Sunday, August 9, 2020

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Anime Publisher Asks Google to Wipe Dictionary Page
Ernesto Van der Sar, 09 Aug 09:36 PM

shogakukan distionaryThe popularity of pirated comics is a thorn in the side of many publishers. Manga publishers, in particular, are faced with a constant stream of infringing copies.

This includes the Japanese company Shogakukan, which is part of the Hitotsubashi Group and publisher of many prominent manga magazines.

To curb online piracy Shogakukan uses various anti-piracy tactics, ranging from full-fledged copyright lawsuits to sending DMCA takedown notices. The latter are often directed at Google, which is asked to remove links to pirate URLs.

Over the past several years, the publisher has asked Google to take down more than 1.5 million links from over 3,000 different domains. In most cases, these URLs indeed point to infringing content, but that's certainly not always the case.

This week we stumbled upon a DMCA notice where Shogakukan's anti-piracy partner Comeso asked Google to remove a page from, one of the largest online dictionaries. Apparently, the page for the word 'magi' is seen as copyright-infringing.

magi takedown

Magi is the name of a manga comic from the publisher, which is likely why it was targeted. However, magi is a proper word as well, referring to the Bible's three wise men, among other things. The page has nothing to do with the comic.

This is something Shogakukan should know as the company is also a publisher of dictionaries itself, which makes the takedown notice stand out even more.

That said, everyone can make mistakes. Shogakukan is not the only rightsholder to slip up. In fact, it's not the only one to target either.

On the same day that the anime publisher's takedown notice appeared, JTBC asked Google to remove the dictionary entry for 'noblewoman,' because it's similar to the name of the Korean TV-show The Noblesse.

And earlier this year, a request sent on behalf of Embankment Films targeted the term 'submergence,' alleging it infringed on the copyrights of the similarly named thriller movie from 2017.

While it's worrying to see that these obvious mistakes are still commonly made, the good news is that Google is adept at catching these errors. The search engine appears to have a whitelist for non-infringing domains. Perhaps that's something copyright holders and their anti-piracy agents should consider as well?

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Looks Like Sky Was Funding CrimeStoppers' "Report a Pirate" Campaign
Andy Maxwell, 09 Aug 01:09 PM

CrimestoppersAs millions of citizens in the UK are well aware, crime is a growing problem in the country. Police forces are clearly underfunded and are often criticized for failing to investigate crimes such as burglary and car theft when catching the culprits is considered too time-intensive or futile.

With this backdrop of citizens feeling underserved in criminal matters directly affecting their lives, UK charity Crimestoppers launched a nationwide campaign late 2017 aiming to warn people of the supposed dangers of pirate set-top streaming boxes. The campaign included four videos, which aimed to inform the public that such devices are illegal to use, are sold by "organized crime" groups, and are used to steal users' identities, and hack their bank accounts.

"Know of someone supplying or promoting these dodgy devices or software? It is illegal. Call us now and help stop crime in your community," the videos urged.

Crimestoppers said that the campaign had been launched in partnership with the Intellectual Property Office and "industry partners" whose identities were never revealed. However, given the tone of the claims and messages in the campaign, it was fairly obvious a high-profile company or two were closely involved.

More than two years on, UK-based anti-piracy group FACT is still regularly posting to Twitter and on its website, asking people to report entities involved in illegal streaming to the anonymous Crimestoppers hotline. Whether this represents a good use of the charity's limited resources remains up for debate. When the campaign launched, some sarcastic commenters on YouTube and social media said they were glad that "real crime" was being tackled.

Nevertheless, we were prompted us to revisit the original campaign, with the aim of finding out who was behind it. The first stop was Crimestoppers' annual report for 2018, which mentions the campaign and how it was received by the public.

"Crimestoppers has joined forces with the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) and other industry partners to run a pilot campaign raising awareness of potential risks associated with illicit streaming devices (ISDs). It warned the public that these devices pose safety and personal security risks and that their use and distribution is also illegal," it reads.

"This prompted a rise in information received by over 250%, compared to 3 months prior to the campaign. Whilst public opinion on the seriousness of this crime was divided, we advised on the risks of using these devices and emphasized that their production and distribution can be linked to serious and organized crime gangs."

As shown below, the campaign was clearly listed in the report's financial section, noting that £100,000 had been allocated as "restricted funds". This can indicate that whoever 'donated' the money to the charity had insisted it be spent in a specific way, i.e not for general charity use.

Crimestoppers accounts 1

The accounts for 2018 (pdf) simply reference the amount as being allocated to an "Illicit Streaming campaign" and that £64,091 had been spent in the relevant reporting period. That left a balance of £35,909 to be carried over into the next set of accounts so we searched 2019's report too (pdf), to see what happened to that money.

As the image below shows, that precise amount – which doesn't appear to have been spent in that reporting period – is clearly marked in the financial report. However, the fairly vague "Illicit Streaming campaign" now has a new and more descriptive title: "Illicit Streaming campaign – SKY".

Crimestoppers accounts 2

Given its interest in deterring the public from using pirate devices, it's no surprise that Sky is mentioned as a financier of the campaign. However, hiding this from the public and presenting the anti-piracy campaign as the work of Crimestoppers itself clearly has its benefits. Despite its independent status, the Crimestoppers brand is firmly associated with the police, a message that is much more powerful than if the campaign had Sky's corporate logos all over it.

The big question, perhaps, is whether the campaign worked. We tracked down the company that was hired to carry out the campaign on behalf of Crimestoppers/Sky, a digital marketing agency called 'Further', which explains the project as follows;

"It was important to squeeze every drop out of this campaign. We started by defining which messages, channels and visuals would convert most efficiently for minimum spend. This meant going in with a thoroughly tested tactical plan for messaging, visuals and channels, optimized for the highest engagement with each audience at the most cost-effective rate.

"As part of the campaign, we created a suite of video assets with each video containing a key message – security risks, the law, organized crime, social responsibility or requests for more information," Further says.

"We used pay-per-click to target those actively searching for illegal content. We also used paid promotion on Google Display Network and YouTube, alongside paid social on Facebook and Twitter, to deliver targeted messages.

"The campaign ran for three months and was continually refined to achieve an incredible reach: 18.3m combined impressions and views, 1.4m video views, 65k website visits, and a 263% increase in contacts to Crimestoppers about illicit streaming devices – all for only £0.02 cost for each person we reached."

Given the anonymous way in which Crimestoppers operates, learning anything specific about the contacts it received about illegal streaming devices is impossible. However, it's clear that the campaign had an effect on the number of people using the charity's resources to report alleged streaming offenses.

These will have to be dealt with by Crimestoppers volunteers alongside the many thousands of other crimes affecting citizens every day, many of which the police are already struggling to deal with.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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