Friday, September 3, 2021

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Anti-Piracy Alliance Calls For a 'Staydown' Requirement in EU's Digital Services Act
Ernesto Van der Sar, 03 Sep 10:27 PM

eu flagIn recent years the European Commission has proposed and adopted various legislative changes to help combat online piracy.

This includes the Copyright Directive which passed in 2019 as well as the Digital Services Act, which was officially unveiled last December.

These changes have been spurred on by major copyright holders, who have long called for stricter enforcement of pirated content online. At the same time, digital rights groups and some legal experts are concerned that fundamental rights are at risk by increased filtering.

'Fixing' the Digital Services Act

When it comes to the Digital Services Act (DSA) proposal, neither 'side' is completely satisfied. The new regulations improve the takedown process and will deal with 'repeat infringers.' However, there are no 'staydown' requirements, which was a priority item on the copyright holders' wishlist.

Over the past months, various stakeholders have submitted their views to the European Parliament's IMCO Committee, asking for tweaks and changes to the proposal. This includes the Audiovisual Anti-Piracy Alliance (AAPA), whose members include Sky, BT, the Premier League, LaLiga, Discovery, Wiley, and Ziggo.

The Linking Problem

AAPA lists several concrete amendments that should make it easier to address online piracy. This includes clarifying that online content sharing platforms shouldn't just act against infringing content stored on their own servers. They should also remove links to infringing content stored elsewhere too.

"One of the major issues with the online content sharing platforms is not just the illegal content stored on their platform, but rather the material posted on their platform that directs users to other places which supply illegal content," AAPA writes.

This expansion effectively means that online services have to take action against things such as piracy tutorials, or links in comments that point people to pirate sites.


As could be expected, AAPA also calls for a staydown requirement. The initial draft of the DSA doesn't require online services to ensure that content remains offline after it's removed. However, the anti-piracy alliance sees this as a necessity.

"In order to effectively and meaningfully address the proliferation of illegal products and services on intermediary services, measures need to be implemented by these services to prevent illicit content from reappearing after having been taken down," AAPA notes.

This takedown and staydown approach is a priority for many rightsholder groups. They believe that the current takedown systems are ineffective because the same content can reappear elsewhere within minutes.

Terminating Repeat Infringer Accounts

The anti-piracy alliance also sees room to improve the 'repeat infringer' language in the DSA. The current text will require services to suspend accounts of persistent pirates, but more can be done.

AAPA proposes to terminate the accounts of repeat copyright infringers. In addition, companies should ensure that these people can't simply circumvent these measures by registering a new account.

"In cases of repeat suspension, providers of hosting services shall terminate the provision of their services and introduce mechanisms that prevent the reregistration of recipients of service that frequently provide or facilitate the dissemination of illegal content," the proposed amendment reads.

To AAPA's credit, the alliance also proposes stricter measures against takedown abuse. Organizations and users who repeatedly send manifestly unfounded takedown requests should have their accounts terminated as well, the group notes.

A complete overview of the recommendations can be found on AAPA's website where they were published this week.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Take-Two Sues Enthusiasts Behind GTA Fan Projects re3 & reVC
Andy Maxwell, 03 Sep 11:02 AM

gtaEarlier this year a group of programmers and Grand Theft Auto enthusiasts released 're3' and 'reVC', a pair of reverse engineered releases of GTA 3 and Vice City.

The code meant that these old but well-loved games could be enjoyed with significant improvements but the fun wasn't to last for long. In response to the projects, Take-Two and Rockstar Games filed a DMCA notice at Github where the code was stored, requesting the removal of the 're3' and 'reVC' repositories.

Initially, project leader "aap" questioned the authenticity of the takedown. "It's not impossible it's just a troll. Hard to tell. But better to assume it's real," he told Eurogamer.

As per legal requirements, Github complied with the takedown demand but, as TF noted at the time, the team behind the projects had the option of filing a DMCA counter-notice if it was confident that its work is permitted under copyright law.

After assessing its options, that's exactly what the team did, leaving Take-Two just a couple of weeks to file a lawsuit to prevent the content reappearing on Github. When that time expired, the coding platform restored 're3' and 'reVC', as per the law.

"We claim that our project falls under fair use: our goal is clearly not piracy or anything as you still need the original game. Rather we want to care for the game by fixing and improving it and bringing it to new platforms," project leader 'aap' informed TF at the time.

