Tuesday, May 18, 2021

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After Threats to Block Twitter & VPNs, Russia Warns Facebook & YouTube
Andy Maxwell, 18 May 09:15 PM

Twitter PirateIn the United States and much of Europe, the idea that certain content should not appear online is not alien but in Russia, the situation is policed directly by government.

So-called "prohibited content" covers a broad spectrum of material, from pirated movies and TV shows to broadly defined terrorist material, the promotion of illicit drugs, and the abuse of minors. And according to Russian telecoms watchdog Roskomndazor, all of these things and more are made available by users of Twitter.

After Being Punished By Throttling, Twitter Faced Total Blocking

For some time, Roskomndazor has been calling on Twitter to remove "prohibited" content, to ensure that the social media platform complies with Russian law. The telecoms watchdog claimed that it had reported thousands of tweets to Twitter but after the platform failed to remove them, Russia adopted its own punitive measures to bring the company into line.

As a first step back in March, Russia reportedly used Deep Packet Inspection in order to identify and then throttle local Twitter traffic down to just 128kbps. That wasn't without collateral damage but Russia doubled down by warning that Twitter could find itself blocked completely via court order, if it failed to respond to demands.

Given the mantra that the Internet interprets censorship as damage and routes around it, some vowed to turn to VPNs, as they had done in the past when pirate sites and Telegram were blocked. But Russia warned that this wouldn't help, informing the public that "much had changed" since the country attempted to block Telegram in 2018.

Twitter is Now Cooperating With Russia

In an announcement yesterday, Roskomndazor noted the May 15 deadline it had given Twitter to fall into compliance had come and gone. However, it appears some progress has been made.

On March 10, the day Russia began throttling Twitter, Roskomndazor already had demands on the table for the social platform to remove 4,100 "prohibited" items dating back to 2017. After that date, a further 1,800 new items were posted to the site. By last Saturday, however, Twitter had removed 91% of the contentious content and had signaled willingness to combat the problem moving forward.

"The management of Twitter sent a letter to Roskomnadzor, in which it confirmed that it fully shares the agency's actions to combat socially dangerous content and will take all necessary measures to remove it," the regulator says.

"The management of the social network expressed its readiness and interest in building a constructive dialogue with Roskomnadzor. The Twitter administration asked us not to take action to block Twitter, as well as to remove the current restrictions on its work."

More Work Must Be Done Before Throttling is Completely Removed

After expressing appreciation for Twitter's cooperation, Roskomnadzor appears to be loosening its grip on Twitter, but that comes with some caveats. In return for Twitter's efforts, Russia says it will not seek to block Twitter entirely and will remove access restrictions on fixed Internet connections. However, throttling will remain on mobile networks until Twitter complies with all demands.

"[I]n order to completely remove the imposed restrictions on Twitter, it is necessary [for Twitter] to remove all identified prohibited materials, as well as bring the response time to the agency's requirements into line with Russian standards (no later than 24 hours from the receipt of the request)," Roskomnadzor writes.

But as one problem appears to be nearing its conclusion, others are raising their heads.

Russia Warns YouTube & Facebook Of Similar Action

After apparently bringing Twitter much closer to full compliance, Russia appears keen to expand its reach to other media platforms presenting it with similar problems. According to Roskomndazor, "prohibited" content is also making an appearance on Facebook, YouTube and other "Internet sites" and if they don't take action, they will face similar measures.

"It should be noted that at present, cases have been identified of posting illegal materials on other Internet sites, including Facebook and YouTube. In the event that these platforms do not take appropriate measures, similar sanctions may be applied to them," Roskomndazor warns.

While no platform wants to be slowed down, the nature of Twitter means that throttling presents less of a problem than it would to Facebook and YouTube, the latter in particular. Whether Russia would apply the same bandwidth restrictions to these platforms is currently unknown but if that was indeed the case, both could be rendered almost entirely unusable.

At the time of writing there's no renewed mention of VPN blocking in respect of either of these platforms. However, given that VPN use has the ability to undermine the leverage that Russia holds in 'negotiations' with user-generated content sites, it seems likely that the same threats will apply. And according to earlier analysis, it's at least possible that Russia has the necessary tools to carry them out.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Confusion Ensues as Trinidad & Tobago Threatens Users of 'Illegal' Streaming Devices
Ernesto Van der Sar, 18 May 12:47 PM

tt flagIn recent years, legal video streaming services such as Netflix and Amazon have flourished.

