Thursday, May 5, 2022

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Does YouTube's Autoplay Feature Hurt Its DMCA Safe Harbor Protection?
Andy Maxwell, 05 May 11:43 AM

Sad YouTubeA class action lawsuit filed in 2020 by musician Maria Schneider against YouTube is showing no sign of a conclusion.

The complaint, which alleges mass infringement and serious deficiencies in YouTube's copyright enforcement measures, has seen the exposure of fraud and calls from YouTube to have the whole case dismissed.

With the case now spanning three years, both sides are still willing to spend huge sums of money fighting their respective corners. Quite how the plaintiffs are able to match Google's bottomless financial pit is unknown, but at times they are raising some interesting questions, some of which relate to YouTube's DMCA safe harbor protections.

Documents Relating to YouTube's 'Autoplay' Feature

Last month, counsel for Maria Schneider and the putative class filed a letter motion with US District Judge James Donato. In broad terms, it again claims that YouTube isn't producing enough documents in a timely manner as part of discovery. Similar complaints have been made in the other direction too but this time around, the requests relate to an interesting legal theory.

The letter says that since October 2020, discovery requests relating to YouTube's 'Autoplay' feature have resulted in the production of "less than a hundred" internal documents (including PowerPoint presentations) but no email or instant message communications. The plaintiffs want the court to compel the production of relevant documents since they relate to an important legal argument relating to YouTube's liability for infringing content on its platform.

YouTube's 'Autoplay' Feature and the DMCA's Safe Harbor

In summary, the letter claims that when YouTube delivers videos to users that they did not specifically request, that undermines YouTube's 'safe harbor' protections under the DMCA.

"Autoplay automatically plays videos for users without any affirmative acts by the user, i.e., no clicking of a link or selecting the next video to play, and is thus relevant to Plaintiffs' claim that YouTube actively participates in copyright infringement and Defendants' safe harbor defense under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ('DMCA'), 17 U.S.C. § 512," the letter reads.

"AutoPlay's functionality establishes that YouTube algorithmically selects and controls a substantial portion of the views on its platform, including views of content that infringe on Plaintiffs' and the putative class's copyrights."

The plaintiffs say that the 'Autoplay' documents are relevant to their direct, inducement, contributory, and vicarious infringement claims because they will show that when YouTube "actively selects and displays infringing videos", the platform is more than a passive participant and benefits from the dissemination of infringing content.

The safe harbor provision of the DMCA requires a service provider to show that it does not "receive a financial benefit directly attributable to the infringing activity" in cases where the service provider "has the right and ability to control such activity."

The plaintiffs assert that since YouTube's Autoplay has the ability to play infringing content, the "right and ability to control" aspect is established. Autoplay generates revenue for YouTube, so it "receives a financial benefit" too.

"The requested documents will thus show both Defendants' participation in and control over infringing content on the YouTube platform and the extent to which Autoplay has financially benefitted YouTube through its advertising revenues," the letter adds.

Discovery Dispute Hinged on a Single Word

According to the plaintiffs, an agreement was reached with YouTube for it to produce documents sufficient to show its policies concerning Autoplay, "including changes and proposed changes to Autoplay policies concerning copyright and revenue considerations." (emphasis in original).

They state that several months later YouTube reneged on the agreement, claiming that it had agreed to produce documents concerning changes to policies only to the extent that such changes were driven by copyright or revenue considerations, if any. On these terms, YouTube reported that it had failed to locate any such documents so could not produce them.

"In short, Defendants are wrongfully withholding documents that are undisputedly relevant to both Plaintiffs' infringement claims and Defendants' failure to qualify for DMCA safe harbor," the letter concludes.

Plaintiffs' letter to the court can be found here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

RIAA & Rightscorp Defeat Renewed 'False & Fraudulent' Piracy Notice Claims
Ernesto Van der Sar, 04 May 07:30 PM

pirate flagsUnder US copyright law, Internet providers must terminate the accounts of repeat infringers "in appropriate circumstances."

Until a few years ago Internet providers rarely applied such a drastic measure but, backed by several court orders, ISPs are increasingly being held to this standard.

Music Companies sued RCN

Internet provider RCN is among the targeted providers. Three years ago, the company was sued by several major music industry companies including Arista Records, Sony Music Entertainment, Universal Music, and Warner Records.

The music companies alleged that RCN wasn't doing enough to stop subscribers from pirating on its network. Instead of terminating the accounts of persistent pirates, the Internet provider looked away, they argued.

The stakes in these liability lawsuits are high. Internet providers face hundreds of millions of dollars in damages claims, while tens of thousands of Internet subscribers are at risk of having their accounts terminated.

"False and Fraudulent Notices"

To avoid trouble, several ISPs have launched counterattacks in court. RCN accused the RIAA and its anti-piracy partner of sending 'false and fraudulent' DMCA notices and argued they shouldn't serve as evidence for disconnections.

This countersuit initially failed. A New Jersey federal court concluded that RCN failed to show that it was financially hurt as a direct result of any incorrect notices. However, the court left the door open for more detailed allegations.

Amended Countersuit

Last summer, the ISP filed updated complaints against the RIAA and Rightscorp. As requested, these included more details on how Rightscorp's piracy notices caused the company to incur additional costs.

The tracking company systematically ignored the requirements RCN listed in its DMCA policy. As a result, the ISP says that it faced additional costs to update its systems so the notifications could be processed.

In addition, RCN said it had to hire outside attorneys to analyze Rightscorp complaints and deal with matters arising from the company's refusal to add a digital signature to its DMCA notices.

The updated claims included more facts and examples of costs incurred by the ISP, but the court was still not convinced that Rightscorp or the RIAA should be held liable.

Court Dismisses Renewed Claims

To state a proper claim under the California Unfair Competition Law (UCL), there has to be some form of injury that can be directly linked to the alleged fraud. While the updated allegations are indeed more detailed, they remain insufficient.

A few days ago U.S. District Court Judge Michael Shipp dismissed the renewed counterclaims against Rightscorp and the RIAA, concluding that they can't be held responsible for these additional costs. Rightscorp may have ignored RCN's DMCA takedown requirements but these 'rules' are set by RCN, not by the law.

"To demonstrate any added costs were not self-inflicted, then, Internet Providers must demonstrate that they were unable to reasonably modify these self-selected requirements, but such allegations are noticeably absent from Internet Providers' counterclaim," Judge Shipp writes.

"Even if Rightscorp could have saved Internet Providers 'time and effort' by following their DMCA Policy, any additional costs to Internet Providers are based on how they chose to design their system. Consequences of that personal choice are not damages meant to be addressed by the UCL."

No Legal Obligation to Follow RCN's Policy

RCN also pointed out that it incurred significant additional costs conducting legal evaluations of its potential remedies against Rightscorp's actions. Again, Judge Shipp acknowledges that these costs exists, but there is no legal basis to hold Rightscorp or the RIAA responsible.

"[RCN's] desire for companies like Rightscorp to tailor infringement notifications in certain ways to save Internet Providers money is understandable but, as it stands, no such requirement is obligated by law.

"[A]ny costs derived from Internet Providers' preferences are theirs to bear alone," Judge Shipp adds, noting that parties "cannot manufacture standing merely by inflicting harm on themselves."

Overall, the court rules that RCN doesn't have standing to raise a counterclaim against Rightscorp or the RIAA under California's UCL. The matter is therefore dismissed and the ISP is not allowed to amend its claims for a second time.


rcn dismiss

A copy of US District Court Judge Michael Shipp's memorandum opinion granting the motions to dismiss the counterclaims is available here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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