Saturday, August 29, 2020

TorrentFreak's Latest News


Need a Pirate Bay Proxy? DuckDuckGo Best Option, Says Google
Andy Maxwell, 29 Aug 10:11 PM

DuckDuckGoIn an ideal world, search engine users would be presented with the most authoritative set of results in response to a specific search.

Unfortunately, we don't live in an ideal world but companies like Google, given the scale of the task, do a reasonable job of helping us find what we're looking for, with some caveats.

Piracy-Related Searches Are Tampered With

By design, Google and other search engines have been deciding what's 'best' for us for years. After all, it's their own algorithms that decide which sites appear in response to any kind of search. Precisely how these decisions are made are closely-guarded secrets but in more recent years and under pressure from copyright holders, we known that Google has been heavily tampering with piracy-related searches.

The general line is that Google voluntarily demotes and downranks sites for which it receives large numbers of valid DMCA notices. The theory is that sites are punished for continually infringing copyright so when users search for a particular movie, for example, torrent and streaming sites aren't presented as the top options.

As a result and unless searchers use a considerable amount of 'Google-Fu', Google is no longer a good place to find pirated content. In fact, people are more likely to find scammy and dangerous sites instead, as they bubble their way to the top to occupy the vacuum.

Need the Pirate Bay Or a Proxy? Forget Google

With The Pirate Bay the 'proud' receiver of millions of copyright complaints, searching for the site by name in Google is almost pointless. Even though the search term clearly shows what the user is looking for, the site doesn't appear in the first few pages of Google's results, unless people search for its precise domain.

However, with the site blocked by ISPs all around the world, what millions of people are actually looking for these days is Pirate Bay proxy services that facilitate access to the site. Over time, these also receive millions of complaints so Google downranks these too.

DuckDuckGo, on the other hand, produces exactly what one might expect as a result of these searches – on the top and a list of Pirate Bay proxies respectively.

DuckDuckGo is Less Comprehensive But Also More 'Honest'

Search engine DuckDuckGo has a tiny 0.5% of the search market but with its pro-privacy stance, is increasingly favored when it comes to seeking out pirate content. The results that appear in response to searches tend to feel much more authentic when compared to those presented by Google, a suggestion perhaps that less or even no 'tampering' is taking place.

While this might not please copyright holders, DuckDuckGo's relative obscurity doesn't make it a prime target for them right now but in a bizarre twist we noticed this week, it appears Google has somehow determined that its rival is the most authoritative option when it comes to a particular 'pirate' search.

Google's Algorithm Promotes DuckDuckGo to the Top Spot

This week it was revealed that in Australia, Google will voluntarily block proxies and mirrors of pirate sites without being presented with a court order. This followed a similar agreement in 2019 which saw Google de-index more than 800 pirate sites.

This move piqued our interest so we carried out a simple Google search for "pirate bay proxies". The screenshot below reveals what we were presented with.

Pirate Bay Proxies

Accurate But Surprising in More Ways Than One

Perhaps the most remarkable thing about this top result is that Google is promoting a rival's service. This is interesting since whenever it reasonably can, modern-day Google has a tendency to recommend its own product. Had it done that here, however, users would get caught in an infinite loop of finding little of value.

The other interesting thing about this valuable top-spot placement is that it promotes a custom search on DuckDuckGo when indexing internal searches of other sites is usually discouraged by Google itself.

All that having been said, Google has arguably done its job here to perfection. Either by design or otherwise, its algorithms have determined that DuckDuckGo is the best place to find Pirate Bay proxies. And they have got that absolutely spot on.

The Bigger Picture of Search Engines and Piracy

It's worth noting that if we look at the history of piracy on the Internet, it existed long before Google was founded. In fact, most early online piracy didn't rely on today's searchable web at all, with locations of file dumps mostly spread via word of mouth, early chat technologies, and newsgroups. But back then, of course, a whole generation was yet to be born, with most parents still unaware that the Internet existed.

The point is that while mainstream piracy arguably began with Napster, it only exploded when the content of eDonkey and BitTorrent networks became searchable on the web. Search engines, rightly or wrongly depending on viewpoint, played a massive role in that. What we will probably see in the next few years, however, is that role diminishing again.

