Monday, May 16, 2022

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Watch Tower's DMCA Warfare Collapses After Big Guns Defend Apostate
Andy Maxwell, 16 May 10:09 AM

Dubtown LegoAfter researching thousands of DMCA notices and reporting on hundreds of copyright lawsuits, more often than not it takes just a few seconds or minutes to broadly establish the purpose of any action.

In most cases rightsholders want alleged infringement to stop and in some, they also seek compensation for their losses. When cases deviate from this format they tend to stick out.

When they involve the protection of copyright works that generate zero income for a rightsholder, one with a reputation for crushing dissent, a big question needs to be asked. Is this really all about copyright or is copyright just a convenient mechanism to achieve something else?

DMCA Subpoenas Are Cheap and Powerful

For years the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, the supervising body and publisher for the Jehovah's Witness religious group, has used the cheap DMCA subpoena process to identify anonymous people said to have infringed their copyrights, usually in music or videos. They go to court, pay less than $50, and disappear into the ether, ostensibly to protect their exclusive rights.

What makes these matters interesting is that Watch Tower does not commercialize its content, so the classic arguments about preventing lost sales are a non-starter. Neither does the group chase down people who share its music in a friendly way on social media or file-sharing networks. However, if critics (so-called 'apostates') use Watch Tower copyrighted content to challenge its authority or practices, bad things can follow.

The Attack on Kevin McFree

'Kevin McFree' (not his real name) is the creator of the 'Dubtown' series of stop-motion Lego animations that take place in a fictitious Jehovah's Witness town. McFree utilized copyrighted material owned by Watch Tower in his productions, something that gave the religious group a leverage point to shut him down.

In 2018, Watch Tower filed an application for a DMCA subpoena to compel YouTube/Google to hand over his details. McFree filed a motion to quash, arguing that any use of Watch Tower material was protected under the doctrine of fair use.

After three years of legal dispute in that matter, in 2021 Watch Tower filed a parallel copyright infringement lawsuit against McFree for the same alleged infringements. Again, he refused to compromise his identity, an excellent decision considering what was to follow.

Big Win for McFree, No DMCA Subpoena For Watch Tower

In an opinion and order handed down in February 2022, Watch Tower's original DMCA subpoena application was denied. The judge found that McFree's use of Watch Tower content amounted to parody, criticism and commentary, and was therefore protected under the doctrine of fair use.

The killing of the DMCA subpoena meant that, at least logically, the full lawsuit had nowhere to go since McFree had done nothing wrong. But despite having a judge on record testifying to that, Watch Tower insisted that meant absolutely nothing.

The group demanded a trial on the merits and renewed efforts to remove McFree's anonymity, all while knowing that he doesn't live in the United States and lacked the financial means to properly defend the subpoena, let alone finance a multi-million dollar fair use battle.

So, if Watch Tower makes no money from its music and videos and would get nothing from McFree even if it had demolished him in a fair use copyright lawsuit, what did it really want?

Devine Intervention Levels The Playing Field

Copyright battles can be one-sided affairs. Deep-pocketed corporations on one side often chew up opportunist infringers on the other. If people insist on poking bears by profiting from pirated content they can't really complain but, in McFree's case, almost everything felt fundamentally different.

All allegedly-infringing videos were taken down years ago following initial Watch Tower complaints and no more were subsequently released. Even when it became clear that those videos were wrongfully terminated and Watch Tower had no case, the response was to pursue another lawsuit. Something didn't sit right. Nothing sat right.

In February we pondered whether a lawyer might view McFree's defense as being in the public interest. After reading one of our articles on the topic, attorney Paul Levy at the Public Citizen Litigation Group concluded that it was.

Once challenged to a fair fight, Watch Tower's tactics began to unravel and then last week, it was suddenly all over. Documents filed with the court revealed that Watch Tower had not only agreed to dismiss the lawsuit, but to do so with prejudice, meaning that the matter can never return to court.

So what brought four years of legal oppression to an end?

Watch Tower Obtains DMCA Subpoenas, Never Sues

Following this important win for Paul Levy and his client, the attorney explained what went wrong for Watch Tower while confirming what we suspected all along. This was not really about copyright, it was about the usefulness of copyright law to facilitate access to something even more valuable than money – information.

In defending McFree, Levy pointed out that over the years Watch Tower had obtained 70 DMCA subpoenas against alleged infringers but had never followed those up with an infringement lawsuit. That cast doubt on Watch Tower's declarations that it would only use the obtained information for the purposes of enforcing its rights under copyright law, Levy explained.

"But matters continued to get worse for Watch Tower, and both its inability to be straightforward in explaining its actions, including making misleading statements to the court, and the likely ulterior motives for its actions, became increasingly clear," he wrote following the dismissal.

Watch Tower's "Ulterior Motives"

"During the hearing, Watch Tower's counsel made the outrageous statement that Watch Tower's litigation strategies were confined by a lack of 'significant funds,' and that its approach to the litigation was guided by 'significant economic motivations'," Levy says.

"Because Watch Tower's 990T forms are publicly available as required by law, it is a matter of public knowledge that Watch Tower has more than a billion dollars in assets. Watch Tower is fortunate that it never made this representation about limited resources in a signed document."

With Watch Tower determined to press on with discovery to remove McFree's anonymity, the religious group made a pivotal admission. What it really wanted was information that would allow it to determine the source of unpublished Watch Tower video clips that had appeared in McFree's videos.

"The Watch Tower headquarters is a leaky sieve and it wants to identify the leakers. Beyond that, there may have been a massive hack of Watch Tower's computer systems several years ago," Levy reveals.

