Thursday, April 8, 2021

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Cloudflare Doubts DMCA Takedown Company's Fake Employee and Special Bots
Ernesto Van der Sar, 08 Apr 10:42 PM

cloudflare logoPopular CDN and DDoS protection service Cloudflare has come under a lot of pressure from copyright holders in recent years.

The company offers its services to millions of sites, some of which offer access to copyright-infringing material.

Cloudflare prefers to remain a neutral service provider and doesn't terminate clients based on DMCA notices. Instead, it forwards these to its customers, only taking action when it receives a court order.

Repeat Infringer Lawsuit

This stance is not appreciated by all rightsholders and in 2018 the service was taken to court over the issue. The case wasn't filed by major entertainment companies, but by two manufacturers and wholesalers of wedding dresses. Not a typical "piracy" lawsuit, but it's a copyright case that could have broad implications.

In a complaint filed at a federal court in California, Mon Cheri Bridals and Maggie Sottero Designs argued that even after multiple warnings, Cloudflare fails to terminate sites operated by counterfeit vendors. This makes Cloudflare liable for the associated copyright infringements, they said.

Cloudflare disagreed and both sides are now conducting discovery to collect evidence for an eventual trial. Among other things, the wedding dress manufacturers were asked to hand over detailed sales records. In addition, the CDN provider is also interested in the companies' DMCA takedown partner XMLShop LLC.

Cloudflare Wants DMCA Takedown Evidence

Over the past few months, Cloudflare has tried to get further information on how XMLShop, which is also known as Counterfeit Technology, collects evidence for its takedown notices.

These takedowns play a central role in the lawsuit and XMLShop and its employees could provide crucial information. Thus far, however, Cloudflare hasn't been able to get what it wants.

To resolve this issue, Cloudflare submitted a motion asking the court to compel the DMCA takedown company to comply with its requests for information. According to their filing, the company may be holding back important evidence.

"Plaintiffs and XMLShop, who use the same counsel, appear to be using XMLShop's status strategically as a 'non-party' to conceal relevant documents from Cloudflare. The Court should reject their gamesmanship," Cloudflare informed the court.

After serving two subpoenas, the takedown company only produced one document, Cloudflare notes. Meanwhile, the publicly available information on the company is highly confusing or even misleading.

Who Works at XMLShop?

For example, Cloudflare would like to question XMLShop's employees, but the company hasn't handed over an employee directory or payroll log that would reveal who works at the company.

"XMLShop has not been forthright about its operations, leaving Cloudflare in the dark as to who else may be a witness with relevant knowledge," Cloudflare writes.

According to XMLShop's attorney, the company only has one employee named Suren Ter-Saakov, but this claim is contradicted by its own website and Linkedin.

"XMLShop's own public statements contradict its counsel's statement. Its website boasts 'a big team of professionals working in three offices, located in Ukraine, the United States, and Dominican Republic.

"And a LinkedIn profile for an individual named Blair Hearnsberger represents that she or he is the CEO at Counterfeit Technology," Cloudflare adds.

Fake Profile

According to the takedown company's attorney, this profile is fake and Blair Hearnsberger does not actually exist, but Cloudflare is not convinced. Therefore, it hopes that the court will compel XMLShop to verify who works at the company and in what roles.

In addition to finding information on possible employees, Cloudflare also requests further information on the software that Counterfeit Technology used to find infringing content.

Special Takedown Bots?

The wedding dress manufacturers claimed that their takedown partner "scours the internet with special bots designed to locate and identify the unauthorized use" but it's unclear how this technology works.

Cloudflare would like to assess the software to see how accurate it is, especially since the company states that it spends only 10 seconds sending notifications of claimed infringement to all traffic sources.

"Its use — and the reliability — of that technology is at least relevant to the predicate allegations of direct infringement it asserts. It is also relevant to Cloudflare's contention that it never received any notifications of claimed infringement from Counterfeit Technology that were valid," Cloudflare writes.

The CDN provider asked the court to compel XMLShop to produce the subpoenaed documents. In addition, XMLShop should be held in contempt for failing to obey the subpoena and ordered to pay the legal costs Cloudflare incurred to submit the motion.

This week, XMLShop responded to the request stating that it has already produced everything it could. It views the remaining requests as incredibly broad, since these ask for "sensitive" trade secret information. It is now up to the court to make a final decision.

A copy of Cloudflare's memorandum in support of its motion to compel XLMshop to comply with the subpoena is available here (pdf).. XMLShop's response can be found here (pdf).

