Sunday, March 21, 2021

TorrentFreak's Latest News


US Government Works on Consumer Awareness Campaign to Combat Piracy
Ernesto Van der Sar, 20 Mar 10:39 PM

Early last year, the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released a report with several suggestions on how to combat online piracy and counterfeiting.

These recommendations were made in response to a memorandum from former President Trump, which called for concrete action on this front.

One of the key suggestions was to establish a National Consumer Awareness Campaign. This should aim to make the general public aware of the risks of copyright infringement, with the goal to reduce it in the long run.

National Consumer Awareness Campaign

The plan was picked up by US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) which is now working on making it a reality. Ideally, this would happen with help from various stakeholders including copyright holders and online services, which were asked to provide input.

At the moment, no concrete plans are published, but the USPTO hinted at several awareness campaign options. This includes curricula at schools and public service announcements specifically targeted at social media users.

This week, several stakeholders submitted their comments and suggestions for the public awareness campaign. One of the most detailed submissions comes from the Copyright Alliance, which wholeheartedly supports the plan.

Copyright Alliance Offers Suggestions

The Copyright Alliance notes that it's important to educate the general public about the risks and costs of online piracy and counterfeiting. At the same time, people should learn how to distinguish between legal and illegal activity online.

While rightsholders will be eager to help, the Alliance stresses that online services should have a prominent role too, since they can easily reach a broad audience.

"Importantly, we urge the USPTO to engage with copyright owners and online service providers (OSPs), especially social media companies, which are often in the best position to engage with their users, to develop agreed-upon, straightforward, and uniform education materials."

Malware Risks…

The educational curricula and messages should inform people that piracy is not a victimless crime, the Copyright Alliance suggests. It impacts millions of people in the creative industries. In addition, users of pirate devices and sites put themselves at serious risk too.

"In addition to threats to the greater copyright community, consumers often do not appreciate the risks to their own personal safety and privacy that come with consuming pirated content over the internet until it is too late," the Copyright Alliance writes.

The group points to the malware research reports from the Digital Citizens Alliance (DCA). While these reports are not always backed up by hard evidence, at least not in public, they could form the basis of an educational campaign according to the group.

Concrete Tips

The Copyright Alliance sums up various suggestions and plans and also provides some concrete tips for the public.

For example, when an offer sounds too good to be true, it probably is. "Beware of services, especially IPTV providers, that advertise by using slogans like 'never pay for cable again' or 'watch the latest movies for free'," the Alliance writes.

In addition, the group also notes that "if you download an app through a third-party source, there's a good chance it may be infected with malware — particularly video streaming apps."

'Online Platforms Should Take Responsibility'

The overall message is that the public should be made aware of the costs and risks of piracy and counterfeiting. Perhaps just as importantly, the Copyright Alliance believes that online services should play a key role in this, and not just because they have a broad audience. They have a responsibility to do more, as their platforms are exploited by pirates.

"In light of increases in piracy and threats to consumers during the pandemic, we believe that more work must be done by internet platforms and service providers who earn massive profits through online commerce and content delivery and whose networks are exploited by those who traffic in pirated works," the Copyright Alliance writes.

The USPTO will review these and other suggestions to see how they fit into a National Public Awareness Campaign. For now, we haven't seen any responses from online service providers, but that may change if they are indeed asked to take an active role.

Balanced Information is Required

While educating the public is a good thing, we expect that all claims and reports will be properly vetted if they are to be publicly repeated to millions of people, possibly even in schools.

The last time copyright holders were heavily involved in a copyright curriculum, it wasn't without controversy. A pilot in California which aimed to teach copyright lessons to children from kindergarten through sixth grade had to be revised because it completely ignored fair use.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

'Pirate' IPTV Provider and Reseller Hit With $31m Copyright Lawsuit
Andy Maxwell, 20 Mar 09:29 AM

IPTVUS broadcaster DISH Network has built a reputation for going in hard against companies and individuals who offer unlicensed access to its channels.

Over the years the company has gone after card-sharing (IKS) operations but more recently its focus has been on 'pirate' IPTV providers that offer DISH programming to the public at a cheap price.

