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EU Study: Pirate Site Traffic Continues to Drop Despite the Pandemic
Ernesto Van der Sar, 10 Dec 11:18 AM

eu flagThe European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) regularly conducts studies to see how piracy evolves over time.

These studies help the public to understand local piracy trends and can be used as input for future policy decisions.

This week, EUIPO published the latest version of the annual online copyright infringement report. The study looks at the period between 2017 and 2020 which includes the start of the Covid pandemic, where piracy reportedly spiked.

Some copyright holders feared that this piracy boom would prove to have lasting effects. However, this fear may be unjustified, as EU visits to pirate sites have become less and less prevalent.

EUIPO's research is in large parts based on data from piracy tracking MUSO. It maps piracy consumption patterns across all EU member states and the UK. This data includes visits to unauthorized movie, TV and music sites.

Going Down

One of the main conclusions of the latest study is that traffic to pirate sites continues to decline across the board. This is calculated based on the average number of monthly visits per Internet user.

The chart below shows that the piracy numbers roughly halved between 2017 and 2020. This trend is visible for all content categories and most pronounced for music, which dropped by more than 80% during this time period.

total piracy

These data also reveal that TV piracy is by far the most common. This could in part be due to the recurring nature of TV shows. At the end of 2020, roughly 70% of all pirate site visits were TV-related. The film and music categories are good for 20% and 10% respectively.


When the pandemic first started we spotted an increase in piracy. However, that effect wasn't permanent. The EU report confirms our earlier findings that the COVID piracy boost was transitory.


As shown above, there was a piracy increase during the first weeks of the pandemic. This effect was limited to TV content, however, and the downward trend continued later in the year.

Streaming is King

Another trend that continues is the switch to streaming sites. The days when torrent and direct download sites dominated the piracy landscape are a decade behind us. Streaming is now good for more than 80% of all piracy across the EU.

There are regional differences in the use of piracy sources, however. In Estonia, Hungary, Malta, Portugal and Slovenia, torrent sites still get more traffic than streaming sites. In Germany, on the other hand, only a tiny fraction of all pirates are torrenting.

The piracy rates are not the same across the EU either. As shown below, piracy is most prevalent in Greece, Bulgaria and Slovakia. At the other side of the spectrum, we find Poland and Germany.

piracy country type

Income and Availability

There are a lot of factors that help to explain these differences. The EU researchers looked into some of these and were able to draw some interesting conclusions.

The income level of a country has a significant impact on piracy rates. Low per capita income and a high degree of income inequality are associated with increased consumption of pirated content.

"Among the socio-economic factors, the level of income per capita and the extent of inequality seem to have the greatest impact on consumption of pirated content: high per capita income and a low degree of income inequality are associated with lower levels of illicit consumption," the report finds.

Another factor explaining regional differences is the availability of legal options and people's awareness of those. More legal availability and awareness helps to decrease piracy, the researchers found.

An Oulier and a Massive Caveat

The EU report helps to understand how piracy is developing over time. Most of the trends continue in the same direction but we also spotted an outlier that's worth a mention.

In recent years the proportion of mobile piracy traffic 'caught up' with desktop traffic. However, toward the end of 2020 desktop traffic pulled away again. The study doesn't explain this, but it may in part be due to the fact that most people work behind a desktop at home during the pandemic.

There is also a major caveat as the research is limited to pirate sites. The researchers acknowledge this as they mention that live sports streaming is not included, but the gap is broader than that.

The study really only covers a part of the broader piracy landscape. The focus on web traffic means that apps, streaming devices, and IPTV services are not included either. Perhaps that's where some mobile users are going?

This caveat may also shed a different light on the piracy drop, as these untracked piracy channels have grown explosively in recent years. According to some, these streaming tools are the largest piracy threat at the moment.

As such, it's entirely possible that overall piracy levels didn't drop, or could even have grown.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Toei YouTube Blitz Shows That 'Law of Content ID' Can Trample Fair Use
Andy Maxwell, 09 Dec 08:05 PM

totallynotmarkThe 634K-subscriber YouTube channel 'Totally Not Mark' is in peril this morning after what can be described as a copyright takedown blitz by Japan-based animation company Toei.

