Friday, June 19, 2020

TorrentFreak's Latest News


Napster Founder's 'Screening Room' Obtains New Patent for P2P-Polluting Anti-Piracy Tech
Ernesto Van der Sar, 19 Jun 11:08 PM

movie theaterSean Parker is a prominent name in the history of online piracy.

The American entrepreneur co-founded the file-sharing application Napster, which popularized file-sharing with the public at large.

Parker later gained fame as the first president of Facebook which helped him to become the billionaire he is today. In addition to becoming a philanthropist, he also remains involved in new startups, including one with an indirect piracy angle.

Four years ago, Parker co-founded a new company called Screening Room, which envisioned making the latest blockbusters available in people's homes on the day of release. For $50 per movie, people should be able to enjoy new movies on their own screens, instead of going to a movie theater, the plan went.

This home viewing option would not only be convenient but could also remove the incentive for some people – those who can afford it – to go out and pirate films.

Several key players in the movie industry were skeptical and today the plan has still not come to fruition. Nevertheless, the company remains active and recently rebranded to SR Labs, hiring former Sony Pictures Home Entertainment president Man Jit Singh as its new CEO.

With Singh, the company now has strong connections to the movie industry. And while the official site doesn't reveal any news, the company did score a small victory this week after being awarded a new patent.

Screening Room's New Anti-Piracy Patent

Over the past several years, Screening Room (SR Labs) has obtained several technology-related patents, including some with an anti-piracy angle. The new patent (pdf) granted this week sits in that same niche.

Titled: Pairing Devices to Prevent Digital Content Misuse, the patent describes a system where home access to movies can be tightly controlled. This includes pairing a phone or tablet to a TV and making sure that the viewer has all the necessary permissions throughout a broadcast.

The patent is filled with complex descriptions of how the system would operate and also comes with a dedicated anti-piracy strategy. For example, HDMI piracy will be prevented by disabling access to a movie when it's no longer paired to the authorized TV.

Invisible Watermarks

In addition, the system comes with a dedicated piracy crawler that scours the web for pirated copies. When an unauthorized copy is detected, the system can use the embedded watermark to find the source and take appropriate action.

"When the web crawler identifies a film, it scans it for watermarks. If a match is found, the account that matches the ID found in the watermark can be held accountable and, if necessary, disabled," the patent description reads.

The use of watermarks is not new and piracy groups have become very skilled at removing unique identifiers. However, Screening Room notes that its watermarks are pretty much tamper-proof.

"The watermark is persistent, invisible to the naked eye and irremovable without the destruction of the underlying image. A watermark thus operates as a digital beacon stitched into the fabric of the film," the patent reads.

Polluting P2P Networks with Corrupt Files

The anti-piracy measures don't stop there. With or without a watermark, a movie can still spread to millions of people. Screening Room has considered this as well and will use a "P2P polluter" to overwhelm pirate sites and services with corrupted copies.

"Once [a watermark] is detected outside of the content distribution network, the movie distribution system distributes corrupted files of the same film at a ratio of 1,000 to 1 via peer-based distribution. Therefore, immediately 'diluting' the infringement to a rate that would be extraordinarily frustrating, if not impossible, for further piracy of that copy to take place."

The stringent anti-piracy tools may be a response to early critique from movie theaters, which claimed that Screening Room's plans would fuel pirate sites.

P2P pollution is far from new and dates back to the days of Napster itself. While it can be effective, it does little to stop distribution through pirate streaming sites, which are much more popular today.

Future Plans?

Screening Room's plans are not completely new. In fact, the patent is a continuation of a similar filing that was submitted a few years ago, which focused on "sonic signals." However, if anything, it shows that Screening Room is still planning to go ahead with its new movie distribution plans.

What these plans entail remains a mystery. When Variety questioned the company a few weeks ago it only revealed that it has over two dozen patents related to "innovative secure delivery architecture." This week, they added yet another one to their list.

