Tuesday, November 23, 2021

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Court Orders Telegram to Block Access to Piracy Channels With Millions of Members
Ernesto Van der Sar, 23 Nov 12:52 PM

TelegramWith over a quarter billion active users, Telegram is one on the most used messaging apps.

In addition to direct chats, the application also allows people to create channels through which they can broadcast messages to unlimited audiences. This feature is regularly abused by pirates.

These Telegram troubles were pointed out by the Motion Picture Association (MPA) just recently. The Hollywood group sees copyright infringement as one of Telegram's growth drivers and it urged the US Trade Representative to put the service on the annual list of notorious piracy markets.

"One of its growth drivers is the presence of copyrighted content on the platform, core features that support the sharing and discoverability of unauthorized files, protect anonymity of uploaders, and make consumption easy and convenient supercharging the circulation of infringing content, whether deliberate or accidental," MPA wrote.

The movie industry group notes that Telegram has made some improvements on the compliance front, but it lacks a streamlined takedown process. Further improvements may come in the future, but not all rightsholders are willing to wait. This has made Telegram the subject of several court actions.

Telegram Blocking Injunction

A few days ago copyright holders scored a win at the Intellectual Property Court in Lisbon, Portugal. The case was brought by Visapress, which acts on behalf of several newspaper and magazine publishers, and the film industry association GEDIPE.

The groups complained about 17 channels that are publicly available through Telegram. Together, these channels reportedly have more than 10 million members who have access to a wide range of movies, TV shows, newspapers, and magazines.

telegram channels

The complaint notes that Telegram allows users to store large files which makes sharing of pirated content relatively easy. This resulted in widespread copyright infringement of a wide variety of content, including Disney's "Mulan" and Netflix's "Elona Holmes," as well as local print publications.

Since some channels have more than a million users, who come from all over the world, this type of sharing activity can't be characterized as personal use. The rightsholders, therefore, argue that Telegram should block the channels.

After reviewing all arguments the Lisbon court decided to grant the blocking injunction. The court recognized that freedom of expression on the Internet is important but it sees this injunction as appropriate and proportionate.

Blocking Measures are Not Perfect

This doesn't mean that blocking measures are perfect. The court recognized that the effectiveness will be limited. Channels owners can simply change their brand or start a new group altogether. However, doing something is better than doing nothing at all.

"I understand that although the requested blocking may not be fully effective, it is an adequate and proportionate means to at least try to ensure respect for intellectual property rights, leading to the deterrence of sharing and availability of such contents," the order reads.

The injunction was issued without Telegram being heard. The Lisbon court was not able to reach the company through its address in Dubai, despite help from the local embassy. Telegram will be able to appeal the injunction if it chooses to, however.

It's unclear whether Telegram has already taken action. The channels in question are only identified by their names, which are easy to change. This could make it easy to bypass the blocking injunction.

For example, the most popular channel, "Netflix HD Movies Series," reportedly had close to four million members. When we search for it today, we are directed to a channel with a new name but the same member count.

We also checked another channel titled "Portal Filmes™ Play," which is no longer available. Instead, a Telegram popup message informs us that it is "unavailable due to copyright infringement."


More Legal Action Could Follow

Carlos Eugénio, Executive Director of Visapress, informs TorrentFreak that the injunction is seen as an important victory in the battle against online piracy. But it's just the first step and similar orders could follow.

Visapress also recognizes that blocking measures can be circumvented. However, Eugénio believes that if the Telegram channels change their name, Telegram should be aware, and take action against these new 'brands.'

"Changing the name of the groups and chats is a simple way that their administrators have to bypass the court order but Telegram knows this. In my opinion, this decision obliges them to remove or block access to these groups and chats."

While Telegram didn't defend itself in court, Visapress hopes that the company will comply with the injunction. If not, the organization could try to have Telegram blocked entirely, which will have far-reaching consequences for all users.

"If they do not comply, we will have to make a stronger case that could result in a request to block access to the Telegram application as a whole," Eugénio tells TorrentFreak.

A copy of the injunction issued by the Intellectual Property Court in Lisbon is available here (in Portuguese)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Disney Seeks Analyst to Spot the Latest Online Piracy Trends
Ernesto Van der Sar, 22 Nov 10:15 PM

depp-bloom-searchingOnline piracy remains the single largest threat for Hollywood's movie studios.

Most companies have entire departments dedicated to spotting infringing content, understanding the changing landscape, and figuring out how to respond.

This is also true for Disney, which has a long track record when it comes to anti-piracy enforcement. With the launch of Disney+ a few years ago, the need for in-house piracy experts has only increased.

Disney Seeks Piracy Analyst

A few days ago the entertainment giant posted a new job opening through which it plans to strengthen its anti-piracy team. In a new job listing, Disney is looking for a Digital Media Antipiracy Analyst, who will help to understand and tackle the latest online piracy trends.

"This position will be part of a team that is responsible for providing antipiracy services with a focus on combating online piracy," the job opening reads.

"Duties of this position include supporting enforcement of films, television shows and live events, researching piracy technologies, websites, and apps, tracking piracy data, providing regular reports on piracy trends, evaluating prospective providers of antipiracy services and managing existing providers," Disney adds.

Monitoring the Piracy Landscape

One of the primary responsibilities of this position is to analyze and write regular reports on the piracy ecosystem. This includes monitoring the latest piracy technologies, websites, and apps.

These reports will help Disney and its clients to get a better understanding of looming threats and how to combat these with enforcement efforts.

disney job

In addition to researching piracy trends, the job also involved more hands-on anti-piracy work. This includes the use of monitoring services and enforcement tools to assist in anti-piracy operations.

Evaluating External Anti-Piracy Partners

Finally, the prospective anti-piracy specialist will also help to seek out external anti-piracy partners and monitor their performance. That likely includes the various DMCA takedown services Disney uses.

"Assist in the evaluation and implementation of new antipiracy vendor programs, and provide day-to-day supervision to efforts of current antipiracy vendors if applicable," Disney writes.

Prospective candidates will need a bachelor's degree or equivalent work experience. In addition, a solid understanding of the online piracy landscape, including streaming sites, is also welcome.

It's not publicly known how many people are working at Disney's anti-piracy team, but it wouldn't be a surprise if the team has expanded quite a bit over the years. And with the company's exclusive Disney+ releases, which are widely pirated, anti-piracy efforts are probably more important than ever.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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