Thursday, February 10, 2022

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Police Arrest Man For Running Pirate Site Linking to Anime, Movies, TV Shows
Andy Maxwell, 10 Feb 08:38 AM

movieIn 2012, Japan passed legislation that made it illegal to download unlicensed movies and music from the Internet.

Eight years later, Japan's parliament passed new copyright amendments that banned the unlicensed downloading of manga, magazines and academic texts from the Internet, in line with the previously outlawed media categories.

At the same time, it introduced provisions for dealing with so-called 'leech' sites, platforms that index or link to copyrighted content hosted elsewhere.

Operating such a site without appropriate licensing is now an arrestable offense.

Notable Criminal Cases Since the Changes

In November 2020, the Kyoto Prefectural Police arrested two men for copyright infringement by operating a linking site and providing access to three adult videos.

Last month, the Metropolitan Police Department Ayase Station filed charges against a man who operated a linking site that provided links to a pirate site that offered around 30,000 pieces of unauthorized content, including adult animations. The self-employed 37-year-old is said to have earned the equivalent of around US$4,000 in a recent two-month period.

"I thought that Japanese animation and CG are popular overseas, so I could make money by accessing them. I wanted to make some pocket money," he reportedly confessed.

New Criminal Action in Japan

According to a report from local anti-piracy group CODA, the Cyber Crime Division of the Gunma Prefectural Police Headquarters and the Maebashi Police Station have arrested a man on suspicion that he too operated a leech/linking site that provided access to infringing content.

The platform, which has not been named, reportedly offered links to around 6,000 movies and dramas, including around 2,500 Japanese movies and 3,500 foreign titles. The linked infringing content was uploaded to an overseas online storage site and was available for streaming. Multiple links to illegal uploads were placed for each work so that if one link was removed, another would still work.

For the purposes of the case, two specific works are highlighted as being infringed by the defendant. From local production company Toei, the 2020 movie "Inunakimura" (English: "Howling Village") is cited and from Toho, the 2019 movie "Tenki no Ko" (English: "Weathering with You").

Severe Sentences Available

In common with the 37-year-old linking site suspect, it's said that the man in this matter earned money from his platform, specifically via advertising revenue. Under local law, the generation of revenue is not a requirement for criminal prosecution but may be considered an aggravating factor. Either way, the punishments are potentially severe.

Linking site offenses carry a sentence of up to five years in prison, a maximum fine of five million yen (US$43,600), or in some cases, both. In addition, Toei and Toho can pursue a damages claim through a civil lawsuit.

Earlier this year the formation of the International Anti-Piracy Organisation (IAPO) was announced by CODA. The aim of the new coalition is to tackle the illegal online distribution of anime, manga and similar copyrighted content around the world. Along with dozens of other companies, Toei is expected to be part of the coalition.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Omi in a Hellcat Will Plead Guilty, Suddenly Turns Anti-Piracy Advocate
Andy Maxwell, 09 Feb 09:39 PM

OMI IN A HELLCATIn November 2019, the federal government shut down Gears-branded IPTV services operated by Bill Omar Carrasquillo, better known by his social media handle Omi in a Hellcat.

IRS and FBI agents seized "at least" $5.2m from his bank accounts along with a laundry list of supercars and other vehicles, all alleged to have been purchased with revenues from Carrasquillo's pirate TV services.

A criminal indictment unsealed last year revealed that Carrasquillo of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, Jesse Gonzales of California, and Michael Barone of New York had all been charged with serious offenses relating to the illegal capture and redistribution of Comcast, Verizon, Spectrum, DirecTV and Frontier Communications broadcasts.

With Carrasquillo facing a sentence of 514 years and the forfeiture of dozens of supercars (not to mention dozens of pieces of real estate), the YouTuber has always maintained his innocence, insisting that the legal advice he received while operating his services was solid.

Whatever that advice was, anyone with even a basic understanding of copyright law in the United States could see otherwise. The consequences of not paying taxes are even more obvious so now, via a message to his fans, Carrasquillo says he will plead guilty.

Even more than that, Carrasquillo says he IS guilty and will have to face the music.

Omi: I Did Wrong, I F***** Up, I'm Guilty

"It's a super-unfortunate situation. I'm not a threat to society by any means but you know, what did what I did was kind f***** up. Created an app that basically had live TV and recorded shows in a DVR catch-up type of thing. I'm letting you guys know that I'm pleading guilty," he says in a YouTube video

"Long talks with my attorney, it's the best option you know. Everyone [presumably co-defendants] already pleaded out, already pleaded guilty on my case, [which] makes no sense, plus it's an acceptance of responsibility for me."