At the same time, millions of people are streaming from unauthorized sources as well, often paired with perfectly legal streaming platforms and devices.

This mix of legal devices and illegal addons is a challenge for law enforcement. Platforms such as Kodi, Plex, and Roku are perfectly legal but can be configured to access pirate content. The same is true for Amazon's Firestick, Android streaming boxes, or pretty much every smartphone.

T&T Issues Illegal Streaming Device Warning

Because devices can be used for both legal and illegal purposes, it's important to clearly communicate what is allowed, and what isn't. This is where Trinidad & Tobago's Telecommunications Authority and Intellectual Property Office slipped up yesterday.

The Government organizations of the Caribbean island issued a stark warning against the sale and use of 'illegal streaming devices.' Those who break the law risk a maximum fine of $250,000 as well as a prison sentence of up to ten years, they warned.

However, the message isn't well-received by the intended audience. According to hundreds of responses on social media, it's not clear at all what an illegal streaming device is.

The definition provided in the Telecommunications Authority's official press release is indeed quite broad.

"Illegal streaming devices are small media boxes, USB sticks or other devices which are connected to your television and contain software that allow access to television stations, movies, sports channels and other copyrighted content without paying the applicable price or subscription," it reads.

TTAT warning

Instead of clarifying that illegal streaming is not allowed, the notice created massive uncertainty. Depending on how the warning is read, pretty every media device with a connection to the Internet could fit this description. As such, many people feared that Firesticks, Smart TVs, and other tools are outlawed as well.

Hundreds of Comments

Shortly after the warning was issued, hundreds of comments poured in on social media with people asking for clarifications.

There is a need to clarify the importation of legally compliant streaming devices, this notice is too generic and is not fair to the average Jo who wants to bring in a device to use compliant apps, am I to take this as an intent to charge me for bringing in the new chromecast or firestick for my parents who don't have a smart tv? – Dayne Ramtahal

Another commenter went even further, suggesting the Government should retract its message because it's too broad.

Please retract and revisit this legislation. It is too broad and as it is written technically targets all computer devices. As these so called illegal streaming boxes are essentially computers. – Adam Mongroo

These two highlighted comments are just the tip of the iceberg. Below is a selection of some common responses, which are pretty much all negative. What stands out is that the public seems to be much better informed about the technical aspects than the Government itself.

TTAT facebook comments

What a silly post. By virtue of this, I guess they should be seizing PCs and phones too. – Kamlesh Ramcharitar

Why say the boxes are illegal and then say you can still use it to stream Netflix etc? Be CLEAR in your press release. – Keisha Dyer

This is the dumbest release I've read in a while. This is literally fearmongering as you've placed no guidelines into what can constitute illegal devices. By this broad-arm approach a PC is an illegal device do better. – Alexander Ramon

A cell phone is an illegal device now ??? It fits the description if you look at it. – Mich Deosingh

I dunno why you're classifying as illegal streaming devices as opposed to illegal apps. You all give an intern to draft this notice? – Aneil Raghunanan

So android phones are now illegal? Computers are now illegal? Tablets are now illegal? Amazon makes and sells firesticks, they are a piracy company? – Shaun Deonarine

The parameters are far too wide. By this wording, even PCs and Phones are illegal. Y'all need to do better. All it's doing is worsening fear when we are already in a state of emergency. – Alexander Bruzual

Perhaps surprised by this massive response, the Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (TATT) was quick to clarify that people can still use Firesticks and Smart TV to watch YouTube and Netflix. But it stressed that using these devices to stream content illegally is not allowed.

Firesticks Can be Used Illegally…

"However, the use of these devices – Amazon FireStick, smart TV, tablet, phone, etc. – to download apps and access content such as TV shows, sports events, movies, etc. illegally without paying for that content is a breach of the Copyright Act," TATT clarified.

We assume that the original press release was supposed to signal that using or selling devices with pre-loaded piracy apps is not allowed. However, as the comments show, that wasn't communicated clearly.

It's unclear why the Government decided to issue this warning now. Interestingly, it comes less than a month after the US Trade Representative called out Trinidad and Tobago in its 2021 Special 301 Report. This is a watchlist of countries that should do more to protect US copyright holders.

Among other things, the USTR's report encouraged Trinidad and Tobago to do more to stop online piracy.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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