Wednesday, May 25, 2022

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France is Fighting Piracy and Keeping it Alive at the Same Time
Ernesto Van der Sar, 25 May 11:06 AM

franceAt the start of this year, a new bill went into effect in France that created a new regulatory body.

The old HADOPI anti-piracy outfit merged with the Higher Audiovisual Council, creating the Audiovisual and Digital Communication Regulatory Authority (Arcom).

In addition to the organizational change, the anti-piracy outfit was given new powers as well. For example, Arcom maintains a blacklist of problematic sites and mirrors, which various service providers can use to block or delist the associated domains.

The outfit also has the power to swiftly order online services to take down unlicensed streams of live sporting events. This is in line with EU legislation which prescribes swift takedown procedures for live broadcasts.

Cannes Piracy Roundtable

This week, Arcom board member Denis Rapone gave the first public speech before an audience of film industry people at the Cannes Festival. Rapone lauded movie companies' legal efforts over the past decade and stressed that France is an ally in the fight against piracy.

"We share a unifying fight: that of protecting French creation and its vitality against the predatory scourge of piracy," Rapone said, at a roundtable discussion.

Rapone went on to acknowledge that a lot of progress was already made over the past years. Copyright holders have successfully demanded ISP blockades against hundreds of pirate sites in court, for example. In addition, HADOPI's graduated response scheme also put a dent in piracy figures.

This has stopped the growth of piracy in France and in recent years the number of pirate site visits is trending down. However, with millions of people still using unauthorized sources regularly, more work has to be done.

"These serious and repeated infringements of copyright, perpetrated on a large scale, are not acceptable," Rapone said. "It is time for the public authorities to step in and forcefully take action in the context of the new opportunities available to them."

Arcom is happy to pick up the gauntlet. The government agency has the power to flag illicit sources and take swift and effective action. It has already booked some success on this front, by shutting down live streams of sporting events.

France Commits to Fighting Piracy

As Arcom's appearance at the Cannes Film Festival shows, the authorities are also lending a hand to the movie industry.

"We can be pleased that France has chosen to make the protection of creation and the eradication of piracy a major objective of public policy. This can only be achieved through the combined determination and mobilization of creative actors and public authorities," Rapone notes.

The speech is accompanied by a brief presentation that backs up some of the claims. Relying on EUIPO research, it shows that piracy has started to decline. Within Europe, France is at the bottom half of all countries ranked by the average number of visitors to pirate sites.


This is a positive sign indeed, but looking more closely there's something that stands out. If we only count the "movie piracy" visits, France ends up much higher on the lists. In fact, French people visit movie piracy sites more often than those in the countries with the highest piracy counts.

Mandatory Release Windows & Piracy

Whether this was discussed during the roundtable discussion is unknown. However, it is likely that French policy is one of the reasons for this outlier.

For more than two decades, France has had a "media chronology" law that gives an exclusive release window to movie theaters. This applies to video rentals but also to streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Disney+.

Up until this year, streaming services could not show a film within three years of its movie theater premiere. This was recently shortened to 17 months for Disney and Amazon, and 15 months for Netflix, as the latter agreed to an annual investment of €190m in local movie and TV content.

These restrictions don't apply to content that's exclusively streamed online. However, for Disney, it means that it can't show its blockbuster movie releases on Disney+ for more than a year.

Needless to say, it can be quite frustrating for French movie fans to see people all over the world enjoying recent films on streaming services, while they can't. The movie theaters, for their part, are quite pleased.

Perhaps it's a controversial suggestion, but could it be that these mandatory release windows are actually motivating some people to watch the films through pirate sites instead?

That might be something Arcom could look into in the future. After all, when it comes to defeating piracy, the authorities shouldn't just look at the illegal supply, but also at the legal alternatives.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Takedown Galore: 10 Years of Google DMCA Notice Transparency
Ernesto Van der Sar, 24 May 08:19 PM

waveExactly ten years ago, Google expanded its transparency report with a new section dedicated to DMCA takedown requests.

For the first time, outsiders were able to see what URLs copyrights holders targeted and in what quantity.

The decision to make this information public was in part triggered by a rapid increase in removal requests. This was having an impact on the "free flow of information", according to the search engine.

"We believe that openness is crucial for the future of the Internet. When something gets in the way of the free flow of information, we believe there should be transparency around what that block might be."

According to Fred von Lohmann, Google's Senior Copyright Counsel at the time, DMCA notices were skyrocketing.

"These days it's not unusual for us to receive more than 250,000 requests each week, which is more than what copyright owners asked us to remove in all of 2009," Van Lohman wrote at the time.

From 250,000 to 1,000,000,000 Takedowns Per Year

In hindsight, this was just the start of a takedown explosion. A few years later Google processed more than 20 million DMCA notices per week, which translates to more than a billion per year.

This growth curve eventually flattened and in recent years the takedown volume has started to decline. This is in part due to the various anti-piracy algorithms that push pirated content down in the search results.

By downranking pirate site results, infringing content has become harder to find in the search engine. As a result, Google now processes 'just' a few hundred million DMCA requests per year.

After ten years of takedown transparency, we take a look at the totals thus far, which are quite impressive. Over the past decade rightsholders asked Google to remove 5.75 billion URLs that allegedly link to copyright-infringing content.

These takedown requests come from just over 300,000 different copyright holders. UK music group BPI is the most prolific sender. With 570 million reported links, it's good for nearly 10% of all takedown requests.

Looking at the targeted domains we see that is in the lead with 68 million reported URLs. Most of these were flagged several years ago. In recent years, the site is flagged 'only' a few thousand times per week, with less than a million reported links per year.

The top five most targeted domain names is completed with the defunct site, hosting platforms,, and, as well as the unblocking proxy portal

Not All Reported URLs are Removed

The figures refer to the number of URLs that are reported but not all of these are actually removed from the search engine. The stats also count duplicate reports, bogus claims, and URLs that are not indexed by Google.

For example, if we look at the reports from MindGeek's "MG Premium" we see that the company reported over 494 million URLs over the years. Little over half of these were actually removed by Google.

mg premium

Of the remaining URLs, 128 million were not in Google's index. These have been placed on a preemptive blocklist, to prevent them from appearing in search results later on. Another 70 million links were classified as duplicates, while nearly 7 million were rejected for other reasons.

Mistakes and Abuse

While these numbers are interesting by themselves, the biggest contribution of the transparency report is the ability for outsiders to spot faulty and abusive notices. This is possible because Google shares all reported links with the Lumen Database, which is managed by Harvard's Berkman Klein Center.

Over the years this database has allowed us to spot thousands of problematic takedowns, ranging from honest mistakes, through automated takedown errors, to plain abuse.

There are numerous examples of mistakes we can mention. Microsoft once targeted the BBC, Wikipedia, and the US Government; Movie studios asked Google to remove their own films; A French movie and TV show database targeted Netflix and Rotten Tomatoes, and so on.

With billions of reported URLs is no surprise that these errors happen but by pointing them out in public, those responsible can be held to account. That must have resulted in a higher takedown accuracy rate over time.

It will be interesting to see how takedown trends develop over the coming years. As long as Google continues its transparency report, we will surely keep an eye on it.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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