Precisely what deal Carrasquillo has reached with prosecutors isn't made clear. There is no mention of time in prison yet but there is a clear financial component with many, many millions at stake.

"It just sucks, it sucks, it sucks. It sucks to lose my house, to lose properties, money, all my cars, my jewelry. It's an embarrassment."

Omi to fans: Don't Do What I Did

Omi previously painted his predicament as one of a 'hustler' who exploited a 'gray area' in order to give poorer people access to content for which cable companies were charging too much. His comments now appear to have switched almost entirely towards cautionary advice – anti-piracy advocacy even.

"You know what, this is to kind of let you know man that you don't want to take easy routes in life. I've always been good at hustling you know and in a good sense. I'm not talking about selling drugs I'm talking about hustling you know, grabbing an item selling it for more. I did this through Craigslist, I did this through Facebook," he says.

"You obtain everything quick but at the end of the day it's not worth it man so I'm letting you guys know you if you're f****** and streaming and shit like that man…'STOP IT'."

omi stop it

There Was No Gray Area

One of the interesting aspects of the case against Carrasquillo is that at the time of his offenses, rightsholders were pushing extremely hard to plug a perceived loophole in copyright law. By treating streaming as a felony, not a mere misdemeanor, the 'Protecting Lawful Streaming Act 2020' would help rightsholders tackle IPTV operations similar to Carrasquillo's.

Given that the new law passed in 2020 and Carrasquillo's offenses pre-dated that by years, it's pretty obvious that existing legislation was already enough in a case like his. Nevertheless, Carrasquillo believes that others who are considering emulating people like him should now be extra cautious, since the new legislation allows for lengthy jail sentences.

"It's 10 years in prison now if you stream," Omi warns, leaning towards the camera. The truth is a little more nuanced, however.

In rough terms, people who provide a service that is primarily designed for distributing copyright works for the purposes of "commercial advantage or private financial gain", can be fined and imprisoned for up to three years. If the service carries pre-release content, the sentence jumps to five years. The 10-year maximum only comes into play for repeat offenders (pdf).

Omi's Crimes Are 'A Little Bit Different'

Omi concedes his case became more complex because he didn't pay his taxes but he's stressing that the important thing now is for him is to just accept that he was wrong and what he did was illegal.

"Ignorance is no excuse like I've always said and to me it's about accepting responsibility and just stop feeding myself some bullshit. To me it's narcissistic behavior, the shit that I do. I'm always the victim, America is against me – No. I wouldn't have had this issue if I hadn't created this service [and paid my taxes] – that's a fact.

Disney+ Gets Credited For Omi's Change of Heart

While Disney and its products have brought joy to countless millions over decades, the company is also well-known for being one of the most bullish pro-copyright corporations ever to exist, one that executes aggressive anti-piracy strategies on a daily basis.

It's therefore more than a little interesting to see Omi crediting the company for what appears to be his road to Damascus-style recovery.

"I feel guilty. I was watching Disney+, watching Pixar – it's like 'meet the creators' – and I saw this massive building and if you watch 'meet the creators' you get to watch the animators and some of the people that work on some of these movies.

"Pixar has Thousands of employees and you see them all walking into the building at the same time, everybody's just moving. The kitchen is rolling, the auditorium in that place is humongous. It takes them five years – FIVE YEARS – to make one movie," he exclaims.

"So think about all the money you're investing, and investing in all the people running back and forth. At the end of the day, do they still get paid? Yes, Omi says, but that made him think about a situation he faced too, when people copied his own products.

Omi Says He's a Victim of Piracy Too

For some time now, Omi has been selling clothing and other products featuring his 'Reloaded' branding, named after one of his services of the same name. He says that when he discovered that someone had copied his products and knock-offs were being sold, it didn't feel great.

"When I found out that someone was selling Reloaded merchandise t-shirts that shit bothered me. So imagine what a copyright holder has to go through. You're skipping off money off the top. Towards the beginning I felt like what I did wasn't illegal and the more I sit back and dwell on it, I was feeding myself bullshit.

"When you're redistributing copyright material, it's illegal – no if, and, or buts. But do I deserve all that time in prison? No man, that's just ludicrous but I do have to make some wrongs into rights.

Omi Says Nobody is Pulling His Strings

Considering the significant public effect of a high-profile YouTuber denouncing piracy like Omi now has, one might rightly muse over whether this is genuine remorse or spoon-fed industry propaganda that could have the potential to lighten his ultimate punishment.

While expressions of guilt and remorse can indeed have that effect, Omi insists that what he is saying is entirely voluntary and he wasn't coerced in any way.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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