Friday, July 1, 2022

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Seven Pirate IPTV Operators Sentenced to Almost Nine Years in Prison For Fraud
Andy Maxwell, 01 Jul 11:59 AM

In many countries around Europe, pirate IPTV services, suppliers and resellers have become primary targets for entertainment industry groups.

These cut-price subscription streaming platforms are both widely available and popular with consumers but rightsholders view them as criminal enterprises with no legitimate place in the market. That belief is shared by law enforcement agencies across the continent, with Spain just one of the battlegrounds.

EGEDA Files Complaint, Police Carry Out Raids

In May 2019, audiovisual rights management group EGEDA filed a criminal complaint against Comprarccam, a supplier of pirate IPTV and card-sharing subscriptions.

A police investigation led to a report stating that the pirate operation was servicing at least 15,000 customers in Spain. Two of its leaders had been identified and traced to the cities of Salamanca and Zamora.

Police followed up with a two-phase operation in February and March 2020. Officers were able to seize documents and accounts information and then follow up with coordinated raids. Searches were carried out at six locations and seven individuals were arrested – one each in Zamora and Salamanca, one in Córdoba, three in Valencia, and another in Málaga.

All were detained under suspicion of IP-related crimes, including telecommunications fraud. Police seized computer equipment, mobile phones, more than 10,000 euros in cash, plus seven gold bars. The group's website and associated pirate services were closed down. Financial accounts and payment processing facilities were frozen based on claims that the group cost rightsholders around 11.8 million euros.

The Criminal Organization

According to prosecutors the 'criminal organization' behind the IPTV and card-sharing operation was led by two men.

One reportedly operated the 'logistics center' from his home in Zamora, carrying out tasks such as IPTV panel management and the servicing of users via online messaging. A second man from Salamanca was the administrator of a service that redirected users to streams enabling illegal access to sports content, movies and TV shows.

Five other members, responsible for distributing the infringing subscriptions to customers, operated from Córdoba, Valencia (x3) and Málaga. These individuals were considered important players but not as crucial as the men in Zamora and Salamanca.

An investigation carried out by the Technological Crimes Group of the Valladolid National Police determined that between May 2019 and May 2020, the defendants' fraud netted them around 1.2 million euros.

Defendants Sentenced to Almost Nine Years in Prison

More than two years after the raids, a court in Zamora (Audiencia Provincial) has now sentenced all seven defendants for fraud offenses based on the facilitation of access to infringing content.

The two leaders were each sentenced to 23 months in prison. Two others received sentences of 18 months and 16 months, with the remaining three handed 9 months each. However, it appears the defendants will avoid an immediate custodial sentence after pleading guilty and taking steps to repay the money they earned during the fraud period.

According to a local report, the defendants have already paid back most of the $1.2 million euros they earned with 250,000 euros left as a pending amount. If any of the defendants commit any new crimes during the next two years, they will be sent straight to prison to serve their sentences.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Cloudflare & Media Companies Agree to Modify "Power Grab" Piracy Injunction
Andy Maxwell, 30 Jun 09:31 PM

cloudflareWhen United King Film Distribution, DBS Satellite Services, and Hot Communication won copyright lawsuits against three pirate streaming sites in April, the court gave them everything they asked for.

In addition to millions in damages against pirate streaming/IPTV platforms, and, the court handed down the broadest injunction ever seen in a US piracy case.

The injunction banned every online service provider from doing any business with the pirate platforms and ordered residential ISPs to block their current domains and any that appear in the future. In hindsight, it was a case of being careful what you wish for, because you may just get it.

With extraordinary power at hand, the media companies (all members of anti-piracy group Zira) began seizing domains but mysteriously asked the court not to enforce the requirement for residential ISPs to block the sites.

It appeared that someone may have started to push back and after issuing all kinds of orders to a range of online entities, the situation began to deteriorate. After the plaintiffs asked the court to hold Cloudflare in contempt for not following their instructions, Cloudflare fired back with amicus curiae support from Google, EFF and CCIA.

'Power Grab' Injunction is Invalid

The briefs submitted to the court are detailed but all agree that the injunction is impermissibly broad, lacking in detail, and contrary to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 65 and the DMCA. Perhaps surprisingly, the plaintiffs continued to insist that they knew better.

Last week they submitted documents to further support their expedited motion for a contempt ruling against Cloudflare. The filing included exhibits claiming to show that Cloudflare's DNS servers were servicing four new domains allegedly deployed by one of the pirate sites after its other domains were seized.

None of these domains were specifically listed in the injunction and as Cloudflare previously pointed out, any reading of the injunction that attempted to stretch it to cover new domains would violate fundamental limitations on the scope of available injunctive relief. Acting on the unsupported claims of the media companies with no judicial oversight is not an option, Cloudflare added.

Then this week, a sudden and unexpected light appeared on the horizon.

Broadest Piracy Injunction in the US Needs Adjustment

In a joint status letter filed Tuesday and addressed to Judge Katherine Polk Failla, whose signature authorized the original injunction, the media companies and Cloudflare say that progress is being made.

Following negotiations the parties say they have reached an agreement in principle to solve their differences. This will be achieved by addressing the core issues that led to the plaintiffs' attempting to hold Cloudflare in contempt while addressing concerns raised by Cloudflare during a recent conference.

The specific details are not being made available at this stage but as soon as the agreement is formalized, the plaintiffs say they will file a motion to amend the default judgment and permanent injunction handed down by the court on April 26. An amended order will be presented for the court's approval.

The plaintiffs say they will then withdraw with prejudice the pending motion for contempt against Cloudflare while reserving the right to file future motions to enforce the court's original order or amended order, as appropriate. In turn, Cloudflare has agreed to withdraw its request for attorneys' fees and costs incurred in responding to the plaintiffs' motion for contempt.

It will be of great interest to see how the amended injunction balances the interests of the plaintiffs with those of Cloudflare and, by extension, every other service provider affected by the original injunction.

Update: The docket shows no indication that the agreement in principle is now a done deal but Judge Failla responded Wednesday as follows:

"In light of the above status update, the Court hereby deems both Plaintiffs' contempt motion and Cloudflare's request for attorneys' fees and costs to be withdrawn."

The plaintiffs' declaration can be found here and the joint status report here (both pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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