Monday, November 1, 2021

TorrentFreak's Latest News


Manga Publisher Wants to Sue Huge Piracy Network, Needs Google's Help
Andy Maxwell, 01 Nov 09:27 AM

pirate cardWith a fanatical audience that now reaches beyond Japan and around the globe, demand for manga and anime content is soaring. Publishers would prefer fans to go legit but in common with any premium content, there are those who prefer not to pay.

This has led to companies such as Shueisha, Kadowaka, Kodansha, and Shogakukan taking legal action to shut down or disrupt piracy platforms, hoping to send a deterrent message to site operators and consumers of pirated content alike.

This type of legal action generally only becomes public after a complaint is filed but a request filed by Shueisha in the United States effectively provides advance warning of an incoming lawsuit.

Shueisha is Extremely Keen to Identify Pirates

A San Francisco law firm acting for Shueisha has filed an ex parte application at a California district court for an order permitting discovery of information for use in a foreign proceeding (28 U.S. Code § 1782).

It appears that Shueisha's targets are a number of 'pirate websites' (,,,,,,,, from where an "extensive amount" of its copyrighted works are being distributed without permission.

Testing these URLS directly bears little fruit but according to Shueisha, they all have something in common – connections to – which appears to operate as a search/indexing site. This platform is insanely popular and according to SimilarWeb stats enjoys more than 81 million visits per month, making it Japan's 44th most popular site overall.

"[] is written in Japanese and invites viewers to search infringing material by titles, authors, and other keywords, seemingly catered to Japanese language viewers. The Infringing Websites [those listed above] were likely to be used to store the infringing copies so that they can reduce the traffic of the Main Infringing Website and make it more accessible," Shueisha notes.

DMCA Subpoena Against Cloudflare

Before filing the request the publisher attempted to obtain information about the sites' operators from Cloudflare using a DMCA subpoena. The personal information handed over did not prove useful in identifying anyone in particular but Cloudflare provided other details that allowed Shueisha to pick up leads.

For example, the domains and were used by the alleged pirates after being supplied by Hurricane Electric. According to MX records, the pirates also used services provided by Google, including a specific Gmail address and AdSense account.

IP addresses produced by Cloudflare led back to China but that is problematic. It is not possible to request personal information from Chinese ISPs based on copyright infringement claims. That is not a problem in the United States, however.

Discovery Request to Assist Proceeding Outside US

In its application, Shueisha requests that the "witnesses" (Google and Hurricane Electric) hand over information held in the alleged pirates' respective accounts so it can track them down. The publisher seeks names, physical addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, and the IP addresses used when the site operator[s] created and accessed their accounts.

"Applicant intends to bring a lawsuit in Japan or potentially in China against the person associated with the Witnesses' accounts in question as soon as the person's identity has been ascertained through the discovery sought by this application," the application reveals.

Shueisha believes that the requested discovery is "narrowly tailored" and limits discovery to materials related to the accounts held at Google and Hurricane Electric that were used by the alleged infringers to breach the publisher's rights.

Shueisha's Plan If Discovery Doesn't Help Identification

Given that false information was provided to Cloudflare, Shueisha believes contact information held at Google and Hurricane Electric may prove equally useless. As a result, Shueisha says it needs to obtain access logs showing the times and dates the alleged infringers accessed their accounts along with relevant IP addresses.

At the time of writing the court hasn't yet signed off on the request but whatever happens, Shueisha seems very determined to find out who these infringers are. The company suggests it is planning a civil lawsuit but for more than a year, criminal penalties have been available too, even for those who only link to pirated content.

Shueisha's application and proposed orders/subpoenas can be found here (1,2,3,4 pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Top 10 Most Pirated Movies of The Week – 11/01/2021
Ernesto Van der Sar, 31 Oct 11:30 PM

Dune 2021The data for our weekly download chart is estimated by TorrentFreak, and is for informational and educational reference only.

These torrent download statistics are only meant to provide further insight into the piracy trends. All data are gathered from public resources.

This week we have three new entries in the list. "Dune" is the most downloaded title.