Watch Tower confirmed that it was planning to seek discovery on those issues and then offered to drop its lawsuit against McFree, on condition that he promised never to use any pre-publication Watch Tower materials in future, without obtaining consent.

However, citing the Supreme Court's decision in Bartnicki v. Vopper, Levy says that McFree has every right to use leaked unpublished materials, even from a hack, providing he had nothing to do with the hacking.

Levy notes that the possible hack against Watch Tower could've been actionable under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act but the statute of limitations expired years ago.

"So it became apparent that Watch Tower was trying to leverage a barred copyright claim, and the threat of identifying McFree, to obtain relief and or discovery on a different subject entirely – a possible abuse of process," Levy adds.

McFree rejected Watch Tower's proposed settlement and his defense went on the offensive. Watch Tower was warned that if it continued to pursue McFree, Levy might file a document blocking it from a voluntary dismissal without prejudice, thereby locking it into litigation that it was destined to lose.

And then things got dark. Really, really dark.

A DMCA Subpoena Exposed Identity of Child Abuse Critic

One of the suspicions in Watch Tower cases is that exposing the identities of serving Jehovah's Witnesses via DMCA subpoenas could lead to them being punished. However, the law says that DMCA subpoenas can only be used to protect the applicant's copyright interests. In practice, that is impossible to enforce.

Levy says that during their investigations, his team discovered a 2018 DMCA subpoena that used copyright law to directly target a vehement critic who, coincidentally or not, was subsequently identified and punished by the religious group.

"Watch Tower succeeded in using a DMCA subpoena obtaining the identity of a previously identified blogger who specialized in attacking child abuse within the group, and Watch Tower's refusal to report abuse to local authorities," Levy reveals.

"It is quite possible that Watch Tower did not need the information it obtained under the DMCA (because this blogger's identifying information had become available elsewhere), but even so it never sued him for copyright infringement and it never otherwise used his identity to enforce its copyright. Watch Tower had got what it wanted — revenge."

Watch Tower Throws in the Towel

With Watch Tower still keen for YouTube/Google to identify McFree, Levy and his team waited for a notice indicating that a subpoena had been served. It never came. Instead of sending notice of service, Watch Tower sent a proposed stipulation to voluntarily dismiss the case, with each side to bear their own costs.

Levy's team at Public Citizen responded by informing Watch Tower that if it wanted a guarantee that McFree would not pursue them for fees and/or abuse of process, the dismissal would need to be with prejudice. The religious group agreed.

The win for McFree is a welcome one but he didn't get everything he'd hoped for.

According to Levy, McFree wanted a ruling that would've stopped Watch Tower from abusing DMCA subpoenas to intimidate future Jehovah's Witness critics, but they avoided that by dropping his case. Nevertheless, dragging the practice out of the shadows could make it more difficult in the future.

"Kevin McFree deserves a great deal of credit for being willing to stick to his guns and not let Watch Tower out of the case easily. It is perhaps because of this litigation that Watch Tower has not filed any new DMCA subpoenas since we entered the case late last winter. But only the future will tell whether it has truly been deterred from future abuse," Levy concludes.

The stipulation of dismissal can be found here (pdf) and Paul Levy's excellent blog here. Public Citizen's work can be appreciated here.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Pirate Bay's Crypto 'Token' is Barely Alive After Just One Year
Ernesto Van der Sar, 15 May 09:05 PM

laser pirate bayThe cryptocurrency landscape has been hit hard this week.

Bitcoin is down more than 50% from its high a few months earlier and even some 'stablecoins' have started to disintegrate.

This type of volatility is not unexpected and the early adopters have already lived through a few of these crashes. This includes The Pirate Bay.

The notorious torrent site is somewhat of a crypto pioneer. In 2013, it was one of the first to add support for Bitcoin donations, with Litecoin and Monero following shortly after. Later on, TPB also popularized website-based mining, something that not all users were in favor of.

The PirateToken

Last year The Pirate Bay added another crypto project to its list with the launch of PirateToken (TPB). Initially, we assumed that this was some type of advertising deal for a third party, but the site swiftly reassured the public it was serious.

"It's a soft launch to a new thing we want to try and we have many ideas," the TPB team wrote, noting that the token might be useful to donate to moderators and uploaders, or to purchase VIP content.

"Much Ideas. Much Wow. So Great," they added, hoping that the site's users would hop on the bandwagon.


This week, exactly a year has passed since the Pirate Token went live and, thus far, the project hasn't been particularly successful. At the time of writing the token trades for little over $1, far off the $15 high that was reached soon after it went public.

Needless to say, the recent crypto crash hasn't helped but the price had already begun to tumble while Bitcoin was making new highs, so that's not exactly an excuse.

478 Holders, 5 Transactions

The price isn't really the biggest concern either. From what we can see, there is simply very little interest in the project. In fact, the number of people owning some TPB tokens is dropping. There are currently just 478 holders left, which is a tiny fraction of the site's userbase.

These holders aren't very active either. Over the past 30 days, there have only been five transactions.

Another bad sign is the fact that 99.98% of the 100,000,000 tokens are still held by the creator of the project. So while the theoretical market cap is over $100 million, the public only owns roughly $20,000 worth of TPB.

None of this should come as a surprise really. The token has no utility at the moment and The Pirate Bay isn't promoting it in any way either. Yes, there is a dedicated link to the "token" page on the site, but that's currently redirecting to the homepage.

Perhaps all of this will change when the TPB team spurs into action, but holders shouldn't get their hopes up. Right now, it's certainly not the digital pirate treasure they'd hoped for but the same can also be said for other niche tokens, including BitTorrent.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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