Friday, January 7, 2022

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UK Online Piracy Increases Slightly But Over Five Years Remains Stable
Andy Maxwell, 07 Jan 09:46 AM

Each year the UK Government publishes a new edition of its Online Copyright Infringement Tracker which reveals the results of an annual survey polling the piracy habits of people twelve years old and above.

The UK Intellectual Property Office has just published the results of the 11th wave which took place in 2021.

A different methodology has been deployed since the 9th wave in an effort to produce robust results and additional insight. In common with earlier years, its a mixed bag of good and bad news for rightsholders.

Key Points in Summary

Overall consumption of content (via legal and illegal sources) increased during this wave across a number of categories, particularly in streaming of content which reached the highest point seen thus far. Consumption of live sports also bounced back to pre-COVID levels and there were small increases in those downloading music, film and TV. In most cases, however, figures were still down on the pre-COVID-19 peak.

Once again the main drivers for accessing content online were the choice and variety of content on offer, the ability to access content immediately, and the cost.

In terms of infringing consumption, overall infringement for all content categories sat at 25%, up from the 23% reported during the 10th wave tracker. While this represents a small increase, overall infringement levels have remained relatively stable over the past five years, meaning that on average a quarter of consumers are still using illegal sources either in whole or in part.

Music, Movies, TV, Live Sports

This is not all bad news for rightsholders, however. In music, for example, the number of consumers who only access content from legal sources (download and streaming) increased to 85% (+3%) with only 2% using illegal sources exclusively.

In respect of film consumption, 80% of respondents consumed only from legal sources, 17% consumed from a mix of legal and illegal, and a stubborn 3% refused to consume anything legally, all unchanged since 2020. The overall level of infringement also remained static at 20%.

While not much has changed in the TV piracy world, the situation hasn't worsened and there are signs of a slight improvement. While overall levels remained stable at 14% in 2021, the number of consumers accessing content purely from legal platforms increased to 86% (+1%) with just 2% downloading or streaming from only illegal sources.

Live sports is an unusual category in that the availability of sporting events during the COVID-19 lockdown was severely diminished. In 2020, just 8% engaged with live sports overall but in 2021 there was a significant boost to 15%, almost double the figure in the previous year. Interestingly, however, overall levels of infringement dropped from 37% in 2020 to 29% in 2021.

Video Games and Other Content

Overall infringement remained stable in the video games category at 11% in 2021, with just 2% of consumers accessing content only from illegal sources. In software, overall infringement was up from 20% in 2020 to 23% in 2021 while infringement of e-books decreased by 3% from the previous year to 14%.

Overall infringement of digital magazines also decreased in this wave from 28% in 2020 to 27% in 2021 but the same cannot be said about audiobooks, which jumped from 14% in 2020 to 24% in 2021.

"Behaviour Change Opportunities"

In addition to tracking consumption, the UK Government's annual report also seeks to highlight areas where pirates of all kinds can be encouraged to consume more legal content. In the previous wave, the report found that alluding to the financial impact of infringement on individuals within industries was more engaging than talking about industries as a whole.

There is no broad change in the 2021 report but the study adds some nuance.

"The communications testing this year managed to drill down further into which individuals to focus on and showed that participants found it hard to sympathize with big artists, producers, executives etc. who are seen to have a lot of money and success. Rather, speaking about smaller artists or smaller production companies as well as those individuals employed by industries in the background elicited more positive responses," the report reads.

Interestingly, the previous report (conducted just three months into the pandemic) described an "underwhelming response" to messages related to the impact of COVID-19 on the creative industries. This time around, things had changed.

"One year on, however, with the pandemic ongoing at the time of research, messages about the continued strain on funds and reports of job losses were seen as some of the most impactful messages and caused some participants to reconsider their behavior."

Concerns (or lack of) Among Pirates

In an effort to deter pirates, the entertainment industries, particularly those in film, TV and broadcasting, have been pushing a narrative of malware and other cyber-related threats in recent years. The study found that while these worry some less experienced infringers, those who infringe regularly are much less concerned.

While not discounting potential threats, more experienced users said they had built trust in the sources they use and after not experiencing any issues, feel safe to continue using them.

