Friday, July 22, 2022

TorrentFreak's Latest News


UK Pirate IPTV Sellers Receive In-Person Warnings From Police Officers & FACT
Andy Maxwell, 22 Jul 10:13 AM

iptv-perfect-playerOnce upon a time the vast majority of piracy and counterfeiting involved physical goods. Not even movies changed hands without first being recorded onto an analog videotape or more recently, optical media.

These days everything is done online. A movie is just another file to be silently downloaded and the days of buying hacked satellite cards from the small ads in specialist computer magazines are long gone. Armed with a web browser and a little patience, it's now possible for novices to have a pirate IPTV subscription up and running in no time. But for many, it's even more simple than that.

In 2022, many people are exposed to these subscriptions through friends or the marvels of social media. Sellers are easily found on Facebook where they tout their wares for all to see, either completely oblivious or entirely indifferent to the risks.

The problem is that this type of offense is viewed as fraud, a criminal offense. The chances of getting caught are admittedly low but, for the unlucky minority, a criminal conviction could be life-changing. Fortunately, in most cases rightsholders and the police seem to recognize that too.

Rise of the 'Knock-and-Warn'

This week the Federation Against Copyright Theft (FACT) announced another wave of enforcement action in the UK against people suspected of supplying illegal IPTV subscriptions.

FACT teamed up with officers from West Midlands and Warwickshire Police and instead of kicking doors off their hinges at 05:00, they took a more considered approach towards bringing any offending to an end.

Targeting homes in Alcester, Solihull, and Birmingham, investigators and police officers served so-called 'cease-and-desist' notices requiring suspects to cease any illegal activity with immediate effect, or face more serious consequences.

This may be an unpleasant experience for those served but given the possible alternatives, i.e a criminal prosecution by the police or even a private prosecution by FACT, a simple commitment not to keep breaking the law represents a simple get-out-of-jail-free card.

Cease-and-Desist Notices Are More Common in Fraud Cases

Documents seen by TorrentFreak indicate that police forces in the UK accept that cease-and-desist notices are little more than a tool in an administrative process. However, if they are issued appropriately, the fact that a notice has been served can provide evidence to support a subsequent criminal prosecution or even civil action.

Some forces say their responses to alleged fraud offenses are based on common sense and where it's possible to innovate with partners (in this case, FACT), that can be the preferred approach to bring alleged offending to an end. However, other factors also come into play, with police balancing the seriousness of the alleged crime, the resources available, and the prospect of getting a conviction.

The FACT Approach is Reportedly Successful

According to the Intellectual Property Office's IP Crime and Enforcement Report 2020-21 (pdf), FACT operations largely target lower-level offenders selling piracy-configued set-top boxes and IPTV subscriptions on social media.

In the year covered by the report, FACT claimed a success rate of 90%; 84 'cease and desist' notices were issued and 70 offenders fully complied with their terms. At that time, investigations into 14 cases continued with FACT warning that in some cases, prosecutions could follow.

The image below from that report shows the regions where notices were issued during 2020-21.

fact-cease and desist 2020-21

The individuals targeted this week are located in the region marked 'West Midlands', which sits just below the clear 'danger' area of Cheshire and to its right, Lancashire and Yorkshire.

FACT works with the Government Agency Intelligence Network (GAIN) to gather intelligence on suspects and believes that the warning process was appropriate to those targeted this week.

"This latest action targeted individuals who were promoting unauthorized access to premium television content, which affects broadcasters and rights owners in the UK and worldwide, causing financial harm to the industry and the economy," FACT's statement reads.

"Whilst all the individuals visited were operating at a relatively low level, the objective was to prevent them from undertaking further criminal activity, and to deter others from getting involved."

FACT says that further actions of a similar nature are planned to take place throughout 2022.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

YouTube Processed Nearly 1.5 Billion Content-ID Claims in 2021
Ernesto Van der Sar, 21 Jul 10:53 PM

content id logoTo protect copyright holders, YouTube regularly removes, disables, or demonetizes videos that allegedly contain infringing content.

For years, little was known about the scope of these copyright claims but that changed last December when the streaming platform published its first-ever transparency report.

YouTube Copyright Transparency

The report covered the first six months of 2021 and YouTube recently released the second edition, which means that we now have access to the full-year statistics. This confirms the earlier finding that the streaming platform handles a staggering number of copyright claims.

Before diving into the numbers it's good to clarify that YouTube has three main copyright reporting tools. The most basic one is a DMCA webform through which anyone can report an infringement. The second option is the Copyright Match tool, which is open to roughly two million channel operators whose content is regularly reposted.

The third and perhaps most well-known option is the aforementioned Content ID program. This service is the most advanced and works with reference files uploaded by rightsholders. Little over 9,000 rightsholders are approved to use this tool but, despite this limitation, 98% of all copyright claims on YouTube are handled through the system.

1,482,189,768 Content ID Claims

YouTube reports that it processed 759,540,199 Content ID claims in the second half of 2021, which is a slight increase compared to the months before. This brings the total number of claims up to nearly 1.5 billion last year.

Interestingly, a relatively small number of rightsholders are responsible for these claims. Between July and December last year, 4,840 copyright holders used the Content ID system. For comparison, the publicly available DMCA takedown webform was used by 272,815 rightsholders in the same period.

Takedown senders (h2, 2021)

takedown sensers YouTube

The graph below clearly shows that the relatively small group of Content ID users is responsible for the vast majority, roughly 98%, of all copyright claims on YouTube. The webform and Copyright Match tool each represent less than 1% of the total takedown volume.

Takedown volume (h2, 2021)

takedown volume distribution

99% Automated

Another interesting finding is that nearly all of the Content ID claims (99%) are submitted automatically. In these cases, potentially infringing content is flagged based on fingerprinting technology with limited human oversight.

Automation saves YouTube and rightsholders a lot of resources. However, it is also a potential source of abuse and errors. This is one of the reasons why just a small group of verified and responsible rightsholders can join the program.

"This is especially important because claiming can happen automatically, and while one copyright request removal made from the webform impacts only one (or a handful) of videos, just one invalid reference file in Content ID can impact thousands of videos and users, stripping them of monetization or blocking them altogether," YouTube reports.


Even with these precautions abuse can't be ruled out. YouTube is riddled with videos complaining about mistakenly reported content. Even worse, scammers have used the system to flag content they don't own. Flagged videos are sometimes monetized, in one case generating millions of dollars in revenue.

This monetization option is not just popular among abusers. Legitimate rightsholders have also embraced it as a tool to generate income. Of all the videos that are appropriately flagged by Content ID, 90% remain online, diverting the revenue to the rightsholder. In other words, copyright claims have become a serious revenue stream.

The vast majority of the Content ID claims go unchallenged, however, with recipients filing a dispute in just 0.5% of cases. While this sounds like a tiny fraction it still translates to 3.8 million disputed claims in six months.

Challenges (h2, 2021)

YouTubers have the option to challenge these claims, often with success, as 62% are resolved in favor of the uploader. If both parties fail to come to an agreement, the claim will leave the Content ID system, after which the rightsholder must submit a regular takedown request.

The data reported by YouTube give a good insight into the scope of YouTube's copyright issues. Now that we have the first statistics for a full year, it will be interesting to see what trends develop over time.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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