Wednesday, May 12, 2021

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Disney Patents Blockchain-Based Movie Distribution System to Stop Pirates
Ernesto Van der Sar, 12 May 10:28 PM

disneyDisney is one of the best known brands in the world and the owner of an impressive collection of movies and TV shows.

New and old releases earn the company a healthy stream of revenue, both in movie theaters and through its own movie streaming service Disney+.

While there is plenty of competition from other movie studios, Disney's single biggest threat appears to be piracy. To tackle this issue, Disney's in-house anti-piracy team works around the clock, and the company takes part in the ACE coalition as well.

Disney's Blockchain Anti-Piracy Patent

Through these anti-piracy efforts, Disney has helped to take down dozens of piracy sites and services. However, the media giant is also trying to be more proactive. A newly awarded patent proposes a blockchain-based media distribution system that aims to prevent early piracy leaks.

The patent in question, titled "Blockchain configuration for secure content delivery," focuses on the distribution of content to movie theaters. This is a vulnerable process where pirates with the right connections can make copies during or after delivery.

There are already several security mechanisms in place to prevent leaks from happening. Theaters have to adhere to strict rules, for example, and movies are all watermarked. Nevertheless, Disney believes that this isn't sufficient to stop pirates.

"[S]uch security mechanisms are often reactive rather than preventative. For example, watermarking configurations insert a watermark into content to track piracy after the piracy has already occurred. As a result, current configurations do not adequately prevent piracy," the company explains.

Verifying Rights

Disney argues that by implementing a secure blockchain-based system, the distribution process can be more tightly controlled. Among other things, it will make it impossible for a movie to be played before it arrives at the intended location.

"In contrast with previous configurations, the blockchain configuration verifies that the content is received at the intended destination prior to allowing playback of the content at that destination," the patent reads.

disney blockchain patent

The system can also be configured with other anti-piracy features. For example, it can track the number of times a movie is played to prevent bad actors from showing it more often than they should.

"Further, the blockchain configuration has an automated auditing mechanism that tracks playback of the content at the destination to ensure that the quantity of playbacks is accurately recorded. Therefore, piracy by the intended recipient, in the form of a greater quantity of actual playbacks than reported playbacks, is prevented.'

Other Playback Environments

While Disney regularly refers to movie theaters and projectors, it specifically states that the patent also applies to other 'playback environments.' For example, when Disney content is sent to other streaming providers, which will need the proper credentials to play the content.

There are several possible practical implementations but whether Disney has concrete plans to use these in the real world is unknown. That said, it's certainly intriguing to see that the company is seriously considering the blockchain.

It is worth noting that this anti-piracy system is focused on the content distribution and delivery process. This will, in theory, help to prevent pre-release leaks. However, it won't stop pirates from ripping movies and TV shows directly from Disney+.

Disney is not the only media company that has an interest in blockchain technology. Earlier this year, DISH Network secured a patent for a system that online services can use to check if an uploader has the proper rights to share something.

A copy of the "Blockchain configuration for secure content delivery" patent, awarded late last month, is available here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more. Asks Court to Dismiss Piracy Lawsuit Over Lack of Jurisdiction
Ernesto Van der Sar, 12 May 10:39 AM logoA group of movie production outfits, including affiliates of the film studios Millennium Media and Voltage Pictures, filed a lawsuit against in March.

The companies accuse the VPN provider of promoting the piracy app Popcorn Time to its users, noting that a IP-address was repeatedly used to share pirated films.

After filing the original complaint, the copyright holders moved full steam ahead. A few weeks ago, they successfully obtained a temporary restraining order that required PayPal to freeze the assets of's operating company Wicked Technology Limited. Filed Motion to Dismiss

This order was a major setback for Wicked Technology and its owner, an Algerian citizen named Mohamed Faouani, who hope to turn things around. In a motion to dismiss filed late last week, the defendants argue that they are not subject to the jurisdiction of the Virginia federal court.

Wicked Technology and its owner are represented by attorney Benjamin Maskell, who stresses that didn't specifically target people in the state. In fact, Faouani had never heard about Virginia before he was sued.

"Faouani has never traveled to the United States, and had never heard of the state of Virginia prior to this lawsuit. He does not have an interest in, use, or possess any real property in Virginia. He has not transacted any business in Virginia or contracted to supply services or things in Virginia."

Under US law, complaints have to meet certain standards when foreign people are sued. To establish jurisdiction, there have to be 'sufficient minimum contacts' with the state and the legal claim must be connected to those contacts. In addition, there should be reasonable grounds to sue the foreign defendant.

No Connection to Virginia

In this case, there is no substantial connection to Virginia, the defense argues. The VPN provider and its owner didn't purposefully target Virginia, they simply offered their service to people who could be located anywhere in the world.

"The facts giving rise to Plaintiffs' claims in this case involve online activity and VPN services that were not expressly directed at Virginia, but to an undefined group of Internet users around the world," the defense notes.

"Nothing indicates that the Wicked Defendants specifically directed advertising or web activity at Virginia or to Virginia or U.S. users. The Wicked Defendants did not direct the sales of VPN services to Virginia or any Virginia consumers, nor did it require or request that Voxility subcontract to the CoreSite data center in Reston, Virginia."

The Hosting Issue

The movie companies previously highlighted that used the hosting service Voxility, which supplied a Virginia-based IP address. The defendants don't deny this. However, they never instructed Voxility to operate a connection in Virginia.

Apparently, Voxility used the services from a CoreSite-operated data center in Reston, Virginia, without any instructions or directions from the VPN provider.

"The Wicked Defendants did not specifically structure the relationship with Voxility to facilitate anything or provide any services in Virginia. The IP address at issue was obtained indirectly, as Voxility reallocated or reassigned IP addresses it received from ARIN and RIPE to its customer Wicked."

Dismiss Case and Unfreeze Funds

Based on these and other arguments, Wicked Technology and owner Faouani ask the Virginia federal court to dismiss the complaint for a lack of personal jurisdiction. In addition, they want the PayPal funds to be unfrozen as well.

According to the defense, the PayPal account should have never been frozen in the first place. It belongs to the third-party company Wicked Technology UAE which wasn't sued and, as the name suggests, is incorporated in the United Arab Emirates.

Finally, the defendants also contest that they were properly served. They were notified though "registered email" only which isn't sufficient, they argue, adding that this alone means that the court doesn't have proper jurisdiction.

This isn't the first time that these movie companies have been challenged over a jurisdictional issue. Last year, a federal court in Hawaii ruled that it did't have jurisdiction over the foreign operator of the torrent site MKVCage, denying a request for $150,000 in piracy damages.

A copy of Wicked Technology Limited's motion to dismiss the complaint for a lack of personal jurisdiction can be found here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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