Thursday, February 3, 2022

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Dutch ISP is Not Required to Forward Piracy Warnings, Court Rules
Ernesto Van der Sar, 03 Feb 10:21 AM

justiceWhen it comes to civil anti-piracy enforcement, BREIN is without a doubt one of the best-known players in the industry.

The group, which receives support from Hollywood and other content industries, has shuttered hundreds of sites and services in recent history.

BREIN has also targeted several prolific BitTorrent uploaders over the years, with success. However, tracking down and going after individual file-sharers is quite resource-intensive and the anti-piracy group aims to cast its net wider.

Sending Warning Letters Pirates

To expand its reach, the group previously obtained permission from the Dutch Data Protection Authority to track and store the personal data of alleged BitTorrent pirates. This request was granted and roughly a year ago BREIN announced the start of its mass warning campaign.

Unlike other copyright enforcement groups, BREIN is not interested in casual pirates. Instead, it focuses on the bigger fish and asks Internet providers to forward a warning to these subscribers.

This sounds like a balanced approach which would be relatively easy to pull off in the United States and other countries where forwarding piracy notices is standard procedure. In the Netherlands, however, this isn't straightforward at all.

Ziggo Refuses to Forward

When BREIN sent its warnings to the country's largest ISP Ziggo, the company refused to forward the warnings to its subscribers. According to Ziggo, linking IP addresses to specific subscribers raises serious privacy concerns, even if the personal information isn't shared with BREIN.

BREIN was disappointed with this response and it took the matter to court. The group hoped to get the green light, but the Utrecht court decided otherwise.

After hearing the arguments from both sides, the court sees no reason to conclude that BREIN's warning program is too broad as Ziggo argued. However, the privacy concerns are legitimate.

Dutch privacy law is based on the European GDPR which has strict rules covering how and when personal information can be processed. In this case, that information is tied to potential illegal activity, which means that even stricter guidelines apply.

Court: Ziggo Needs a License

This isn't a problem for BREIN, which already has a license to process the information. However, the court concludes that if Ziggo matches IP addresses to subscriber accounts in order to forward the warnings, it also needs a license.

At the moment, Ziggo doesn't have permission from the Dutch Data Protection Authority to process these data so the ISP is not required to forward BREIN's warnings.

"BREIN and Ziggo are both responsible for processing the data and therefore they must both comply with all the rules of the GDPR. BREIN complies but Ziggo doesn't," the court explains in a press release.

"Ziggo can only link the IP addresses to the name and address details and forward the warning letters from BREIN if it has that permit."


The ruling is a setback for BREIN which has worked on the warning system for many years. However, the anti-piracy group is not giving up and states that Ziggo is acting unlawfully if it does not apply for a license.

BREIN adds that, even without a license, it should be possible for ISPs to forward notices. The anti-piracy group plans to make this case during its appeal, which it announced immediately.

"We believe that the GDPR does provide room for forwarding copyright infringement warnings without having to apply for a license," BREIN director Tim Kuik says.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

iTunes DRM Removal Could Come Back to Haunt Record Labels in Piracy Liability Lawsuit
Ernesto Van der Sar, 02 Feb 10:43 PM

no-drmIn the late 2000s, music fans were delighted by the news that record labels and Apple had agreed to remove all DRM from music files downloaded through the iTunes Store.

The music industry had initially insisted on strong copy protection to make it harder for music pirates to share these files. However, legitimate consumers were inconvenienced by these measures too.

The removal was a breakthrough for anti-DRM advocates and a big step for the music industry, which has become more streaming-focused since. However, well over a decade after the iTunes DRM removal decision, the issue is being revisited in a high-profile piracy case.

Record Labels vs. RCN

Three years ago, several major music labels including Arista Records, Sony Music Entertainment, Universal Music, and Warner Records, filed a lawsuit against U.S. Internet provider RCN. The music companies accused the company of failing to take action against subscribers who were accused of repeat copyright infringements.

There are a few of these piracy liability lawsuits ongoing at the moment. These are not trivial legal battles as there are hundreds of millions of dollars in damages at stake. Therefore, RCN is using all available options to fight back.

After attempts to dismiss the lawsuit and dispute the piracy evidence failed, the Internet provider is now exploring other options to aid its defense.

ISP Zooms in on DRM Removal

To this end, the company would like to know more about the decision to remove DRM from iTunes downloads. Specifically, it asked the music companies during discovery to disclose who were involved in the DRM decision.

"[i]dentify all persons who participated in Plaintiffs' decision in or around 2009 to remove Digital Rights Management ('DRM') from sound recordings sold through the iTunes Store," the request reads.

The ISP notes that DRM was supposed to make it harder for people to share iTunes tracks illegally using BitTorrent. So, in theory, removing this protection could have increased the piracy numbers.

"It is certainly reasonable to infer that this decision—along with Plaintiffs' continuing decision not to re-impose the use of DRM—has affected the frequency with which Plaintiffs' music is shared over peer-to-peer networks," RCN writes.

RCN previously asked the music companies for information about its use of DRM but the labels replied that they couldn't find any matching documents. So, talking directly to the people who were involved in the DRM removal decision is their only option.

'DRM is Irrelevant'

The ISP suggests that the labels themselves could have done more to stop piracy and that removing DRM was counterproductive. However, the music companies don't want to share any names and refuse to point out who was involved in the DRM discussions.

In a letter to the New Jersey federal court, the labels point out that the entire DRM issue is irrelevant for this case. It was taken in 2009, which is years before the alleged infringements at the center of the lawsuit took place.

"RCN is seeking information on measures taken (or not taken) in 2009, two years before the first of the infringements identified by Rightscorp's notices and seven years before Plaintiffs knew about any of those infringements.

"Thus, any alleged decisions Plaintiffs made regarding DRM are necessarily limited to pre-injury conduct that is irrelevant to RCN's failure-to-mitigate defense," the labels add.

Memories Have Faded…

Aside from the judicial arguments, the music companies also point out that, after thirteen years, it might not even be possible to find out who was involved. And even if they do, the key players might not accurately recall what happened at the time.

"At this point, it may prove difficult to identify relevant individuals. Further, the identification of such persons is of minimal value in that their memories of this issue will undoubtedly have faded," the companies argue.

It is now up to the court to decide whether the labels must comply with the discovery request or not. If the removal of DRM indeed resulted in more piracy, it doesn't change how RCN responded to it. However, the ISP does believe that it's relevant for the potential damages that are claimed.

A copy of the music companies' request to sustain their objections to the DRM removal interrogatory is available here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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