Wednesday, January 5, 2022

TorrentFreak's Latest News


DMCA-Circumventing Cheat Maker Uses DMCA to Take Down Cracked Copy
Andy Maxwell, 04 Jan 10:08 PM

genshin impactOver the past couple of years a number of high-profile lawsuits have been filed against individuals and groups who create cheating software for videogames.

Companies including Bungie, Riot Games, and Take-Two have all taken cheat makers to court for undermining their gaming environments and business models, claiming that these tools violate the anti-circumvention provisions of the DMCA.

Gator Cheats, for example, agreed to pay Riot and Bungie $2m to settle their case but despite the risks, many cheat makers and sellers have continued their work regardless, resulting in yet more lawsuits, most of which are filed in the US.

But what if you're a maker of cheating software and upset that someone is pirating your work? Turns out the DMCA can be quite effective in combating that threat too.

Cheat Maker Releases Genshin XYZ is a discussion forum dedicated to hacking and cheating in multiplayer games. It claims to be the oldest such forum on the internet and stresses that it does not promote the illegal use of software.

Mid-December a new release appeared on the forum titled 'Genshin XYZ', a piece of software that works with open-world action role-playing game Genshin Impact. Despite a reported development and marketing budget in excess of $100m, Genshin Impact is free to play but is monetized via gacha game mechanics.

The wide feature range of Genshin XYZ appears designed to undermine that monetization since the tool allows players to cheat their way to progress instead. This is the type of behavior that has attracted copyright infringement lawsuits in the past but in this case, the makers of Genshin XYZ are using copyright law to prevent piracy of their product.

Cheat Maker Targets Software 'Cracker'

When the Genshin XYZ team made their latest release in December they announced that, unlike their previous releases, this cheating tool would come with a "special loader" that would help players to use the product. However, it appears that someone removed this element and released a 'cracked' version of the cheat tool on Github along with their own loader.


This clearly didn't go down well with the Genshin XYZ team who responded with a DMCA takedown notice claiming that the cracker was infringing on their intellectual property rights.

DMCA's Anti-Circumvention Provisions

"GenshinXYZ / GenshinPublic is our software being illegal cracked and distributed by the user in mention [sic]," a DMCA takedown notice filed at Github reads.

"The original software is a DLL which we publish inside a DLL loader programmed by us in C# with VMProtection. It should prevent third parties from redistributing and selling the DLL as their own."

Somewhat interestingly, the notice claims that the cracked version of the cheat tool breaches the anti-circumvention provisions of the DMCA.

"They have cracked the C# loader to get the DLL. Then they built the DLL into their own loader, which they now distribute as 'GenshinPublic'. The repository is an illegal crack and upload of our software and should be removed," the notice adds.

Github's Analysis Results in Takedown

That the creators of a cheat that almost certainly violates the anti-circumvention provisions of the DMCA attempted to have a copy taken down based on the same law is both novel and pretty ironic, to say the least. However, Github wasn't convinced that the crack 'pirate' committed any offenses in that respect.

"While GitHub did not find sufficient information to determine a valid anti-circumvention claim, we determined that this takedown notice contains other valid copyright claim(s)," its note reads.

As a result, Github honored the takedown request on broader copyright infringement grounds and disabled the repository, which probably satisfied the cheat makers.

Nevertheless, it's interesting to observe that people who seem happy to violate the DMCA on the one hand are also prepared to seek redress using the same law on the other.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Record Labels Still Want to Know if Piracy Trial Jurors Read TorrentFreak
Ernesto Van der Sar, 04 Jan 03:06 PM

The "repeat infringer" issue remains a hot topic in US courts and several ISPs have been sued over the years.

These Internet providers stand accused of not doing enough to stop copyright infringers on their networks, even after receiving multiple 'copyright infringement' notifications.

The most prominent outcome thus far is the guilty verdict against Cox from late 2019. Following a jury trial, the company was ordered to pay a billion dollars in damages to a group of major record labels.

Record Labels vs. Grande

Following the verdict, several of the labels shifted their focus to the next targets, including ISP Grande Communications. This case was initially scheduled to start in early 2020 but, due to time constraints, was postponed for a few months.

Soon after this initial delay, the coronavirus pandemic hit causing the trial to be postponed even further until 2022. After a wait of nearly two years, it is now expected to start in a few weeks and the final preparations are in full swing.

This week both parties submitted their 'voir dire' questions for potential trial jurors. The jury consists of members of the public, but the legal teams from both sides are allowed to ask questions during the selection process, to ensure that jurors are unbiased.

Jury Selection Questions

Most of these questions make sense. Grande doesn't want any former employees of the music companies or disgruntled subscribers in the jury. Similarly, the music companies prefer to keep people who have been sued by the RIAA off the bench.

However, the questions also touch on broader subjects. Two years ago we reported that the music companies were also interested in whether people read TorrentFreak and that hasn't changed. Among the 52 voir dire questions there is also one about TorrentFreak and Ars Technica.

"Have you ever read or visited Ars Technica or TorrentFreak?" it reads.

This question is similar to the one that was submitted two years ago. However, the potential jurors will now have to explain what type of material they read on the two news sites.

The document doesn't explain what the exact goal of this question is. TorrentFreak has a broad readership base with varying interests. These include rightsholders, legal experts, digital activists, and members of the public who like to follow piracy-related news.

EFF Supporter? VPN User?

TorrentFreak and Ars Technica are not the only outfits the labels are interested in. They also want to know if potential jury members have been contributing to or supporting the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), or if they're familiar with the piracy tracking from Rightscorp.


Interestingly, these questions could theoretically steer potential jurors in a certain direction. Even those who have never heard of TorrentFreak may be intrigued by the question and start reading it going forward. But that's probably not the goal here.

Reading through the questions we also see some other ones that stand out. For example, the music companies want to know if potential jurors have ever visited The Pirate Bay or used a VPN for anything other than work. This VPN question is new.

More New Questions

Other new questions cover seemingly unrelated topics about how people spend their free time and whether they regularly go to church.

"How do you like to spend your free time, if you have any?" one question reads, while another one asks if potential jurors "are regularly involved with [their] church or any other house of worship."

The music companies are not the only ones asking questions of course. Grande Communications has also prepared a list, hoping to signal bias or other disqualifying factors.

The ISP asks, for example, if the candidates are musicians or have ever worked at a record label. The company also asks whether they believe it's an ISP's responsibility to monitor and police online piracy.

"Does anyone here believe that it is the ISP's responsibility to monitor and police online copyright infringement?" Grande asks.

The jury selection for the upcoming trial is scheduled to take place on January 21st and the trial will start a few days later. In the coming weeks, both parties will work on their final preparations.

A copy of the record labels' proposed voir dire questions for potential jurors is available here (pdf) and Grande's version can be found here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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