Famous for the Dragon Ball and One Piece series, among others, Toei Animation's products are regularly reviewed in quite remarkable depth and detail by manga fanatic Mark Fitzpatrick, whose channel has in excess of 124 million views. Whether that can continue is up for debate.

"My name is Mark Fitzpatrick and my career is in jeopardy," a video posted to YouTube begins. "Over the last 24 hours I've sat back in disbelief, shock and sorrow as my life's work has been unfairly ripped away from me."

Earlier this week Mark received an email saying that 15 of his videos had been copyright claimed by Toei. An hour later the number had grown to 28. By the time he published his latest video, the number of videos taken down by Toei had exceeded 150, a library that represents almost three years' work.

Quite the surprise considering Mark's claim that Toei previously approached him to do promotional work for the company.

totallynotmark content matches

Cries of 'Fair Use'

In thousands of social media posts, comments and numerous articles posted since Mark's announcement, a common theme persists. The reviews taken down by Toei are just that – commentary and criticism – a key factor when determining whether copyrighted content can be legally used under the US doctrine of fair use, without obtaining permission from rightsholders.

Mark feels this should protect his uploads from takedowns.

"I take my job very seriously. Because of this I ensure that both myself and my employees adhere strictly to the fair dealings and fair use policies as outlined by YouTube and within my own country and other countries," he says.

"I am shocked and appalled that I, someone that tirelessly dedicates himself to a fair use practice has to accept and bend the knee as my life's work gets obliterated before me by a massive company that clearly has no regard or respect for the rules outlined by YouTube themselves."

We have no intention of conducting a detailed fair use analysis of Mark's work and in most cases it's something that YouTube doesn't get deeply involved in either. However, the mention of an obviously commercial company relying on others' copyrighted content to exist is not an element that helps to support a determination of fair use. It doesn't guarantee failure either but does make success less likely when it comes to a court rendering a decision.

Any decision of that nature would be made under US copyright law but there have been some questions raised in the last few hours of whether Japanese law might need to be considered too, since there is famously no fair use in Japan.

As it happens, however, another 'law' is more immediately pertinent in this case – that of YouTube's Content ID.

Content ID and the Law of YouTube

Processing what happened to Mark this week requires a basic understanding of the Content ID system, the mechanism through which four million claims are 'settled' each day on YouTube.

According to data released this week, rightsholders choose to monetize 90% of all Content ID claims, meaning that in exchange for not hitting a channel with a formal copyright complaint, they take the revenue from the targeted videos instead. In Mark's case, Toei chose to have his videos removed entirely, despite having the ability to region-block if they wanted to. Even considering the lack of fair use in Japan, they could've left the content up elsewhere.

Mark believes that Toei didn't consider the US doctrine of fair use at all, something that entities with access to Content ID should do as per their agreements with the platform. However, since an official copyright complaint hasn't been filed under the DMCA, at this point copyright law hums along in the background while something much more immediate takes over – the Content ID dispute system.

"If you upload a video containing copyrighted content without the copyright owner's permission, you could end up with a Content ID claim. The claim will keep you from monetizing the video, even if you only use a few seconds, such as short uses of popular songs," YouTube explains.

"Automated systems like Content ID can't decide fair use because it's a subjective, case-by-case decision that only courts can make. While we can't decide on fair use or mediate copyright disputes, fair use can still exist on YouTube. If you believe that your video falls under fair use, you can defend your position through the Content ID dispute process."

The Dispute Process

Firstly, YouTube expressly advises uploaders not to upload any copyrighted content unless it's absolutely essential to their videos, if they wish to avoid Content ID claims. While the amount of copyrighted content used under fair use can be a defense factor in a legal action, Content ID appears not to differentiate.

Importantly, YouTube's Content ID and dispute process initially take place under the 'laws of YouTube' or, more accurately, contractual agreements, rather than copyright law.

So, in an initial response to the Content ID claims, Mark is not filing DMCA counternotices. Instead, he is having to manually dispute each of the 150+ hits in notices to YouTube and then Toei will get 30 days to respond to each. At this point Toei may release the claims, meaning that the videos and monetization will be restored. That would be the best possible outcome, beyond not claiming the videos in the first place of course.

However, they could reinstate the claims, which means that Mark will have to file an appeal for each yet again and wait another 30 days for a response. Worse still, if Toei chooses not to reinstate the claims, the company could take down the videos via DMCA copyright takedown requests, meaning that Mark could get copyright strikes against his account which could prove terminal under YouTube's repeat infringer policy.