By choice or by force, Google will undoubtedly clamp down further on piracy and its rivals will eventually have to follow suit. It may take a while but basic searches will no longer prove useful to pirates and they will have to find other ways to educate themselves on where to find content.

Most large file-sharing discussion communities – and there were many – died out years ago, partly due to waning interest, partly due to the rise of social networks. But mainly because piracy was no longer niche and presented on a plate, often via search engines.

These communities may have to rise again because (and you can quote me on this) Reddit, Facebook and similar platforms will eventually go the same way as search engines when it comes to piracy.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

More Torrent Sites Ban YTS Releases and Become a Target
Ernesto Van der Sar, 29 Aug 01:24 PM logoOver the past week and a half, we have documented a series of events that the torrent community has never witnessed before.

It started when we were able to confirm that the supposed operator of YTS shared information from the site's user base with Hawaiian anti-piracy lawyer Kerry Culpepper.

Culpepper had previously settled two lawsuits with YTS and the data was shared as part of, or related to, that legal action. We have since learned that this was a one-time arrangement that only involved data from users who downloaded torrents that are linked to the lawyer's clients.

Some YTS Users Were Exposed

This means that not all YTS users were exposed. However, those who were, now risk settlement demands from the movie companies, both in- and outside of court.

When the news broke, several other torrent site operators were on high alert. Although they have nothing to do with the matter at hand, YTS releases were posted on their sites as well. This isn't a good look, to say the least.

Torrent site 1337x was the first to take action. After internal deliberations, the staff decided to ban the YTS user account permanently. While older releases remain on the site, all new uploads are barred. The same is true for the EZTV account, which started publishing YTS torrents shortly after the YTS account was banned.

More Torrent Sites Ban YTS

This radical decision didn't go unnoticed by other sites. Soon after 1337x took action, TorrentGalaxy and Glotorrents followed suit. And after that, KATcr and ETTV took similar measures. Since several other sites scrape content from these sources, the overall impact is even bigger.

TorrentFreak spoke to the KATcr team who report that they decided to ban YTS releases in the interests of the site's users.

"The right to personal privacy of each visitor should not be compromised, it is our duty to prevent YTS content from being shared on our platform," the KAT team informed us, adding that they won't compromise the privacy of the site's users.

GloTorrents took a similar decision and banned the accounts of both YTS and EZTV, which appear to be related.

"We don't condone this kind of behavior so as a result, we decided to stop the movie bots from YTS and TV bots from EZTV. Since some of our visitors download their stuff, we wouldn't want them to fall victim to these selfish and greedy acts, hence the ban on YTS," the GloTorrents team said.

YTS itself hasn't responded to the bans. However, it appears that the lawyer who filed lawsuits against former YTS users was triggered by these actions.

As reported earlier this week, Culpepper obtained subpoenas against the .to registry and Cloudflare in order to uncover more information about 1337x's operator.

TorrentGalaxy and GloTorrents are Targeted as Well

And it now appears that it didn't stop there. During the week, two new subpoenas were obtained. One targets TorrentGalaxy and the other takes aim at GloTorrents.

The subpoena in question requires the .to domain registry (Tonic) to hand over any information they have on the domain registrants.

The movie companies' lawyer informs TorrentFreak that he decided to take action in direct response to the bans, as these actions show that the sites in question can control what appears on their sites.

"The purpose of the subpoenas is to enforce the rights of the owners," Culpepper says, adding that it's obvious that the sites maintain "editorial/moderating control of the content put on their sites."

Whether Culpepper can do anything with the data has yet to be seen. Many torrent sites take precautions to hide the identities of their operators, subpoena or not.

Speaking with TorrentFreak, the GloTorrents team doesn't appear to be impressed so far.

"Going after our registry won't stop us from running this service nor giving up any details related to our users as well," GloTorrents says. "Call us pirates, and remember, thieves are never rogues amongst themselves."

A copy of the subpoena targeting TorrentGalaxy and GloTorrents can be found here (pdf). It identifies as well as the non-existing domain name.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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