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TVAddons' Adam Lackman Admits TV Show Piracy, Agrees to Pay US$19.5m
Andy Maxwell, 23 Feb 11:53 PM

Mid-June 2017 and in the wake of a lawsuit filed in the United States by broadcaster DISH Network, TVAddons – the largest third-party Kodi add-on repository at the time – disappeared from the Internet.

All signs pointed to the events being connected but by August 2017, a bigger picture was emerging.

On June 2, 2017, a coalition of Canadian telecoms giants including Bell Canada, Bell ExpressVu, Bell Media, Videotron, Groupe TVA, Rogers Communications and Rogers Media, had filed a copyright complaint in Canada's Federal Court against Montreal resident Adam Lackman, the man behind TVAddons.

The plaintiffs' case against Lackman ran to 18 pages and contained claims that he communicated copyrighted TV shows including Game of Thrones, Prison Break, The Big Bang Theory, America's Got Talent, Keeping Up With The Kardashians and dozens more, to the public in breach of copyright, due to him developing, hosting, distributing or promoting infringing Kodi add-ons.

Lawsuit Execution Was Highly Controversial

On June 9 the Federal Court handed down an interim injunction against Lackman restraining him from various activities in respect of TVAddons. The process took place ex parte, meaning that Lackman was unable to mount a defense. The plaintiffs were also granted an Anton Piller order, a civil search warrant that allowed them to access Lackman's home without prior notice.

TVAddons later came back under a new domain name but the damage had been done. After a resurgence in 2019, the site's traffic went steadily downhill to a mere fraction of that achieved during its glory days.

The lawsuit filed by DISH was settled months earlier but declining interest in Kodi (plus obvious legal considerations when it came to developing or distributing potentially infringing add-ons) meant that TVAddons was never likely to fully recover.

Up until a couple of weeks ago the site was still operational but in a replay of 2017, it once again disappeared along with its social media and Github channels. The site's domain records further suggested something was afoot, with the TVAddons domain suddenly transferred to GoDaddy. We can now reveal that TVAddons is gone for good.

Plaintiffs and Lackman Agree Consent Judgment

In a letter dated February 18, 2022, the media companies and Lackman told the Federal Court that they had resolved their differences by agreeing to a consent judgment. That was reviewed and issued by Justice Rochester, who laid out the agreed terms in her judgment handed down February 22, 2022.

Lackman admits to communicating TV shows owned by the plaintiffs to the public, including by directly or indirectly participating in the "development, hosting, distribution or promotion of Kodi add-ons that provide users with unauthorized access" to the plaintiffs' TV shows, contrary to sections 3(1)(f) and 27(1) of the Copyright Act.

The TVAddons founder further admits that he made the TV shows available to the public in a manner that provided access "from a place and at a time individually chosen by them" and induced and authorized users of the infringing add-ons to "initiate acts of infringement of the Plaintiffs' right to communicate the Plaintiffs Programs to the public by telecommunication", again by developing, hosting, distributing or promoting Kodi add-ons.

Permanent Injunction

The Federal Court issued a permanent injunction to restrain Lackman (and anyone acting with him, under his authority, or in association) from communicating the plaintiffs' content to the public in any way, including via the development or distribution of infringing add-ons such as the 'FreeTelly' and 'Indigo' tools.

The terms of the injunction are lengthy and comprehensive, leaving no doubt that TVAddons and all related tools and services are now dead, with Lackman unable to do anything remotely similar in the future.

Lackman Must Pay Plaintiffs US$19.5 Million

Given how long the case has taken to progress, there was always likely to be a damages and costs component to the judgment, whenever it finally arrived. Whether Lackman really has millions of dollars kicking around is an open question but if nothing else, the judgment should act as a deterrent.

"THIS COURT ORDERS the Defendant Mr. Lackman to pay the Plaintiffs the amount of twenty-five million dollars ($25,000,000) in the form of a lump sum for damages, profits, punitive and exemplary damages, and costs," Justice Rochester writes.

The judgment is in Canadian dollars but for reference, that's currently around US$19.5 million.

The judgment also authorizes the bailiffs and independent supervising solicitor (with the assistance of computer forensics experts) to transfer the evidence obtained during the search of June 2017 to the media companies. Exactly what data was seized is currently unclear but it is likely to be sensitive, particularly if the trove includes user data and/or information about Kodi add-on developers.