The most torrented movies for the week ending on November 1 are:

Movie Rank Rank last week Movie name IMDb Rating / Trailer
Most downloaded movies via torrent sites
1 (1) Dune 8.3 / trailer
2 (3) Free Guy 7.4 / trailer
3 (…) Army of Thieves 6.4 / trailer
4 (2) Halloween Kills 6.1 / trailer
5 (8) The Suicide Squad 7.6 / trailer
6 (…) Lamb 6.4 / trailer
7 (4) Copshop 6.4 / trailer
8 (…) Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin 5.2 / trailer
9 (6) Old 5.9 / trailer
10 (9) Black Widow 6.8 / trailer

Note: We also publish an updating archive of all the list of weekly most torrented movies lists.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Dune Piracy Spiked After HBO Release, Due to Quality or PR?
Ernesto Van der Sar, 31 Oct 03:47 PM

Dune 2021 screenshotAfter a long wait, the 2021 installment of the sci-fi classic Dune finally premiered in the United States last week.

The film had already come out in other parts of the world a month earlier, which caused quite a bit of frustration among eager fans.

Their patience was further tested when a relatively high-quality copy of the film leaked on pirate sites days before the premiere on HBO Max and in theaters. Perhaps unsurprisingly, millions of people decided to download or stream these illegal copies.

Dune Piracy

These pre-release leaks are seen as one of the worst threats in Hollywood and one would expect a massive piracy spike from the get-go. However, when we analyzed a large sample(*) of the download numbers through BitTorrent, we noticed an interesting pattern.

The chart below starts on Monday 17th October, the first full day the film was available. On that day, there were hundreds of thousands of downloads, which easily made Dune the most downloaded film that day.

Dune Downloads (torrents)

dune torrent downloads

Dune retained this 'most pirated' title on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, despite a sharp drop in absolute downloads. When we look at the 'market share' of Dune downloads we notice a similar decrease. On Monday, Dune was good for 5.16% of all BitTorrent downloads and this percentage dropped to 2.10% on Thursday.

Double Spike

What is most interesting, perhaps, is that interest started picking up again after Dune was released on HBO Max. Soon after the official streaming release, HBO Max rips appeared online in reportedly better quality than the early pirated copies.

Whether the broader public is aware of this quality difference is up for debate. All releases were tagged as 'Web Rips' so the video quality is not obvious based on the title and tags. Nonetheless, the downloads spiked.

The second peak in Dune downloads started on Friday and the Saturday and Sunday numbers were also higher than Monday's when the first release appeared. This isn't a typical pattern for new film releases but there are a few factors at play that could explain it.

Quality, PR, and Timing

As mentioned before, the HBO Max release was higher quality, which may have been worth the wait for some pirates. That said, the quality difference wasn't obvious, and we expect that those who are particularly concerned about quality would probably want to see it in the theater anyway.

The PR angle is another option. Not every pirate is a news junkie so it's definitely possible that many people didn't bother to search when the film wasn't yet out. Also, movie premieres tend to come with a lot of advertising, which may have increased demand as well.

There is another timing factor that can play a role. BitTorrent traffic tends to go up during the weekend, which coincides with the HBO Max release of Dune. This will have likely boosted the downloads somewhat, but even in relative terms Friday (5.30%) and Saturday (5.32%) topped the Monday percentage.

Also, when we look at the release of The Suicide Squad on HBO Max in early August we see a steady decline during the first 9 days, where downloads during the second weekend were lower than on Thursday.

The Suicide Squad Downloads (torrents)

suicide squad torrent downloads

What's the Point?

The above is just a simple case study that's certainly not representative of every future movie release. We're not trying to make a huge point here, but it's fascinating to see these types of patterns in the wild.

The safe conclusion is that quality, timing, and PR all contributed to the second peak in Dune downloads. If we have to bet, however, our money would be on PR as the main contributor. While some pirates may view themselves as vigilantes, they're certainly not immune to outside infuence.

* The data used in the graphs above is taken from a large but non-exhaustive sample of estimated worldwide downloads. The information is gathered from the public DHT network, as reported by the data provider Iknow. BitTorrent piracy is only a fraction of the total piracy landscape.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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