The Risks of Disputing Content ID Matches

The clear risk is that by disputing a Content ID match, YouTube users like Mark risk their channels receiving a copyright strike and in his case, risking the deletion of his entire account given the number of claims. And, by defaulting to the DMCA, the entire dispute process risks escalation to a courtroom, in this case to fight a fair use lawsuit which he may (or most likely may not) be able to afford.

In advance of that, however, rightsholders like Toei are given the opportunity to grant YouTube users a way out via a 'scheduled copyright takedown request'. This means that during the appeal process, a copyright holder can file a pending DMCA takedown notice that can be retracted if the YouTube user withdraws their appeal within seven days.

"By canceling, you'll prevent the takedown and you won't get a copyright strike. The Content ID claim will remain active on your video," YouTube notes.

In Mark's case, this means that Mark's videos will stay down. It matters not whether his use was 'fair' or whether Toei's claims under Content ID were valid. The whole process will have been settled in parallel but outside the DMCA process, meaning that any potential defenses are moot.

He will get to keep his channel though but with the majority of content removed it's arguable what use that channel is good for. And, importantly, there is also the worry that Toei will run out of patience at any point in the process and issue DMCA complaints anyway, effectively ending Mark's run on YouTube.

"Thank you all," Mark now writes on Twitter.

"The other day I woke up to 150 claimed videos. Today I woke up to see so many creators large and small standing in solidarity alongside me. I don't know what will happen with this. But know that this solidarity on its own sends a strong message."

This raises a serious question: when an obvious promoter of premium content gets treated in the way Mark has, regardless of whether there is a fair use defense or not, is that good or bad for a company like Toei and the sales it appears to be determined to protect?

Content recognition mechanisms often exist to punish pirates yet when they are used in a manner that leaves both promoters and paying fans in despair, surely it's time to have a meaningful and open conversation about the end goals.

It's certainly not too late in this case and something particularly positive could be the outcome. The alternative is to have YouTubers shy away from Toei content in its entirety or produce bland reviews that nobody wants to watch.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Screener of Japan's Oscar Contender "Drive My Car" Leaks Online
Ernesto Van der Sar, 09 Dec 01:37 PM

oscarsAt the end of the year, movie industry insiders traditionally receive their screener copies, which they use to vote on the Oscars and other awards.

This used to be a massive logistics operation as tens of thousands of physical discs had to be sent through the mail. That is no longer the case.

Physical Screener Ban

Last year, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced this week that physical screeners will no longer be allowed in 2021. According to the Academy, the transition is part of its sustainability efforts.

This decision was also the death sentence for the popular DVDSCR tag many pirates have followed closely for years. However, the end of the physical screener doesn't mean that leaks are a thing of the past.

While it's true that physical releases were vulnerable in the distribution process, digital screeners are far from bulletproof. This became apparent in recent weeks when several film festival-related screeners appeared online.

"Drive My Car" Leaks Online

Today we spotted another screener release and this one appears to be directly connected to the Oscars. The leaked release is a copy of Japan's Oscar contender "Drive my Car," which was won several film prizes already, including that of best screenplay at the Cannes Film Festival.

The arthouse film isn't a typical blockbuster but has received a lot of praise from critics. And since it appears to be the first screener leak in the Academy Awards' digital era, the release deserves a callout.

Below is a screenshot that's posted with pirated copies of the film. It clearly shows a watermark of the associated movie sales outfit The Match Factory, which is present throughout the film.


drive my car leak

The pirated release has hardcoded English subtitles and is tagged with the group name OSCAR. That's not a commonly known group as far as we know, which could mean that the OSCAR tag is used to hide the involvement of the real group.


This OSCAR tag has previously been used by a scene group in 2006 but hasn't shown up in any Scene databases since then.

Another option is that OSCAR is a 'hobby' project from a foreign film enthusiast. When we searched through various databases we spotted the tag on two other film releases that were both Oscar submissions.

The first is "The Man Who Sold His Skin" from Syria, which was nominated in the Best International Feature Film as last year's Academy Awards. The other OSCAR release is "True Mothers," which was Japan's Academy Awards submission in the same category last year.

We might just have spotted a pattern there…

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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