Tuesday, January 25, 2022

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Google Drive Flags Text Files With "1" or "0" As Copyright Infringements
Ernesto Van der Sar, 25 Jan 09:55 AM

google-doodleThe entire digital world is made up of binary code, often 1's and 0's. When you piece enough of them together, beautiful things can be created.

By themselves, these two numbers are not that impressive. However, Google Drive appears to see them as a threat of sorts.

The Infringing "1"

Yesterday, Dr. Emily Dolson, an Assistant Professor at Michigan State University studying eco-evolutionary dynamics, noted that the storage platform had flagged one of her files.

It is no secret that Google uses automatic hash recognition to scan for copyright-infringing content. In this case, however, it was nothing more than a text file containing the number "1". The name of the file is "output04.txt" which doesn't sound any alarm bells either.

Still, Google determined that the file represented a copyright-related terms of service violation and prevented it from being publicly shared.

"Uh, @googledrive, are you doing okay? This file literally contains a single line with the number "1"," Dolson wrote, later adding that this is "extra funny" because the file was uploaded to share during an algorithms class.

dolson tweet

Initially, we assumed that this was some kind of isolated issue. However, a thread on Hacker News showed that it is actually quite easy to replicate. As it turns out, pretty much all text files containing a single "1" are automatically flagged as copyright infringement if they're publicly shared.

"0" Is Flagged Too

Intrigued by these findings we tried to replicate them and, within an hour, multiple single-digit text files were indeed flagged. Taking it a step further, we also added a text file with just a "0". This file was also blocked for copyright issues.

"Your file "zero.txt" contains content that violates Google Drive's Copyright Infringement policy," Google wrote in an automated email, adding that "a review cannot be requested for this restriction."

In all cases, the original files remained in our Drive account. However, they can no longer be shared in public. People who try to access them are informed that it's not available due to a terms of service violation.

google drive

At this point, it's pretty clear that something's not quite right at Google Drive. Luckily, the service itself realizes this as well and shortly before publication it responded to the researcher on Twitter.

Google Responds

"Hi Dr. Emily Dolson, thank you for letting us know about this issue! The Drive team is very much aware of this now," the Google Drive team wrote, adding that they're working on it.

As is often the case with these types of issues, people with not as much reach and viral exposure as Dolson will have a harder time drawing attention to incorrectly flagged content. Perhaps it might be a good idea to add some kind of appeal or reporting option after all?

When we checked the 0's and 1's we uploaded to Google Drive before publishing this article they were all still flagged. We assume that this issue will be solved in the near future but, in the meantime, people can replicate the findings by using zero.txt and freeone.txt.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Movie Companies Use DMCA 'Shortcut' To Expose Alleged CenturyLink Pirates
Andy Maxwell, 24 Jan 08:22 PM

holeWhen copyright holders observe an IP address sharing unauthorized content in a BitTorrent swarm, they need to match that IP address to a real-life name and physical address if they want to take things any further.

Since there are no online resources that can reliably supply that information, copyright lawsuits – especially those aimed at extracting a cash settlement from a target – are often filed against 'John Doe' defendants. As such cases progress, rightsholders can request permission to obtain personal details from ISPs, which judges may agree to – or not.

However, while putting these matters before a judge is one option, another route exists. It requires no reasoned consideration by a judge as to whether such disclosure is the appropriate course of action because it bypasses the judge completely.

Controversial: DMCA Subpoenas Target Consumer ISP

So-called DMCA subpoenas are regularly used by anti-piracy groups in order to obtain the personal details of those who operate pirate sites and services. Typically they are filed against companies such as Cloudflare and Namecheap, who are then required to hand over their customers' details.

In the majority of US lawsuits against regular internet users, the discovery process is used to identify alleged infringers but every now and again, the DMCA subpoena route is taken. This not only avoids most of the costs but also limits the chance of a judge getting in the way.

In the early 2000s when the RIAA launched its infamous "sue-em-all" campaign, it also took this route but after ISP pushback the practice appeared to be outlawed, at least against "mere conduit" providers. But of course, the status quo is there to be challenged so over time and with support from new case law, some copyright holders have tested the DMCA subpoena route again, and not without success.

CenturyLink Customers Set To Be Exposed

Voltage Pictures, Millenium Funding, and LHF Productions regularly appear in our reporting due to their litigious nature. They have sued (and settled with) torrent sites such as YTS and gone after VPN providers. They have also filed hundreds of cases against users in the US and Canada, and are currently trying their hand in the UK.

In an application filed last week in a Colorado court, LHF, Millennium, Voltage and Killing Link, requested a DMCA subpoena against CenturyLink Communications, one of the largest ISPs in the United States.

