Friday, July 9, 2021

TorrentFreak's Latest News


Media Giants Request Dynamic Order to Block Pirated NHL Streams in Canada
Ernesto Van der Sar, 09 Jul 05:10 PM

canada flagTwo months ago, Canada's Federal Court of Appeal upheld the first pirate site blocking order in the country.

Following a complaint from major media companies Rogers, Bell and TVA, the Court confirmed that major ISPs must block access to domains and IP addresses of pirate IPTV service GoldTV.

There was little opposition from Internet providers, except for TekSavvy, which argued that the injunction threatens the open Internet. In addition, the company warned that it could open the floodgates to many other blocking requests.

TekSavvy's hunch may not be far off. This week, Rogers, Bell and TVA are back in Canada's Federal Court, requesting a new and much more advanced piracy blocking order.

Dynamic NHL Piracy Blocking Order

The new request isn't targeted at a specific site or service. Instead, it aims to shut down any pirated live streams of National Hockey League (NHL) games. This is similar to existing dynamic football blockades, which are commonplace in the UK and other European countries.

The media companies, which include Bell's CTV Television and The Sports Network, note that technology is rapidly evolving. Pirates constantly change the way they offer content which makes 'static' site-blocking orders useless in some cases.

This is particularly true for live streaming. The 'pirates' who offer these streams anticipate countermeasures and rotate between IP addresses and servers, sometimes even during live broadcasts.

Thousands of Streams

The rightsholders cite data from anti-piracy partner 'Friend MTS,' which found that pirates offered 53,443 illegal live streams in a four-month period earlier this year, with a mean of 822 distinct IP addresses per week.

"Some of these servers are only active and can only be identified during the live broadcast of a popular event and pirates are even able to adjust their infrastructures during the broadcast to attempt to circumvent enforcement measures," the media companies write.

"The Plaintiffs are thus asking this Court to also adapt existing remedies and grant the only effective remedy available in these circumstances to stop such blatant and widespread infringement"

Rolling Updates During Games

Through the Court, the companies request an injunction that requires Canadian ISPs including TekSavvy, Cogeco, Distributel, and Eastlink, to block a constantly updated list of IP addresses. This dynamic blockade should remain active during the live broadcast of NHL games.

The legal paperwork provides several examples for streaming servers located around the world. These are offered through a variety of websites and services, including and


The media companies stress that they have already tried other options to address live streaming piracy. For example, Rogers sent notices to hosting providers, and payment providers and advertisers have been alerted to the infringing activities as well.

These anti-piracy measures had some effect, but these efforts didn't stop pirated live streams from being offered.

"Unauthorized Streaming Servers providing access to high quality streams of NHL Live Games in Canada are still widespread and can be accessed easily by consumers with a simple search on a search engine, and in many cases for free," the rightsholders add.

Bell, Rogers and Groupe TV say they invest hundreds of millions of dollars a year to acquire the rights to broadcast NHL live games. But due to online piracy, between 583,000 and 974,000 subscribers have been lost.

With a dynamic blocking order, the rightsholders hope to tackle this live-streaming problem more effectively and they hope the Court will agree.

Not All ISPs Are Eager to Block

Needless to say, not all ISPs are eager to implement even broader blocking mechanisms. Aside from the costs of maintaining this system, there are concerns that they go far beyond what the law envisioned.

TekSavvy's vice-president of regulatory affairs Andy Kaplan-Myrth tells TorrentFreak that the company is very concerned about this motion.

"Without any policy oversight by the government, these media incumbents are attempting to springboard from targeted site blocking to active internet filtering," Kaplan-Myrth says.

Hat tip to The Wire, for putting this case on our radar. A copy of the written representations in support of the dynamic blocking order is available here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Police Arrest Two More For Uploading 10 Minute Movie Edits to YouTube
Andy Maxwell, 09 Jul 10:21 AM

Sad YouTubeUploading full movies to YouTube is an activity that can lead to takedowns, copyright strikes and even lawsuits. Despite the dangers, some people go ahead nonetheless but even those sharing short clips now have reason for caution.

Movie companies in Japan say they are increasingly worried about the rise of so-called "fast movies". These are edits of popular movies that take place over the span of about 10 minutes but instead of being uploaded for review or critique, they instead aim to make viewing the original movies unnecessary.

Anti-piracy group Content Overseas Distribution Association (CODA) previously informed TorrentFreak that action would be taken against uploaders and last month that prediction came true when three people were targeted in Japan. These people weren't subjected to a civil lawsuit but instead were arrested by police as part of criminal action based on alleged breaches of the country's Copyright Act.

Allegations and New Arrests

According to CODA, the Miyagi Prefectural Police Life Safety Division and the Shiogama Police Station made the arrests claiming that the suspects edited and uploaded four movies owned by Toho Co., Ltd and Nikkatsu Corporation.

The edits were approximately 10 minutes in length and due to their popularity generated advertising revenue for the uploaders, making the offenses commercial in nature. The videos also featured added narration, which has now resulted in more arrests this week in Japan.

"The Miyagi Prefectural Police Headquarters and the Shiogama Police Station arrested two additional suspects who reside in Tokyo and referred them to the Sendai District Public Prosecutors Office for uploading films to YouTube without the right holders' consent in violation of the Copyright Act," CODA informs TorrentFreak.

"There were three suspects arrested on 23rd June. The police investigated and found that the two suspects colluded with the three and narrated the unauthorized re-edited versions of the films or otherwise contributed to the crime."

Police Action Seems to Act as a Deterrent

While copyright complaints can deter some users from uploading or continuing to upload allegedly infringing content, it appears that having the police involved can elicit even more rapid results.

CODA says that prior to the first set of arrests, it had confirmed the existence of 55 accounts on YouTube offering so-called "fast movies". With news of that action in the air, people are now taking action to avoid being part of a new sweep.

"After the arrest, many of such accounts have been closed and many of the fast movies have been deleted," CODA says.

Whether any additional arrests are in the pipeline is currently unknown but the anti-piracy group says it will maintain the pressure to ensure that the prevalence of "fast movies" is kept under control.

"CODA shall continue to take appropriate measures, including international enforcement measures against overseas platformers, to identify such malicious uploaders, so that copyright should be properly protected," the group concludes.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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