Saturday, August 15, 2020

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Piracy Giants KissAnime and KissManga Shut Down
Ernesto Van der Sar, 15 Aug 11:48 PM

kissanime logoAnime and are extremely popular. Early on this was mostly limited to Japan but nowadays it's a global phenomenon.

In part, this worldwide success was facilitated by piracy. Some of the oldest torrent sites featured 'anime' categories and today this niche has many dedicated piracy portals. and are two of the largest sites in these respective niches. Both have an audience of millions of people. According to piracy tracking company, KissAnime is the most visited pirate site in the world, beating even the mighty Pirate Bay.

That reign appears to have come to an end today. A few hours ago both sites started to show alarming signs. KissManga returned a 'maintenance' message and on KissAnime an even more worrying notice appeared.

"Our beta servers have been taken down by copyright holders, this could lead to the close of the website. We will make more announcement after we have the decision," the message read.

KissAnime started trending on Twitter this afternoon where many fans feared the worst. And indeed, a few hours later, both sites reported that they are permanently closing their doors, adding that all files have been removed.

"All files are taken down by copyright owners. The site will be closed forever. Thank you for your supports," the updated message reads.


The sites don't elaborate on the reason for the shutdown but the messages imply that there was pressure from copyright holders. This isn't new, both sites have been targeted before. Three years ago, for example, anime distributor FUNimation obtained a subpoena from a US Court, hoping to identify KissAmine's operators.

There is a more recent development that may have played a role as well. The shutdowns come shortly after Japan passed amendments to its copyright law to criminalize manga piracy as well as indexing or linking sites, which don't host content. Whether this had an immediate impact on today's actions is unknown.


What we do know is that millions of pirates will have to find a new favorite site to stream anime or view manga. The sites may be gone but the demand is still there. This will likely lead to new copycats popping up and surging traffic at some alternative sites.

This shift is already noticeable. The manga scanlation site MangaDex reports that its servers can hardly keep up with all the new registrations.

"We're getting unprecedented surge in user sign ups, if you are one of these people and haven't received your confirmation code via email, please give it a little time so the code system can catch up," the site reports.

For and, however, this is the end of the road…

This is a breaking story. If any additional information appears about these shutdowns we will update this article or report it in a future piece.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Adobe Sued For Sending 'Bogus' DMCA Notices to Take Down Genuine Software
Andy Maxwell, 15 Aug 12:47 PM

eBay logoAnyone wanting to purchase computer software in 2020 can generally do so via the Internet. Most companies offer digital downloads and the process is relatively simple.

However, there are third-party sellers on platforms like eBay and Amazon who sell genuine products to the public but are not necessarily recognized as 'authorized' vendors by software companies. This can cause friction, as shown in a lawsuit filed in a California court this week.

Plaintiff Green Savannah LLC describes itself as a Washington-based reseller of, among other things, genuine copies of Adobe software. According to its complaint, the company grew to become "the largest and highest rated seller" of Adobe software on eBay but this attracted the wrong kind of attention from the software giant.

Adobe Tried to Use the DMCA to Shut Down Sales, But Failed

The problem appears to have started when Adobe submitted "numerous bogus infringement notices to eBay under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. §512", i.e DMCA notices complaining that the plaintiff's software sales infringed Adobe's copyrights. Green Savannah responded by filing counternotices with eBay, an action that resulted in the deleted listings being restored.

Adobe could've sued to prevent the listings being reinstated but the lawsuit claims it failed to do so.

"Under the DMCA, if Defendant disputed Plaintiff's counter notices, Defendant had the opportunity to file a lawsuit against Plaintiff within ten to fourteen days. However, while Defendant threatened to do so, it did not file any lawsuit," the complaint notes.

Adobe did take other action, however. The lawsuit claims that beginning in 2019, Adobe "sidestepped" eBay's DMCA procedures in what is described as a move to prevent Green Savannah from filing counternotices and having its software sales reinstated.

Instead, it's alleged that Adobe reported the company to eBay for selling "counterfeit" products and/or pirated Adobe software and in March 2020, the auction site terminated the company's account.

Software Piracy Claims Shut Down Seller's Account

"As a direct and proximate result of Defendant's misconduct, Plaintiff's ability to sell any software (or anything else) on eBay was terminated, even though Plaintiff had a five-star rating on eBay and no other complaints," the lawsuit reads.

"Defendant intentionally communicated the False Statements to eBay in an effort to have eBay suspend or revoke Plaintiff's account and/or remove Plaintiff's eBay listings. Defendant's abusive history speaks for itself; Defendant has unsuccessfully targeted multiple resellers for similar issues in an effort to stifle competition and consumer choice."

Green Savannah says it tried to have its eBay account reinstated and attempted to communicate with Adobe. With no success on either front, the company filed its lawsuit to protect what it describes as its legal right to resell software under US Copyright Law.

First Sale Doctrine

"Under the well-established 'first sale doctrine,' the right of a producer or developer to control distribution of a product protected by copyright and/or trademark rights does not extend beyond the first sale of a product," the complaint reads.

"In other words, where a person lawfully acquires ownership of a genuine copy of copyrighted software, it may resell that product/software without committing copyright or other infringement."

According to the company it has been taking advantage of this legal concept on eBay for around six years and has only ever offered and sold genuine Adobe software acquired from third-parties. Importantly, those third-parties are alleged to have owned (as opposed to licensed) that software.

Abusing the DMCA to Gain a Commercial Advantage

Green Savannah claims that over the past three years, Adobe sent numerous "bogus" DMCA notices to eBay under 17 U.S.C. §512 to remove and takedown the seller's eBay listings for Adobe software. These actions were deliberate, the complaint alleges, and Adobe knew they would cause damage to the seller.

"Defendant knew or should have known that Plaintiff's listings and sales of Adobe software on eBay were covered by the first sale doctrine, and that Plaintiff was not infringing on Defendant's copyrights," the first cause of action reads.

The remaining actions center on contractual interference, interference with intent to gain economic advantage, and unfair competition, mostly interwoven with the core issue of the reportedly malicious DMCA notices.

Prayer For Relief

Among other things, Green Savannah LLC is demanding a permanent injunction against Adobe restraining it from the alleged unfair business practices detailed above. It also demands damages to compensate for the "bogus" DMCA notices Adobe sent to eBay.

The complaint, filed by Green Savannah LLC against Adobe Inc., is available here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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