These cases rarely end well for the entities targeted by DISH, with courts happy to hand down large damages awards alongside broad, prohibitive injunctions. A new case filed in the United States this week sees DISH target yet another 'pirate' IPTV provider and the alleged manager of a reselling network, demanding considerable damages.

Copyright Infringement Lawsuit Filed in Texas

DISH's lawsuit targets IPTV provider ChitramTV, which does business from the domain. It also names Dinesh Vigneswaran, the alleged owner of ChitramTV Canada, who allegedly does business from the website.

According to DISH, ChitramTV obtains its broadcasts and streams, transfers them to its own servers, and then rebroadcasts them to subscribers of the Chitram service. ChitramTV distributes, sells and promotes 'Chitram' set-top boxes and subscription packages to users directly and through a network of resellers, including Vigneswaran.

The IPTV service allegedly offers more than 500 live TV channels and 10,000 movies, with an offer to keep the public entertained "during quarantine". Chitram also offers catchup and timeshifting services, which according to DISH means that it must be saving copies of its copyrighted content on its own servers.

DISH says it has identified various content delivery networks (CDNs) being utilized by the Chitram service, which is offered via a set-top box and one-year subscription package for approximately $149, with renewals costing between $70 and $115, depending on duration.

Investigation Has Been Running For Years

DISH says it sent at least 134 copyright infringement notices to Chitram between July 2014 and November 2015, with instructions to cease-and-desist. In December 2015, Chitram "temporarily ceased" transmitting DISH content but by December 2017, it was back in business. Since then, DISH says it has sent at least 30 additional notices of infringement but the complaints were ignored.

From April 2018, DISH also sent copyright notices to several CDNs associated with the Chitram service but according to the broadcaster, Chitram took evasive action by transmitting DISH content from other CDNs or locations.

Precisely where the Chitram IPTV service operates from is unclear but the provider appears to have connections to Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

In October 2020, a DISH investigator contacted the reseller behind the domain to ask about becoming a reseller in the United States. The inquiry was referred to Chitram in Germany, where the IPTV provider claims to have its headquarters.

Focus on Dinesh Vigneswaran

When Chitram in Germany responded to DISH, the provider said its "US manager" would call to provide all of the information. On the same day, the DISH investigator received a call from Vigneswaran who offered a deal to supply Chitram devices at $109 each and an instruction for them to be sold at a minimum of $149.

Vigneswaran allegedly told DISH that he was in Toronto (ChitramTV Canada) but had 60 resellers and a warehouse of devices in the United States.

Early November 2020, the DISH investigator bought four Chitram boxes and six subscriptions from Vigneswaran and paid the money into his PayPal account. Later that month and in January 2921, several similar purchases were made. After testing the boxes, it was found that they infringed DISH's exclusive rights.

According to the complaint, DISH sent notices of infringement to Vigneswaran in November and December 2020, and in January 2021, demanding that he stop "distributing, selling, and promoting" the Chitram service in the United States. DISH received no response to the complaints.

Copyright Infringement Claims

DISH says that the Chitram IPTV service is responsible for direct infringement of its copyrights in violation of 17 U.S.C. § 501.

"The copyrighted programs were transmitted from computer servers controlled by Chitram to Service Users who accessed the programs using the Chitram Service," the lawsuit reads.

"Chitram's actions are willful, malicious, intentional, purposeful, and in disregard of and with indifference to the rights of DISH."

DISH adds that the defendants, including Vigneswaran, materially contribute to the infringements carried out by the Chitram service's users by providing access to the protected channels and content, despite having the ability to prevent access to it.

"Defendants also induce the infringement of DISH's exclusive distribution and public performance rights by, among other things, creating the audience for that infringement in the United States," the complaint adds.

Claim for Damages, Permanent Injunction, Domain Seizures

As a result of the above, DISH demands a permanent injunction against all defendants plus statutory damages of $150,000 per infringed work. DISH lists 207 registered works, leading to a claim in excess of $31 million, should the court see fit.

On top, the broadcaster wants permission to seize all infringing devices under 17 U.S.C. § 503, an order to take control of all domains used to infringe its rights, plus attorneys' fees and costs.

The complaint can be found here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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