Friday, March 19, 2021

TorrentFreak's Latest News


uTorrent Continues to be Flagged as 'Severe Threat' and It's Not alone
Ernesto Van der Sar, 18 Mar 09:09 PM

DangerInstalled on dozens of millions of devices, uTorrent remains the go-to torrent client for people all around the world.

Research last year showed that roughly two-thirds of all BitTorrent users prefer it over the many available alternatives.

In 2018, the uTorrent team released a "Web" version of the software. For now, however, most users still prefer the standalone client. That is, if they manage to run it without anti-virus vendors getting in the way.

uTorrent Malicious?

Over the past few years, uTorrent has been repeatedly flagged as 'malicious' software. This issue flared up again recently and at the time of writing several anti-virus tools, including Windows Defender and Malwarebytes, label the torrent client as dangerous.

We ran the latest installer through a Virustotal scan which shows that uTorrent is flagged by 19 separate companies. The reasons differ from "riskware," through "Trojan.BtcMine," to "bundled installer."

utorrent flagged

Microsoft, for example, categorizes uTorrent as a "Potentially Unwanted Application" (PUA). In fact, the company has had a dedicated uTorrent page in its malware database for years, labeling the software as a severe threat.

Potentially Unwanted Software

While the exact nature of the problem may vary, "potentially unwanted software" is a recurring theme. The term unwanted is broad can range from changing browser settings to installing third-party tools without permission. According to Microsoft, this is not the same as malware.

That doesn't mean that the impact isn't real. We have heard from several people who had uTorrent removed from their systems recently, and are unable to re-install it. Several of these complaints appear on social media as well, with people looking for advice.

qBitTorrent is Unwanted Too

Interestingly, uTorrent isn't the only torrent client being flagged as potentially unwanted software. Earlier this month qBitTorrent was added to Microsoft's malware database as well. While it's not malware, but a PUA, Windows Defender actively blocks and removes the software.

This has resulted in numerous complaints on Reddit as well as the qBitTorrent GitHub page, with people sharing similar experiences.

"Windows Defender keeps silently removing the software despite being explicitly allowed on the machine," athelas64 writes. "After allowing the quarantined software, qBittorrent works…. until the next restart."

qbittorrent blocked

Another commenter wonders whether this is an organized action against torrent clients. This is not unlikely as many other torrent clients are being flagged as unwanted software as well. In fact, Microsoft itself suggests as much.

All Torrent Clients Are Unwanted?

In a background article on what's considered unwanted software, torrent clients are specifically mentioned, along with advertising software and cryptominers. The article suggests that it applies to "enterprise" only, but the complaints we have seen apply to other Windows versions as well.

pua windows

Microsoft's article stresses that unwanted software isn't the same as malware, but that isn't mentioned in its own malware encyclopedia. Also, Windows Defender classifies PUAs as a 'severe threat'.

When we ran uTorrent through the Virustotal scan many red flags appeared but qBitTorrent is pretty much clean. This suggests that Microsoft's blocking could simply be due to the fact that it's a torrent client, nothing else.

Although we do not recommend ignoring anti-virus warnings, there are ways to install uTorrent and qBitTorrent without running into trouble. One option is to disable the PUA protection in Windows, which can be done in a few clicks. Alternatively, users can simply switch to third-party anti-virus protection, which disables Windows Defender.

We have asked the uTorrent and qBitTorrent teams for a comment on our findings but, at the time of writing, they have yet to respond.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

YouTube Rolls Out Upload Filters as a Feature, Not an EU Requirement
Andy Maxwell, 18 Mar 11:55 AM

YouTubeIn 2016, the European Commission announced plans to modernize EU copyright law.

Article 13 of the new Copyright Directive, which was later renamed Article 17, raised alarm bells around the world. If adopted, many online services would be required to license content from copyright holders and where that was not possible, content would have to be automatically removed and not re-uploaded.

