Saturday, February 26, 2022

TorrentFreak's Latest News


Peru Teams Up With IFPI to Fight Online Music Piracy
Ernesto Van der Sar, 25 Feb 10:10 PM

ifpiEvery year the US Trade Representative publishes a new update of its Special 301 Report, highlighting countries that fail to live up to U.S copyright protection standards.

The annual overview is meant to motivate foreign governments to improve policy and legislation in favor of US copyright holders.

This year's list will be published in a few weeks. One of the 'nominated' countries is Peru, which is being closely watched by rightsholders. In response to various issues that were raised, Peru's National Institute for the Defense of Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property (INDECOPI) sent an update of its plans and accomplishments to the USTR.

Peru Commits to Tackling Online Piracy

These diplomatic updates are nothing new. However, they can sometimes offer more insight into the collaboration between states and private organizations that, usually, remains behind closed doors.

This is also the case with the latest letter from Peru. Responding to questions and remarks from rightsholders, INDECOPI informs the USTR that fighting online piracy remains high on the agenda.

Over the past year, the government organization has asked ISPs to block several stream-ripping sites, for example, and these efforts will continue.

"INDECOPI will continue monitoring and surveillance in the digital environment of suspected piracy sites for the year 2022 and will take the corresponding actions to block illegal sites that would allow the downloading of works under the modality of stream ripping, as well as regarding the transmission of sports events via streaming."

Collaboration With IFPI

To ensure that no stone is left unturned, INDECOPI has teamed up with the global music industry group IFPI, which it describes as one of its allies in the fight against online piracy.

IFPI puts pirate sites on the radar of the Peruvian Government but it also provides training and education, so the proper authorities can increase their anti-piracy skillset.

"INDECOPI has just signed a few days ago a memorandum of understanding with IFPI […] to implement jointly cooperation mechanisms, particularly regarding training and exchange of information for the detection […] of websites, as well as mobile and desktop applications, through which are carried out or contribute to allegedly infringing acts."

Information and Education

Among other things, IFPI will share information about infringing sites with the authorities. INDECOPI can then use this information to take legal action.

Last year the government already requested ISP blockades of 17 websites. These include the stream-ripping services, Y2Mate, and However, with help from the music industry, this list is expected to grow in the coming year.

IFPI confirmed to TorrentFreak that it signed a cooperation agreement with Peru's IP authority. One of the main goals is to exchange intelligence on the music piracy landscape and assist in the ongoing blocking efforts and related investigations.

It is quite common for rightsholders and their representatives to be involved in site blocking proceedings, either through lawsuits or administrative procedures. However, this is the first time we've seen it being framed as a collaboration.

In addition to IFPI, Peru has also teamed up with the Ministry of Culture and Sports of Spain. Both countries will combine their forces to fight online piracy and other copyright infringing activities.

A copy of INDECOPI's letter to the USTR is available here (pdf).

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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