It alleges that 13 of the ISP's customers downloaded/shared several movies including London Has Fallen, Angel Has Fallen, Kill Chain, Homefront, Status Update and Ava, the movie at the center of a related settlement campaign against alleged pirates in the UK.

"The subpoena shall authorize and order the service provider receiving the notification and the subpoena to expeditiously disclose to the copyright owner or person authorized by the copyright owner information sufficient to identify the alleged infringer of the material described in the notification to the extent such information is available to the service provider," the application reads.

So if the RIAA ran out of road with DMCA subpoenas, why are they are being used here?

Movie Companies Present Their Reasoning

Citing a case between the RIAA and Charter Communications from 2005, the movie companies note that the Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit found that section 512(h) (limits on liability for service providers) "only applies to ISPs that directly store, cache, or provide links to infringing material" and that decision turned on the conclusion that DMCA notifications described in subsection (c)(3)(A) could not be applied to an ISP that acts as a conduit.

That does not put CenturyLink in the clear, they add.

"The Tenth Circuit has not yet concluded whether 512(h) applies to ISPs that function as a conduit for infringing material. However, the Fourth Circuit recently concluded that notifications similar to those described in subsection (c)(3)(A) were sufficient to trigger an ISP's loss of the DMCA safe harbor," they write, citing a 'repeat infringer' lawsuit filed by BMG against Cox Communications.

"Accordingly, Owner respectfully submits that the Tenth Circuit would likely conclude that 512(h) does also apply to ISPs that directly store, cache, or provide links to infringing material," the application states, with a reminder a judge isn't needed to issue the subpoena.

"[T]he clerk must issue and sign the proposed subpoena. 512(h)(4) provides that the Clerk, not a Judge should issue and sign the proposed subpoena." (emphasis in original)

What Happens Next?

The application was filed on January 18 and one day later, the clerk signed and then issued the subpoena against CenturyLink Communications (dba Lumen Technologies Group). This means that the ISP will be required to hand over the alleged pirates' personal details. The big question is what happens next.

Documents filed with the court indicate alleged infringements dating from January 1, 2020, through January 16, 2021, so it can be assumed that CenturyLink can tie these to an account holder. Should the ISP hand these details over, the movie companies can do whatever they like with them, providing the purpose is for "protecting the rights granted to the copyright owner."

That could mean a settlement letter in the post or a full lawsuit aimed at achieving the same. However, given the track records of these companies acting together in far more complex cases against pirate apps (Showbox for example) and other online services, it's possible there is something else these customers can do to assist in another case, perhaps in lieu of being sued.

A Tangled Web of the Same Companies & People

Finally, it's interesting to see some familiar names cropping up in various parts of this action. It's certainly no surprise to see attorney Kerry Culpepper making an appearance as he has done in many similar cases. But there are others too that demonstrate the interconnected nature of anti-piracy litigation across continents.

Copies of infringement notices sent to CenturyLink complaining about their customers' behavior were sent by Copyright Management Services (CMS) in the UK whose former CEO was Patrick Achache, who also the COO of notorious piracy monetization outfit Guardaley. Achache is also managing director of Maverickeye, an anti-piracy tracking firm that provides evidence for the movie companies' lawsuits and settlement campaigns.

CMS is now controlled by Lubesly Tellidua, a beauty queen from the Philippines who is also linked to Achache and Guardaley. At least one notice was sent by Anna Reiter, who also worked or works at Guardaley.

Other notices were sent to CenturyLink by Catherine Hyde, some under the heading of Copyright Management Services Ltd and others under a second company, PML Process Management Ltd of Cyprus. Hyde worked with H&B Administration LLP and TCYK LLC to extract cash payments from alleged pirates in the UK. She's listed as working at H&B now.

Last year, H&B Administration LLP changed its name to FACT Administration LLP due to its deep connections with the Federation Against Copyright Theft. Several movie companies are also members of the LLP including Voltage Pictures, which is now running a cash settlement campaign against alleged pirates in the UK, using data provided by Maverickeye.

Former members of the LLP include Copyright Management Services, which provides the address '43, Berkeley Square' in its infringement notices to CenturyLink. That every anti-piracy entity (and in some cases the movie companies themselves) mentioned in this article either shares that same address or has close links to it is entirely unsurprising.

Documents relating to the subpoena application can be found here (1,2,3,4 pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

RIAA Discards EFF's YouTube-DL Letter, Notes That it 'Regularly Sides With Infringers'
Ernesto Van der Sar, 24 Jan 01:02 PM

flvtoLast October, the RIAA secured a major victory in its piracy lawsuit against YouTube-rippers FLVTO.biz and 2conv.com, and their Russian operator Tofig Kurbanov.

