Saturday, August 22, 2020

TorrentFreak's Latest News


Movie & TV Giants Tell Court That Nitro IPTV Operator Destroyed & Withheld Evidence
Andy Maxwell, 22 Aug 10:11 PM

IPTVThis April, companies owned by Columbia, Amazon, Disney, Paramount, Warner, and Universal, sued 'pirate' IPTV service Nitro TV.

Filed in a California district court, the lawsuit accuses Alejandro Galindo, the supposed operator of Nitro TV, plus an additional 20 'Doe' defendants, of massive copyright infringement.

While clearly referencing the service's provision of live unlicensed TV channels, the suit focuses on Nitro's VOD offering. i.e on-demand movies and TV shows plus the now-common 24/7 channels which continuously loop popular TV shows.

The lawsuit, potentially worth multiple millions in damages, quickly progressed and in May the entertainment companies obtained a preliminary court injunction to shut Nitro TV down. Since then the case has progressed, but not in the direction the plaintiffs might have hoped.

Galindo "Destroyed and Hid Evidence" During Discovery Process

In a motion filed this week, the plaintiffs – which form part of the Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment – slam Galindo for his failure to cooperate with the discovery process, including hiding and destroying evidence while lying to conceal his alleged role in Nitro TV. They also accuse him of breaching the court injunction.

According to the motion, Galindo freely admits that he sold Nitro subscriptions to consumers but denies being the operator of the service. The entertainment companies say this is nonsense, adding that Galindo hasn't "produced a single document or identified any of his partners or affiliates in his initial disclosures or verified interrogatory responses."

According to Galindo, his business was run exclusively through messaging service Telegram which was configured to "self-destruct" messages after they were read. The movie and TV show companies aren't buying that either.

Significant Financial and Electronic Trails

The motion notes that for Nitro TV to operate, that must involve the buying and selling of subscriptions and reseller credits. This results in a documented financial trail, regardless of whether Galindo was at the top of Nitro or acted somewhere lower in the reseller pyramid. Running such a business leaves an electronic trail, and it appears the plaintiffs have several inside tracks.

As an example, the entertainment companies identify a Richard Horsten as someone who worked with Galindo. The pair communicated via email, not just via "self-destructed" Telegram messages. The plaintiffs say that Galindo failed to identify Horsten in his interrogatory responses, including the fact that he paid him tens of thousands of dollars using an account in his wife's name.

The plaintiffs also state that even after being put on notice of the action against him, Galindo continued to use Telegram for Nitro-related business while still allowing messages to "self-destruct". He also deleted emails from his Gmail account. This, they claim, runs afoul of the requirement to preserve evidence as required by the court.

Violations of the Preliminary Injunction

After the court handed down its order early May, it's alleged that Galindo failed to shut Nitro TV down. Then, when the plaintiffs tried to have the domain names of the Nitro service disabled as per the court's instructions, they discovered that and had been transferred away from Namecheap and, which kept the service live.

In a response through his counsel, Galindo said that he couldn't shut the service down because he was just a reseller. However, no evidence was presented to support that argument so the entertainment companies continued to obtain evidence on their own.

Mounting Evidence Supporting Plaintiffs' Claims

After serving a subpoena on Google, they discovered that 1,500 emails had been deleted after Galindo was served on April 3, 2020. Email headers in some of those emails revealed communication with Horsten while hundreds of others were sent and received "from a number of different providers of services that facilitate the operation and sale of IPTV service."

It was discovered that hundreds of others involved communication with payment processing company MoonClerk, which is alleged to have supported the reseller network for the Nitro TV service. Also deleted were 20+ emails related to Coinbase communications.

"[T]he very existence of many of these emails undermines Defendant's claim that he is 'just a reseller,' as only operators, and not those who were merely selling subscriptions to end user subscribers, would need to communicate with many of these service providers (e.g., Xtream Codes, WHMCS)," the motion reads.

Server company FDCServers also confirmed it had an account under the name Martha Galindo, believed to be the defendant's mother, using Alejandro Galindo's email address.

On top, PayPal confirmed that payments of more than $30,000 had been paid to Horsten in the name of Anna Galindo, Alejandro Galindo's wife. An unnamed third-party "involved in Nitro" said that more than $40,000 had been paid to that party through Anna Galindo, Martha Galindo, and an email associated with TekkHosting.

Plaintiffs Request Orders to Prevent Destruction of Evidence and More

Given the lack of confidence in Galindo's cooperation thus far, the movie and TV show companies are now demanding orders requiring evidence preservation, forensic imaging of all of the defendant's electronic devices, and an order requiring Google to "deliver and divulge" the contents of his Gmail account covering the period January 2015 to July 2020.

The motion and proposed orders can be found here (1,2,3,4 pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Dutch ISPs Unblock Pirate Bay Proxies, Because They Can
Ernesto Van der Sar, 22 Aug 12:12 PM

pirate bayThe Pirate Bay is blocked in dozens of countries around the world. In most cases, ISPs are ordered to take action after a relatively short court proceeding.

In the Netherlands, however, the process took more than a decade, and it's still not completely over yet.

ISPs Have to Block The Pirate Bay

A few weeks ago the Amsterdam Court ruled in favor of anti-piracy group BREIN, ordering local ISPs Ziggo and XS4ALL to block The Pirate Bay. This order confirmed an earlier verdict, which made detours all the way to the European Court of Justice and the Dutch Supreme Court.

In recent years The Pirate Bay has been blocked by ISPs due to a preliminary injunction. This injunction also required the companies to add new domains along the way, including proxy and mirror sites. According to BREIN, the measures significantly reduced traffic to the popular pirate site.

With the victory at the Amsterdam Court in June, the blocking measures became final. That's important, as it opens the door for blocking requests against other sites. However, BREIN didn't get everything it wanted.

Proxies Are Not Mentioned in the Ruling

The court reinstated the original verdict from the lower court, which was issued in 2012. While that indeed requires the ISPs to block The Pirate Bay, it doesn't mention any proxies and mirrors. BREIN requested these to be added, but the court viewed this as a separate matter.

In theory, this means that Ziggo and XS4ALL were free to unblock dozens of domains again and face another legal fight over the proxies. Initially, it wasn't clear if that would happen, but we can now confirm that this is indeed the case.

ISPs Unblock Pirate Bay Proxies

In the weeks following the court's judgment, the ISPs started to unblock dozens of Pirate Bay proxy domains. This is also apparent from XS4ALL's blocking page, which shows that only remains inaccessible.


The ISPs are completely within their rights to unblock these domains. After all, the standing order doesn't mention any proxies.

However, this also means that they will be back in court soon. In fact, BREIN has already taken action to have Pirate Bay proxies and mirrors blocked by launching a new proceeding.

We reached out to Ziggo and XS4All to ask why they chose to lift the blocks, but the companies refrained from commenting while the new legal proceeding is underway.


BREIN director Tim Kuik, meanwhile, characterizes the ISPs' decision to unblock the sites as "shenanigans" and "downright silly." A decision that he believes will only cost the companies more money.

The court previously ordered other Dutch ISPs to block proxy sites as well and BREIN believes that it will obtain a similar order against Ziggo and XS4ALL in the near future.

"It is clear effective blocking must include proxies and mirrors, the appeal court said so, and the refusal of Ziggo and KPN/XS4ALL to conform to the standing order against the other ISPs is downright silly," Kuik tells TorrentFreak.

"We are getting a separate order now and are claiming full costs because of these shenanigans that cause harm to injured right holders," he adds.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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