Finally, it appears the media companies will also be taking control of "login credentials, accounts, domains, subdomains and servers" in order to bring this years-long battle to a conclusion. Adam Lackman announced his relief on Twitter, noting that "It wasn't the outcome I had hoped for, but an outcome nonetheless."

Update: The article initially included the wrong amount in USD, we have updated that.

The consent judgment can be found here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Reddit Banned 2,625 Subreddits For Excessive Copyright Infringement in 2021
Andy Maxwell, 23 Feb 07:25 PM

redditAs one of the more popular user-submitted content sites on the internet today, Reddit and its community moderators have to work hard to keep the platform in order.

In 2021, Reddit's users created nearly 5.8 billion posts, comments, private messages and chats across the platform, with 297,161,752 later being removed by moderators (around 175.8k), removed by site admins (108.6K), and the authors themselves (12.6K).

Content can be removed for a variety of reasons. 'Content manipulation' is the largest category and encompasses spam, community interference (so-call 'brigading'), vote manipulation, and similar issues. For the purpose of this report, however, we'll home in on the copyright issues faced by Reddit during the last year and how the site responded to them.

Copyright Removals

In common with the vast majority of large companies based in the US, Reddit has to follow the requirements of the DMCA which means that when it receives a valid copyright notice, it must comply by taking the identified content down. On the other hand, when submitters send notices that are incomplete or invalid in some other way, Reddit does not.

"In 2021, Reddit received 177,450 copyright notices reporting 920,672 pieces of content. This represents an increase of 104% from 2020. We removed 665,898 pieces of content in response to these takedown notices," the company reveals in the latest edition of its transparency report.


Under the DMCA, Reddit is also required to take "appropriate action" against so-called "repeat infringers", which in the company's case can involve the termination of not only user accounts but also entire subreddit communities, especially ones where "excessive amounts" of infringing content keep getting posted.

"In 2021, Reddit permanently suspended 2,813 users and banned 2,625 subreddits for excessive copyright infringement," the company writes.

These figures represent a substantial increase over those published for 2020. In that year, Reddit banned just 303 users and terminated 514 subreddits.

Although overall copyright complaints are up 104% on the previous year, the site's termination policy doesn't appear to have changed significantly. This may suggest that some users and subreddits simply aren't getting the message that by repeatedly posting infringing content, it can and will result in both them and their communities getting banned.

Invalid Copyright Notices Are Rejected

Any copyright notices sent to Reddit must comply with various rules. Primarily they must deal with copyright, not other issues such as privacy or harassment. When they do address copyright issues they must meet the requirements of copyright law and include specified information. Furthermore, the submitter must also consider whether the content they're complaining about is being used legally, i.e under the doctrine of fair use.

Should a submitted notice fail to meet these requirements, action by Reddit is declined. In 2021 260,884 pieces of content did not qualify for removal due to invalid, incomplete, or duplicate copyright notices. These included a complaint from a video game publisher that requested the removal of posts purported to reveal game mechanics for a not-yet-released game.

"Although the notice claimed that 'leaked images of the unreleased game' infringed the publisher's copyrights in the game, the only image found in either of the reported posts was a screenshot of further plain text description of game mechanics. Since the reported content was merely related to the rightsholder's work but did not copy from it in a way that constitutes infringement, we declined to remove the content," Reddit reveals.


When someone complains about a specific piece of content and that content is taken down, under US copyright law the targeted user has the ability to appeal via a DMCA counter notice. Such counter notices are required to follow a structure but successful notices can result in content being restored. Content can also be restored if the submitter of the original notice issues a retraction.

"Reddit complies with counter notices and retraction requests that are complete, and rejects those that are incomplete or invalid. In 2021, Reddit received 542 counter notices and 72 retraction requests. 285 counter notices were found to be valid, resulting in restoration of all the associated content to Reddit. Similarly, all retraction requests resulted in restoration of the associated content," the company notes.

With around 297 million pieces of content removed by Reddit in 2021, the 665,898 pieces removed on copyright grounds represent a small fraction of the overall problem. However, with user accounts and entire communities on the line, consequences can be great when errant users repeatedly and intentionally overstep the line.

The 2021 transparency report, which also covers law enforcement requests, can be found here

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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