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Jetflicks Defendant Knew Pirate Site Was Illegal, Threatened to Report Founder to MPAA
Andy Maxwell, 08 Apr 12:35 PM

In August 2019, eight men were indicted by a grand jury for conspiring to violate criminal copyright law by running two of the largest unauthorized streaming services in the United States.

Kristopher Lee Dallmann, Darryl Julius Polo, Douglas M. Courson, Felipe Garcia, Jared Edward Jaurequi, Peter H. Huber, Yoany Vaillant, and Luis Angel Villarino were the operators of Jetflicks, a subscription TV show streaming service that was reportedly disguised as an aviation service.

The defendants were charged with copying thousands of copyrighted TV shows and streaming them to customers all over the United States. Jetflicks reportedly had a massive library running to more than 183,000 episodes.

In December 2019, Darryl Julius Polo (who also ran another service called iStreamitAll) pleaded guilty to charges of copyright infringement and money laundering. Jetflicks programmer Luis Angel Villarino pleaded guilty to criminal copyright infringement.

The main trial was delayed due to problems with obtaining huge amounts of evidence from Canada, not to mention the coronavirus pandemic, but is now scheduled for July 2021. Before then, however, there are still matters to be cleared up.

US Govt Wants To Limit Defendants' Defense Options

On March 25, 2021, defendant Felipe Garcia filed a notice with the court indicating that he would like to rely on a so-called "advice-of-counsel" defense, noting that he had obtained 'expert' advice at some point and had therefore acted in good faith.

Garcia is the only defendant in the case to have filed such a notice, despite Jetflicks founder Kristopher Dallman previously claiming that he paid for legal advice in 2008 and thought he was within the law.

Unfortunately for Garcia, the US Government believes that he should be precluded from presenting any evidence related to an advice-of-counsel defense because, in essence, they believe that no such defense opportunity exists.

Case Facts Undermine The Defense

According to the US Government, Garcia wishes to present his defense "in accordance" with the previous statements of Darryl Polo. During an interview with the FBI in 2017, Polo noted that "everything he has done is legal under the 'Fair Use Act'" and that "if he owns a copy of something he can let people rent it."

Polo also claimed to have attended a meeting with Dallmann and a retired judge in Las Vegas who told them their business was legal. "In particular if they owned a copy of a given title, they could essentially rent that copy to others," the Government notes, recalling Polo's statement.

Later, however, Polo is said to have admitted knowing "from early on" that the Jetflick's business model was illegal and that the other defendants must've known that too, since "they knew Jetflicks was using SickRage and torrents" to obtain television episodes.

"Polo also noted that Jetflicks offered a service called Realflicks as a paid add-on that gave subscribers access to reality television shows. Such shows were generally not available for purchase," the Government adds.

Importantly, Polo also admitted that Jetflicks did not comply with the alleged advice from the lawyer, including the suggestion that "it was ok to stream the television shows if you owned a copy of the show [as long as you] own[ed] as many copies as were being streamed at any given time."

According to Polo, Jetflicks did not have DVDs for every TV show and did not have multiple copies either. In fact, Jetflicks streamed copies of TV shows as soon as they were aired and before they were available on DVD. Claiming that Jetflicks used SickRage and SickBeard to "obtain 100% of the content" from "completely illegal sources", Polo later pleaded guilty to numerous counts in the indictment.

Advice-of-Counsel Defense Should Be Disallowed

If he was to rely on an advice-of-counsel defense, Garcia should have provided much more evidence in support of it, the US Government notes. This should include evidence to show that all of the pertinent facts were disclosed to the legal professional and the advice received was strictly adhered to.

In this matter, Garcia did not even supply the name of the "retired judge", leading the Government to note that it's therefore impossible to determine if the person was qualified to give any advice.

However, even if that was the case, the Government says that Garcia knew that any advice wasn't being followed. Text messages between Dallmann and Garcia showed that both knew that TV shows were being streamed on Jetflicks on the day they officially aired and before they appeared on DVD. But there's more too.

"Most telling, the evidence shows that once Garcia left the conspiracy, he threatened to report Dallmann to the Motion Picture Association of America," the Government writes.

"If Garcia believed that what Jetflicks was doing was legal and that Jetflicks was obtaining its content from legitimate sources in conformance with this alleged legal advice, why would Garcia have threatened to report Dallmann to the MPAA?

"The evidence in this case belies any suggestion that Garcia was relying on alleged legal advice that Jetflicks could 'rent' material when the company owned a copy of a particular television program."

For this and a number of other reasons, the US Government informs the Court that it should bar all of the defendants – Garcia included – from presenting "any evidence at trial regarding communications with or advice from legal professionals."

The US Govenment filing can be found here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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