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Pornhub's Upload Filter Blocked Over 100K 'Pirated' Videos in 2020
Ernesto Van der Sar, 06 Apr 09:48 PM

pornhubPornhub is without a doubt one of the most visited adult entertainment outlets on the Internet.

The company, which is owned by the Mindgeek conglomerate, is loved by many but it's certainly not without controversy.

Illegal Content

A few months ago, a New York Times article linked the site to child exploitation and abuse. This prompted Pornhub to organize a massive review of the content on its site, resulting in a mass removal of videos.

This isn't the first time that Pornhub has been criticized. While on a different level, there have been plenty of copyright complaints from within the adult entertainment industry as well. Retired porn icon Jenna Haze, for example, previously warned against PornHub while citing it as a reason to quit her directing work.

"Please don't support sites like porn hub," Haze wrote at the time. "They are a tube site that pirates content that other adult companies produce. It's like Napster!"

Some have argued that at least in part, Pornhub and other Mindgeek-owned tube sites built their business on pirated content. However, the scope of the alleged infringing activity of Pornhub users wasn't entirely clear. This changed a few days ago when the site released its first transparency report.

More Than 500,000 DMCA Takedowns

The report shows that hundreds of thousands of videos were removed for violations of its terms of service and Pornhub gives further insight into its DMCA takedown efforts. Last year, the site says it removed 544,021 pieces of content following DMCA takedowns.

As the figure below shows, the takedowns peaked in April at the height of the first coronavirus lockdowns. The volume dropped significantly in December, when the site purged its content library following abuse and exploitation allegations.


More than half a million DMCA takedowns is a substantial number and it shows that pirated content is not just an incidental problem. It will be interesting to see how this will change over time, now that Pornhub is actively verifying uploaders.

Pornhub Upload Filter

There is another element from Pornhub's transparency report that's worth highlighting too. The platform is not just responding to takedown notices, it also uses Vobile's MediaWise system to filter uploads.

"In addition to DMCA requests, we prevented an additional 106,841 pieces of copyright-protected content from being published by scanning our uploads against content which was previously fingerprinted," Pornhub writes.

With this upload filter, the site may be in part responding to the obligation that was set forth in the EU Copyright Directive. This requires online platforms to ensure that infringing content is taken down and not re-uploaded to their services.

The transparency report shows that Pornhub takes copyright infringement and other illegal content seriously. This is to be expected, especially since its parent company Mindgeek is known to take a very aggressive stance toward copyright infringers.

In recent years, Mindgeek has repeatedly used the DMCA to uncover the identities of the operators of copyright-infringing sites. In addition, it has filed lawsuits against people who downloaded pirated copies of its work via torrent sites.

Criticism Remains

That said, plenty of Pornhub criticism remains. Just last weekend, CTV News reported on a woman who had to go to extreme lengths to have non-consensual footage removed from the site. While the video was swiftly removed, the thumbnails initially remained available.

This resulted in a heated discussion between the two parties. Among other things, the woman pointed out that Pornhub offers a service to help 'its own' models take down content from third-party sites while caring little about her problem.

"It is interesting how capable and diligent you are when it comes to your monetized 'exclusive' content, while caring absolutely nothing about the non-consensual content you (illegally) choose to host," the woman wrote to the site.

Double Role

Aside from documenting a terrible personal situation, the article also highlights that Pornhub has somewhat of a double role when it comes to the DMCA. On the one hand it receives DMCA notices but on the other, it also sends DMCA takedowns to third-party sites to protect its exclusive models.

"You can now opt in to be exclusive to the Pornhub Network in order to help protect your content from being uploaded to other websites," the site writes, advertising its own takedown service.

"Nothing is worse than seeing your content on other sites if you're not getting paid for it," Pornhub notes.

Given all of the recent outrage, the latter statement is rather unfortunate. It's not hard to imagine a situation where videos uploaded to Tube sites could do much more than financial damage.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

RIAA: Twitter Must License Music & Fight Piracy Without Charge
Andy Maxwell, 06 Apr 11:25 AM

Twitter PirateOver the years, a number of music industry players have taken on some of the largest content distribution platforms on the Internet over alleged copyright infringement, with varying success.

Services such as Napster and LimeWire were effectively destroyed through litigation but more recent problems aren't easily solvable in the same way. YouTube and Facebook, for example, have very deep pockets and an abundance of lawyers but perhaps more importantly, they also have the potential to become formidable long-term music distribution partners.