"The notion of increased cyber security threats during the pandemic didn't seem to increase concern, with many saying they would remain vigilant and knew the warning signs of untrustworthy content to look out for," the report reads.

When presented with hypothetical scenarios around potential enforcement, the most effective proposition for making participants reconsider was the possibility that internet providers might send them warnings and eventually cut off internet access, followed by "greater implementation and enforcement of fines."

At the time of writing a new ISP warning campaign seems unlikely after the most recent venture was abandoned in 2019. Fines (or more accurately settlement letters) are being sent out in the UK but currently cover a very small volume of content sent out by a handful of rightsholders.

The full report can be found here

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

FBI Arrests Man For Fraudulently Obtaining Leaks of 100s of Pre-Release Books
Andy Maxwell, 06 Jan 06:45 PM

Department of JusticeOver the years there have been many schemes to obtain movies and TV shows before their commercial release. A notable example includes members of the MiLLENiUM Release Group who were sentenced in 2019.

But while pirates who obtain video content in advance of its official release tend to grab the most headlines, a case developing in the United States reveals that valuable literary content such as pre-release novels can be targeted too.

FBI Arrests Italian Man at JFK Airport

Late Wednesday the Department of Justice revealed that the FBI had arrested Italian citizen Filippo Bernardini at John F. Kennedy International Airport for wire fraud and aggravated identity theft. He was detained in connection with a years-long scheme to obtain novels and other literary works in electronic form before their commercial release.

"Filippo Bernardini allegedly impersonated publishing industry individuals in order to have authors, including a Pulitzer prize winner, send him prepublication manuscripts for his own benefit. This real-life storyline now reads as a cautionary tale, with the plot twist of Barnardini facing federal criminal charges for his misdeeds," said U.S. Attorney Damian Williams.

According to US authorities, the scheme to obtain the pre-release content had been running for at least five years.

Indictment Unsealed

The indictment, unsealed Wednesday in Manhattan federal court, alleges that beginning in August 2016, Bernardini – who was based in London and worked in publishing for Simon & Schuster – began impersonating agents, editors and other individuals in the industry to obtain pre-release literary manuscripts from his targets.

This type of content is considered extremely valuable within the industry. As the indictment explains, should an unfinished work leak out to the public, any piracy can dramatically undermine the economics of publishing, undermine an author's reputation, and interfere with secondary markets such as film adaptations.

According to court records, Bernardini obtained hundreds of such works from hundreds of individuals.

Sophisticated Phishing Operation

It's alleged that in order to carry out the scheme, Bernardini registered more than 160 domains that impersonated real entities and individuals involved in publishing, such as talent agencies, publishing houses, and literary scouts. The domain names were designed to be confusingly similar to real entities by including subtle typographical errors (such as replacing 'm' with the letters 'rn') that were difficult to spot.

In tandem with these domains, Bernardini allegedly created email addresses in the names of actual people who worked at the corresponding entities and used them to contact authors, managers, agents, publishers, and editors to solicit unpublished books, novels and other content. One of his targets was an unnamed Pulitzer Prize-winning author who handed over the requested manuscript.

Email records held by the defendant show that he impersonated hundreds of people and engaged in hundreds of attempts to obtain electronic copies of unreleased content. In addition, Bernardini also lured unsuspecting targets to at least two fake websites where they were prompted to enter their usernames and passwords. These credentials were later used to gain unlawful access to a database maintained by a New York-based scouting company.

Statutory Allegations

According to the indictment the scheme ran from August 2016 to around July 2021 and was designed to obtain money and property under false and fraudulent pretenses, causing valuable and unpublished literary manuscripts to be sent and received by means of wire, contrary to the law. The Grand Jury charges also contain allegations of aggravated identity theft.

For the wire fraud charge, Bernardini, 29, of London, United Kingdom, faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison. For the aggravated identity theft charge he faces a possible mandatory consecutive sentence of 2 years in prison.

Simon & Schuster, which is not accused of wrongdoing, said it was "shocked and horrified" to learn of the allegations against Bernardini.

"The safekeeping of our authors' intellectual property is of primary importance to Simon & Schuster, and for all in the publishing industry, and we are grateful to the FBI for investigating these incidents and bringing charges against the alleged perpetrator," the company said.

The indictment can be found here

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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