"This has caused many people to buy or re-buy the game from Take-Two, so it's not like they're losing money, quite the opposite."

While Take-Two didn't act quickly enough to prevent the restoration of 're3' and 'reVC' to Github, the company has now followed up with a full-blown lawsuit targeting their developers.

Copyright Infringement Complaint

Filed in a California court a few hours ago, Take-Two's lawsuit lists Angelo Papenhoff (aap), Theo Morra, Eray Orçunus, and Adrian Graber as named defendants, plus Doe 1 'Ash R / Ash/735' and nine other unnamed Does.

"Defendants' source code projects, known as re3 and reVC, purport to have created a set of software files (which Defendants claim they 'reverse engineered' from the original Game software) that allow members of the public to play the Games on various hardware devices, but with so-called 'enhancements' and 'modifications' added by Defendants," the complaint reads.

"Perhaps most notably, Defendants claim that their derivative GTA source code enables players to install and run the Games on multiple game platforms, including those on which the Games never have been released, such as the PlayStation Vita and Nintendo Switch."

According to Take-Two, the defendants' conduct is willful and deliberate since they are well aware that they do not have the necessary rights to copy, adapt or distribute derivative GTA source code or the audiovisual elements of the games. The gaming giant adds that Papenhoff publicly expressed concern that Take-Two would find out about the 're3' and 'reVC' projects.

Defendants Created Repositories on Github

According to the complaint, the defendants uploaded their projects to Github and, over time, refined and updated these repositories until a "full set" of derivative files for the games GTA 3 and Vice City had been created.

"These source code files not only contain the derivative software code that enables the Games to run on a player's computer, but also contain Take-Two's original digital content such as text, character dialog, and certain game assets. Additionally, the re3 GitHub Repositories include links to locations where members of the public can download a complete, installable build of the re3 and reVC software," Take-Two adds.

The company says the derivative versions of the games are "virtually identical" to the originals in function, appearance and gameplay (except for the modifications added by the defendants) and allow players to experience the "exact same sights, sounds, story, setting, dialog, and other creative content" present in the originals.

Defendants Intended to Create and Distribute Pirated Games

Take-Two's lawsuit claims that the defendants have made public statements that show their intent to create and distribute pirated Grand Theft Auto games by using Twitter and Discord to solicit help with the projects.

The gaming company also insists that the defendants have admitted that the source code is not original but intended to be copies of the originals.

"[D]efendants slavishly recreated the original code to play the Games by 'decompiling' the Games' object (or 'machine') code and then working with that material to create a game experience that is identical to the original Games," its lawsuit adds.

Addressing DMCA Notices Sent to Github

As previously noted, Take-Two submitted a DMCA takedown notice to Github in February requesting the disabling and/or removal of the allegedly infringing repositories. The company says that the counter notices sent by the defendants in response were not legitimate.

"In at least three separate instances between April and June of 2021, Defendants Orçunus, Morra, and Graber submitted sworn counter notifications to GitHub claiming the takedown of the repositories was mistaken or otherwise not legitimate," the lawsuit reads.

"Take-Two is informed and believes, and on that basis alleges, that these counter notifications were made in bad faith, and knowingly and deliberately misrepresented to GitHub the contents of the re3 GitHub Repositories."

Furthermore, it's alleged that the reverse-engineering team expected a Take-Two response, noting on Discord it was a matter of "WHEN and not IF" the company would "strike back".

Copyright Infringement Claims

Take-Two says that by willfully and maliciously copying, adapting and distributing its source code and other content, all of the defendants have infringed its exclusive rights under copyright law. As a result, the company is entitled to damages in amounts to be determined at trial or, alternatively, a maximum statutory damages award of $150,000 for each infringed work.

Additionally, the gaming company says that by submitting bad faith DMCA counternotices to have the projects restored to Github, three of the defendants made misrepresentations under U.S.C. § 512(f).

"Accordingly, Defendant Orçunus, Morra, and Graber are liable for damages, including costs and attorneys' fees, incurred by Take-Two," the complaint adds.

Finally, Take-Two is seeking temporary, preliminary, and permanent injunctive relief to restrain the defendants from continuing their allegedly infringing activities. The company wants all infringing source code and games removed from the Internet and wants the defendants to hand over all materials that infringe its rights.

Take-Two also wants a full accounting of "any and all sales or downloads of products or services" that infringe its rights.

Take-Two's copyright infringement complaint can be found here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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