A similar case can be made for Twitter but it is becoming increasingly clear that while the music industry would like to partner with the social platform, it's currently disappointed with Twitter's attitude towards copyright infringement. Last December, RIAA chairman and CEO Mitch Glazier said that while YouTube and Facebook had developed anti-piracy tools, Twitter had done nothing and things needed to change.

It appears that a few months on, little has.

RIAA and NMPA Chiefs Slam Twitter

In an op-ed just published in Billboard, Mitch Glazier and National Music Publishers Association president David Israelite lay into Twitter again, stating that music creators and music fans deserve better from the social networking service. Noting that Twitter can be innovative when it wants to be, Glazier and Israelite say that when it comes to piracy, it's a whole different game.

"[I]n one important respect Twitter remains 'old school' and stubbornly refuses to use even the most basic tools when it comes to combating piracy or helping music creators prevent theft of their works on its platform. Unfortunately, the company's efforts to innovate only seem to go so far," they begin.

With the basics out of the way, the pair swiftly turn to Twitter's business model, implying that without music and music fans, Twitter wouldn't be where it is today. The authors say that record companies and music publishers want the "partnership" with Twitter to work, even going as far as expressing pride in powering Twitter's success. But unfortunately, that's when the pleasantries end.

"[T]he viral immediacy and global reach of the Twitter platform presents a double-edged sword – one that cuts especially deep for artists, songwriters, and music rightsholders who see their work leaked, copied, distributed, and monetized on the platform with almost no recourse," they write, sounding the alarm.

"Last year music creators sent more than 2 million notices to Twitter of unlicensed and infringing appearances of copyrighted music on the platform – more than 200,000 of which dealt with the especially harmful presence of not yet released stolen songs."

Twitter's Response is "Totally Inadequate"

While many platforms have been criticized by the music industry for not doing enough to combat piracy, in Twitter's case there appears to be more under the hood. Complaining that Twitter can take "days or longer" to respond to a complaint, the industry leaders flat-out accuse Twitter of failing to meet its legal obligations – strong words when that could theoretically form the basis of a lawsuit.

There is no clear suggestion of legal action at this stage but Glazier and Israelite imply that a compromise of sorts could be reached with Twitter. Interestingly the parameters being suggested seem to push Twitter much further than its legal obligations require. For example, in respect of pre-release music leaks, the music bosses want takedowns actioned almost immediately.

"With pre-release leaks, takedowns must come in seconds or minutes, not days," they write.

Building upon the requirement for a real-time response, the RIAA and NMPA want Twitter to proactively find pirated music on its platform, without first having to be notified that infringement has taken place.

"While Twitter's response to takedown notices fails to meet its legal obligations, even worse is the company's refusal to take affirmative steps to more effectively police its own platform and find unlicensed music before it is widely circulated and without waiting for a rightsholder to do the work and notice the infringement for them," they note.

"No one can see better than Twitter what happens on its system or has the access and technical capacity to address problems at the speed and scale of the network. There is much Twitter could do to address this problem."

So What Should Twitter Do?

Given that the RIAA and NMPA strongly suggest they would like Twitter to be a partner, it will come as no surprise that they would like Twitter to buy its way out of its current predicament.

"Most fundamentally, [Twitter] could license music and pay creators for the songs and recordings that it distributes. This is what many other services have done and it is the single most important thing the company could do to meet its obligations to artists and songwriters," the RIAA and NMPA chiefs write.

On the anti-piracy front, the industry bosses would like Twitter to be more like YouTube and Facebook by introducing automated tools and content protection technologies. These should be able to take down unlicensed copies of works before they even appear on Twitter, negating the need for "artists, songwriters, and their representatives to scour the five hundred million tweets that are posted to the platform every day."

An interesting element of the RIAA and NMPA criticism is that Twitter does have the ability to help right now but will only do so for a price. They accuse the platform of demanding "massive payments" from music creators in return for access to the company's data flow and with that the ability to spot pirated content.

"Twitter could easily provide an API with sufficient capacity and speed to allow for monitoring at scale, just as it provides to other users like researchers who it hopes will help publicize and vouch for the company's operations and to third party vendors who sell Twitter analytics. Incredibly, despite many requests it has refused to provide it to music creators without charge," the groups write.

"Charging music creators for access to the data they need to find infringement of their own work is just another Silicon Valley shakedown – moving fast and breaking music."

In summary, the RIAA and NMPA are demanding "serious and immediate changes" to Twitter's response to unlicensed music appearing on the platform. There are currently no indications of what might happen if those changes aren't delivered as requested.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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