A Virginia federal court issued a default judgment in favor of several prominent music companies after the defendant walked away from the lawsuit.

According to the order, there is a clear need to deter the behavior of Kurbanov who failed to hand over evidence including server logs. "A less drastic sanction is unlikely to salvage this case," the Judge wrote.

Following this win, the RIAA asked for an injunction to stop the sites' worldwide stream-ripping activities. In addition, the music group demanded $82 million in damages. Both of these requests were taken up in a report and recommendation issued by Magistrate Judge Buchanan in December.

YouTube Rippers Oppose Potential $82M Damages Award

Kurbanov's legal team opposed this recommendation a few weeks ago. Through his lawyers, the operator argued that the Judge's findings are in direct contravention of the law because the music companies failed to provide evidence of any infringing activity taking place in the United States.

In addition, the defense argued that, if damages are needed, these should be substantially lower as Mr. Kurbanov himself is not accused of downloading any songs. He simply built his site around the open-source software youtube-dl that is freely available to anyone on the Internet.

The opposition brief pointed out that it's far from clear that youtube-dl 'circumvents' anything. It specifically referenced a letter the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) sent to GitHub after it removed the youtube-dl software from its platform following an RIAA takedown notice in 2020.

EFF's letter made GitHub reconsider its decision and soon after, the youtube-dl repository was restored.

RIAA Responds

Late last week, the RIAA responded to Kurbanov's arguments, including the use of youtube-dl and EFF's letter. According to the music group, it is irrelevant whether the stream-rippers relied on the open source software or not.

"Defendant is no less responsible for his violation of Section 1201 simply because he built his illegal Websites by incorporating some software developed by others instead of building the Websites from scratch."

The music group points out that the Court has already established that Defendant is liable for circumvention. In addition, the music companies' own experts testified before the court that youtube-dl software circumvents technological measures.

EFF 'Sides with Infringers'

That the EFF holds a different view is true, but the letter wasn't presented as an official expert report. In addition, the RIAA also questions the objectivity of the group, noting that it "regularly sides with infringers."

"The EFF letter is no substitute for an expert report. EFF is a partisan advocacy group that regularly sides with infringers but has not submitted a declaration in this case," RIAA's response reads.

"Nor does the EFF letter speak to Defendant's state of mind or knowledge; he provides no declaration to suggest that he relied on (or was even aware of) EFF's opinions," it adds.

Mr. Kurbanov also pointed out that the music companies failed to provide any evidence that FLVTO.biz and 2conv.com were used to download infringing music in the United States. As such, it would be impossible to conclude that infringements actually took place.

The RIAA counters this argument as well. The music group points out that, for a default judgment, there is no need to "prove" or "show" that the defendant is liable. Instead, they only have to show that the infringement claims are plausible, which the Magistrate Judge agreed on.

'Geo-Blocking is No Escape'

The stream-rippers also argued that an injunction is no longer needed as they have already blocked traffic from US visitors.

While the RIAA doesn't contend that the sites have blocked US traffic, the music group notes that an injunction is still needed as this voluntary blocking decision can be easily reversed in the future.

"[T]he law is clear that Defendant's eleventh-hour geo-blocking effort does not vitiate the need for injunctive relief. An injunction is necessary because Defendant could flip a switch tomorrow and re-enable access to the Websites by users in the United States," it concludes.

The above is just a selection of the various points that are contested in the RIAA response brief. A copy of the music companies' full response to the stream-rippers objections is available here (pdf).

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Top 10 Most Pirated Movies of The Week – 01/24/2022
Ernesto Van der Sar, 23 Jan 11:30 PM

eternalsThe data for our weekly download chart is estimated by TorrentFreak, and is for informational and educational reference only.

These torrent download statistics are only meant to provide further insight into the piracy trends. All data are gathered from public resources.

This week we have no new entries on the list. "Eternals" is the most downloaded title.

The most torrented movies for the week ending on January 24 are:

Movie Rank Rank last week Movie name IMDb Rating / Trailer
Most downloaded movies via torrent sites
1 (…) Eternals 6.6 / trailer
2 (6) Spider-Man: No Way Home 9.0 / trailer
3 (2) Ghostbusters: Afterlife 7.6 / trailer
4 (3) The Matrix Resurrections 5.8 / trailer
5 (5) Hotel Transylvania: Transformania 6.1 / trailer
6 (4) Sing 2 7.6 / trailer
7 (7) Venom: Let There Be Carnage 6.1 / trailer
8 (8) Dune 8.3 / trailer
9 (9) No Time to Die 7.5 / trailer
10 (back) Encanto 7.3 / trailer

Note: We also publish an updating archive of all the list of weekly most torrented movies lists.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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