The passing of the Copyright Directive in March 2019 made Article 17 a pending legal requirement along with the prospect of "upload filters" – mechanisms that aim to prevent infringing content appearing online at all.

However, the question of how this type of system will be implemented in practice remains largely unanswered and after the European Commission launched a public consultation last July, it was clear that the debate rages on.

Broadly speaking, copyright holders would prefer all contentious content to be removed immediately and only put back when it turns out to be legitimate. Opponents of filtering believe that the balance should shift the other way, with only "manifestly infringing" content being disappeared and everything below that threshold being subjected to human review.

YouTube Has Always Been Central To The 'Filter' Debate

Copyright holders, especially those in the music industry, have always been critical of YouTube and its millions of users who sometimes upload allegedly-infringing content. YouTube insists it is ahead of the curve here, investing more than $100m in its Content ID system that recognizes infringing content and deals with the vast majority of claims, allowing monetization or delisting, as required by rightsholders.

However, Content ID only kicks in after users upload their videos, meaning that it is possible for allegedly-infringing content to appear on the platform for a while. If timing is a key factor, this isn't a proactive step at the upload stage, i.e it doesn't prevent content from appearing on YouTube, so isn't an "upload filter" per se.

But what if the timing of Content ID was switched around, so that instead of checks being made after the content appears on YouTube, they were made during the upload process? Would that constitute an upload filter? Probably. However, according to a relatively quiet announcement by YouTube, this type of process (one that has been widely feared by YouTube users) can be viewed in a more positive light.

YouTube Announces YouTube "Checks"

This week YouTube revealed that a new feature had been added to the "Upload flow" on desktop. Named "Checks", the system is described as a tool to automatically screen uploads for potential copyright claims and ad suitability restrictions before publishing, to the benefit of YouTube users.

"This new step will help you minimize the number of videos uploaded with copyright claims and/or yellow icons and avoid surprises or worries," YouTube Community Manager 'Sarah' explained.

The way "Checks" works is simple. During the upload process, users are given an option to have their videos scanned for issues, presumably with the assistance of Content ID. The checks for copyright compliance reportedly take place within a three-minute window while monetization checks can take a couple of minutes longer.

"You can use the checks page to screen your video for copyright claims and if you're in the YouTube Partner Program, ad suitability. The Copyright check allows you to dispute a claim or edit and fix your video if issues are found," YouTube's Help Center article reads.

In other words, the "Checks" feature acts as a pre-publishing screening tool, one that spots copyright issues in advance of content appearing on YouTube, in a similar way that an "upload filter" might. While YouTube didn't make any big announcements, the rollout didn't go unnoticed.

At the moment, YouTube users are still able to publish content to YouTube before these checks are completed but when that's the case, any issues found cannot be fixed and will be dealt with later, potentially to the detriment of the uploader.

Filtering is a Feature, Not a Restriction

While one of the clear aims is to prevent potentially infringing content appearing on YouTube, "Checks" is being promoted more as a tool to assist uploaders rather than copyright holders. Not only will users be able to see if a copyright holder objects to their content before it is published, in theory they should be able to avoid demonetization and strikes too.

The tool will provide advance warning of which parts of a video are likely to trigger an issue, so that uploaders can go away and make the necessary changes to their videos before attempting to publish. This doesn't mean they won't get copyright claimed later on but the idea is that overall claims should be reduced.

Checks and Review

One of the key fears concerning upload filters is that automatic systems don't always have the ability to determine when copyrighted content has been used in a legal way, so-called fair use. YouTube "Checks" doesn't seem to get any closer to solving that problem.

When a copyright clash is found in an uploaded video, the "Checks" system will allow the uploader to either carry out edits or dispute the claim. YouTube doesn't go into much detail here but it sounds like uploaders will have to state their position and ask for some kind of permission to go ahead, in order to avoid a claim moving forward.

Human review for copyright claims isn't touted as one of the features but YouTube says that its staff will look over issues that arise in respect of its ad suitability check, if users think its "systems made a mistake."

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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