Friday, January 28, 2022

TorrentFreak's Latest News


BeIN First to Use New Anti-Piracy Law to Block 18 Pirate Streaming Sites
Andy Maxwell, 28 Jan 08:37 AM

footballFor many years there have been established processes for removing infringing content and links to infringing content from the internet. The US is famous for its DMCA legislation, for example, and EU countries have similar rules in place.

At least in theory, these laws can be used to take content down but pirate sites tend not to be particularly compliant. This often pushes rightsholders down the path of court-ordered site blocking which compels local ISPs to deny subscriber access to domains and/or IP addresses.

Local law sometimes needs a tune-up to provide the best results and in October 2021, France did just that with the passing of new legislation that in addition to laying the ground for a new anti-piracy agency called Arcom (launched on January 1, 2022), also deals with pirate sports streaming sites.

beIN Becomes First Broadcaster to Use New Law

beIN has a long history of tackling piracy of its broadcasts, most notably in its battle against Saudi-backed pirate TV service beoutQ. In France, the company previously booked a major success in an earlier case where five men who operated a ring of streaming sites were found guilty of criminal offenses.

Utilizing Article L. 333-10 of the Sports Code, which provides access to an accelerated legal process for the purpose of implementing "proportionate measures" to prevent infringement "against any person likely to contribute to remedying it", beIN has now become the first company to obtain a blocking injunction under the new legislation.

Earlier this month beIN summoned several ISPs including Orange, SFR, Free, Bouygues Télécom, Colt and Outremer Télécom before the Paris Court of Justice. The company requested the blocking of almost 20 domains that allow consumers to access beIN content without paying for it. They read as follows:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (List via NextInpact)

Blocking Injunction Granted

In an announcement this week, beIN revealed that a decision in its favor was handed down by the Paris Court of Justice on Thursday 20, 2022.

"As part of the new legislative system aimed at combating the piracy of sports content, beIN SPORTS France, a pioneer in the fight against the illegal distribution of sports content and events, has obtained the first court decision requiring the blocking of previously identified fraudulent addresses and sites," beIN says.

It's been reported that the beIN complaint may have been filed as recently as January 11, so by any standard the response from the court is impressive. ISPs are reported to have acted quickly too, with beIN noting that their customers are no longer able to access "illegal live broadcasts".

Of course, this statement relates only to these specific pirate streaming services, not the thousands that remain unblocked. That being said, the new legislation gives the new Arcom anti-piracy agency the ability to block any new domains that may spring up to mirror or facilitate access to the sites listed in the order.

beIN Pleased With the Process and Outcome

"beIN SPORTS commends the speed of the procedure and the diligence with which the blocking measures were put in place," says Caroline Guenneteau, Deputy Secretary General of beIN Media Group.

"This very first court decision is the result of years of work and the fight against piracy carried out by beIN MEDIA GROUP, and by beIN SPORTS France, in order to protect the intellectual property of broadcasters and rights holders, and to preserve the ecosystem of the sport.

"It concretely records the entry into force of the new legal system aimed at simplifying and accelerating the blocking and inaccessibility of fraudulent sites and/or addresses, broadcasting illegal content via streaming or IPTV."

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Pirate Site Traffic Surged in 2021, Research Finds
Ernesto Van der Sar, 27 Jan 09:54 PM

pirate-flagDespite the growing availability of legal options, online piracy remains rampant. Every day pirate sites and services are used by millions of people worldwide.

This is a serious problem for major content producers, Hollywood included. At the same time, it's also seen as a threat to the broader economy, which generates hundreds of billions of dollars from video entertainment.

The piracy landscape is still vast and complex, despite the fact that there are more legal options than ever before. A new report published by the cybersecurity firm Akamai and piracy tracking outfit MUSO attempts to put a number on it.

Both companies are known to have a fairly nuanced view of the piracy problem. They don't only see it as a threat but also as a massive opportunity, as many pirates can potentially be converted into paying customers.

132 Billion Visits

The "State of the Internet" report that was released by Akamai this week shows that there is plenty of potential. According to their data, provided by MUSO, the number of global visits to pirate sites rose significantly over the past year.

During the first nine months of 2021, they recorded 132 billion visits to pirate sites. This includes websites that are commonly dedicated to TV-show, movie, music, software, and publishing-related copyright infringement. That includes The Pirate Bay, Fmovies, but also Sci-Hub.

132 billion is a 16% increase compared to the first nine months of the year before, which included the piracy peak of the coronavirus pandemic. At the same time, it's also more than the number of visits for the whole of 2020.

TV Piracy Dominates

Looking at the various content categories, it's clear that TV-related piracy is dominant. The report shows that there were over 67 billion TV piracy visits, which is roughly 50% of all pirate site traffic.

The publishing category is in second place with 30 billion visits (23%), followed by films with 14.5 billion (11%) and music with 10.8 billion (8%). Software piracy closes the ranks with a 'measly' 9 billion visits (7%).

These numbers are global and it is no surprise that there are quite a few regional differences. The United States remains the global piracy leader with over 13 billion visits, followed by Russia, India, China, and Brazil at a respectable distance.

The dominance of these countries can be in part be explained by their Internet populations, which are also among the largest in the world. That said, it's surprising to see that 10% of all pirate site visits worldwide come from the US.

piracy map

Akamai also shares some content-related data. Based on streaming and torrent data, they report that "Godzilla vs. Kong", "Zack Snyder's Justice League" and "Black Widow were the most pirated films.

In the TV category, "Loki", "Wandavision" and "Rick and Morty" are the most pirated titles. These shows also appeared in our own ranking a few weeks ago.

Up or Down?

Piracy statistics can be quite confusing at times. We have published several reports which showed that piracy is declining. Just a few weeks ago an EU study, also based on MUSO data, showed that pirate site visits in Europe have roughly halved between 2017 and 2020.

This isn't as conflicting as it may seem, as global piracy traffic also dropped previously, according to MUSO data. In 2018, for example, there were 190 billion visits for the entire year. And in 2017, MUSO first reported that there were 300 billion visits, a number that was later adjusted to 206 billion.

The new data suggest that pirate site visits are not as numerous as they once were. However, compared to 2020, they are certainly rising again.

"When examining piracy globally and across the film, TV, software, publishing, and music industries, the vast scale of piracy is clear. Perhaps more concerningly, in many areas, piracy is still a growing problem, with an overall 16% increase on the previous nine-month period," James Mason, CTO of MUSO says.

Piracy: A Complex Puzzle

It's worth noting that the numbers reported above only apply to regular pirate sites visits. This means that a large and growing part of the piracy ecosystem, including dedicated piracy boxes and illegal IPTV offerings, are not included.

The complexity is also apparent on the anti-piracy enforcement side. Steve Ragan, security researcher at Akamai and author of the report notes that there's no silver bullet to address each type of piracy online. However, a combination of measures can certainly make a dent.

At the same time, Akamai also found that not all pirates refuse to pay. Many of them already have subscription services, but use unauthorized sites to complement their entertainment consumption.

"Many of the conversations that Akamai researchers observed online related to piracy show that while a given show or movie is being pirated, those looking for this content pay to access other streaming services.

"The reason — outside of criminal enterprise — that many are pirating the content that they do is lack of access and availability," the report adds.

This means that, while it's vital to crack down on the criminal side of piracy sites and services, there's still some progress to be made at the supply aide as well. That is, if the subscription fatigue hasn't kicked in yet.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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