new law to police its own platforms though. This week we stumbled upon a rare example that shows how the video streaming service is actively punishing alleged fraudsters.

"Musical Creator" Loses Account

Yesterday, the owner of the "Musical Creator" channel complained that their channel had been terminated after submitting a copyright takedown request. The operator of the channel doesn't appear to be a native English speaker as the comment below shows, but it's clear that they disagree with this decision.

"My youtube channel MUSICAL CREATOR has been terminated due to inlegal information copyright infringement. But I not violating any policy of youtube, I don't know how my channel is terminated I filled out all the information legal. I want to get back my channel again," the operator writes.

The YouTuber explains that they reported someone else for copying their video and that their own channel was terminated as a result. According to a follow-up message from YouTube, the initial takedown notice is seen as potentially fraudulent.

"We are concerned that some of the information within this legal request may be fraudulent," YouTube's response reads. "Please understand that YouTube receives a large number of fraudulent copyright takedown requests, and we take abuse of that process very seriously."

youtube fraudulent

The YouTube support team references the aforementioned lawsuit filed against the extortion scammer. At the same time, however, it also provides the affected user with the opportunity to prove that their copyright claim is accurate.

Unique Copyright Abuse Termination?

"Musical Creator" says that they sent their passport to YouTube but, at the time of writing, the channel remains offline. Visitors are informed that the account was terminated for a violation of YouTube's Terms of Service.

This is the first time we have seen an example of this rigorous punishment in the wild. This could be in part because "rightsholders" are less likely to complain in public.

Unfortunately, the support thread doesn't include any further details and we were not able to contact the affected user directly. This means that there's little we can say about the validity of YouTube's action.

That said, these types of fraud accusations and account terminations are unlikely to happen without a manual review of some sort.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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