Screening Room plans to help the movie industry move forward and seeks cooperation. This was also reiterated by Parker, who highlighted that the industry has been hurt by the COVID-19 crisis while adding that "this too shall pass."

"In the face of existential threats, it is only by summoning our greatest abilities — our collective creativity and innovative capacities — that we have not only survived, but also prospered," Parker said.

"We need to work together to preserve the cinematic experience, not only for writers and filmmakers, but also for the moviegoing public, and for the benefit of future generations who have yet to experience the magic of cinema themselves."

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Court Orders ISPs to Block 56 'Pirate' IPTV Servers Over Serie A Piracy
Andy Maxwell, 19 Jun 11:28 AM

iptv gdfThe rights to broadcast live football around Europe is a massive business but according to the major leagues, sport is being undermined by pirate services offering cheap illicit subscriptions.

This week the Premier League obtained an extension to an existing injunction compelling Irish ISPs to conduct 'dynamic' blocking of pirate IPTV services. Hot on the heels of that order, Italian authorities are reporting a new operation aimed at preventing piracy of matches broadcast by local top-flight league, Serie A.

Complaint from Serie A Triggers Investigation and Blocking

After receiving a complaint from the world-famous league, which plays host to Juventus and superstar Cristiano Ronaldo, an investigation was carried out by the Special Goods and Services Unit of the Guardia di Finanza, a government agency tasked with tackling financial crime.

The unit, which has carried out numerous anti-piracy operations over the years, worked with the prosecutor at the Court of Rome to construct a blocking order to disrupt their targets' activities.

According to GdF, the Court of Rome has now handed down an order that requires local Internet service providers to block 56 servers connected to the supply of pirate IPTV services in Italy and overseas.

The agency says that it expects to render 'unusable' at least 160,572 illegal customer subscriptions organized within a system of seven illegal IPTV providers.

Large Network of IPTV Resellers Disrupted

The investigation also uncovered a large network of resellers linked to the business, 900 in total, with more than 600 directly linked to customers in Italy and the remainder operating overseas. A typical package reportedly offered by the resellers contained around 450 TV channels plus 30,000 pieces of video-on-demand content such as movies and TV shows.

The action was welcomed by local anti-piracy group FAPAV, which estimates the piracy group turned over around 1.6 million euros every month.

"This is a further demonstration of the important work carried out in the fight against piracy offenses on the web. The ramifications on national territory of almost 627 resellers (plus 273 internationally) of the illegal service in question and the other numbers that emerged in this operation, once again draw attention to the real dimensions of this crime, which is often still commonly underestimated," said Federico Bagnoli Rossi, FAPAV Secretary-General.

"It also appears that the phenomenon is increasingly rooted internationally, with cells operating abroad and in coordination with our territory. It is essential to continue on this path to avoid the proliferation of these illegal services that seriously damage the audiovisual industry."

According to GdF, the blocking injunction is unusual in that it also covers two websites and two Telegram channels allegedly involved in the exploitation of IPTV subscribers' personal details.

"The investigations also made it possible to identify two Telegram channels whose administrators, among other things, after hacking the aforementioned systems dedicated to the illicit dissemination of multimedia content, attempted to extort money from the 'pirates' who managed them with threats to publish on two websites, data and credentials relating to active illegal subscriptions," GdF reveals.

In recent months, particularly since the demise of the Xtream Codes operation last September, reports of IPTV sellers being hacked have been on the increase. TF previously reported on at least two cases (1,2) but we are aware of more, most of which have featured attempts to extort cash in exchange for pilfered data.

The specific details of the Serie A blocking order haven't been released to the public so it remains unclear whether it is static and likely to be circumvented with relative ease or 'dynamic', as is the case with the injunctions obtained by the Premier League. In any event and given the scale of the pirate IPTV business, suppliers and consumers will be looking for ways to nullify the order.

This latest move to support Serie A comes on the heels of a similar action in January which required local ISPs to block 15 pirate IPTV providers. A month later, Italian police said they had reported 223 subscribers of pirate IPTV services to the judicial authorities for "receiving stolen goods".

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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