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Appeals Court Hears RIAA and Yout in 'High Stakes' Stream-ripper Case
Ernesto Van der Sar, 09 Feb 12:40 PM

Sad YouTubeAt the end of 2020, the operator of one of the largest YouTube rippers took the unprecedented step of taking the music industry to court.'s Johnathan Nader had grown tired of the bombardment of DMCA takedown requests and allegedly defamatory claims. In response, he sued the RIAA, asking the federal court in Connecticut to declare his service non-infringing.

The RIAA and others were asking Google to remove so-called YouTube-rippers from search results. The music industry group believes that these sites should not be allowed to operate and filed a motion to dismiss Yout's lawsuit.

RIAA Wins, Yout Appeals

At the end of 2022, the district court handed a win to the RIAA and dismissed the matter at an early stage. Judge Stefan Underhill concluded that Yout had failed to show that it doesn't circumvent YouTube's technological protection measures. As such, it could be breaking the law. That wasn't the end though.

Yout operator Johnathan Nader opted to appeal at the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, asking it to reverse the lower court's decision. The stream-ripper's arguments are partly supported by amicus briefs from GitHub and the EFF, both of which joined the case.

On the other side of the aisle, the RIAA dug in its heels. The music group saw no reason to doubt the lower court's position and, in its response to the appeal, found the Copyright Alliance at its side.

Appeals Court Hearing

On the surface, this case largely revolves around a seemingly simple question. The problem, however, is that both parties have a completely different answer.

– Does YouTube employ a technological measure that effectively controls access to copyrighted works?

This question brings up all sorts of semantic challenges. What is a measure and when is it technological? What does access mean in this context and under which conditions is it controlled? And if there is such a measure, does circumvent it?

A few days ago Yout and the RIAA had the chance to explain their reasoning to the Court of Appeals. The hearing was presided over by Judge Carney, Judge Leval, and Judge Sullivan, who critically questioned both attorneys on their views.

First up was Evan Fray Witzer, who represents Yout LLC. The attorney explained that this case brings up several novel questions, relating to three distinct provisions of the DMCA's section 1201. At the same time, however, it is crucial to have a full factual record, which is currently missing.

The lower court dismissed Yout's case at the rule 12 stage before all the factual evidence was gathered. No witnesses were heard and it's not even clear if YouTube intentionally implemented a 'measure' to prevent users from downloading videos.

"There is a question as to what YouTube intended with these measures. We don't know because YouTube isn't here. YouTube has not come in as an amicus. And we have not had the opportunity to question YouTube about that," Witzer said.

Yout's attorney suggests that it's possible that YouTube never implemented any technology specifically to prevent people from grabbing video files. It might have, but in that case, it is still easy to circumvent, even without specialized tools such as Yout.

Where's YouTube?

Judge Leval responded by saying that preventing downloads is of great commercial significance to YouTube, as it generates its revenue from advertising. Yout's attorney agreed but had his response ready.

"I have two responses to that. The first is; one would expect if that was YouTube's concern, that you would have an amicus brief from YouTube here, and you don't. And I think that that is significant and telling.

"The second, though, is that is the same concern, Your Honor, that every television broadcast had when the VCR came out. If you can simply record this, you can show it at your movie night. You can show it as many times as you want."

The VCR comparison was brought up a few times but not as often as the role of YouTube in this lawsuit. The case essentially centers around its purported protection measures, without any direct input from the company itself.

When Judge Carney asked what in particular would be developed on a fuller record, if this case was sent back to the lower court, Yout's attorney said that YouTube could and should be heard.

"I think one thing that would be developed on a fuller record, Your Honor, is what precisely is the technological measure employed by YouTube and does it, is it designed to prevent access? Is it designed to prevent copying? Or does it have some other use that YouTube is putting to it?"

The attorney said that they would need to subpoena YouTube as a third party. That should clarify what their technology and methods are and how this relates to YouTube's business.

"I'll simply conclude by saying this is the type of case that calls out for expert witnesses," Witzer said, noting that the EFF and GitHub had already argued in their favor.

Court Questions RIAA

The hearing then continued with RIAA attorney Rose Ehler, who started by pointing out that Yout allows the public to download audio and video files. This includes copies of music videos that were only intended to be streamed through YouTube.

This introduction triggered a quick tête-à-tête with Judge Sullivan, who tried to get to the bottom of RIAA's reasoning.

Judge: But I could do that without Yout, right?

RIAA: There are instructions for how one could do it without Yout. But what Yout does is enable it on an automated basis.

Judge: I get that. But […] seriously, what is the technological measure that would be protecting this copying of the material if I can do it myself?

RIAA: Well, just because you can do it yourself or you can hack the technological measure, it doesn't mean…[interrupted]

Judge: Well, I'm not hacking anything. I mean, I could do this right now in this courtroom on my computer probably, right?

RIAA: Your Honor could. I think it would be hacking.

RIAA's attorney went on to explain what it sees as the "technical measure." Yout itself has stated that YouTube uses a "signature mechanism" that must be read and interpreted by JavaScript. Yout modifies the signature value.

This prompted more questions from Judge Sullivan, who suggested that the signature value is accessible through a regular browser and that he and others could also modify it without using a dedicated tool such as Yout.

"You're saying I would then be violating the statute as well?" the Judge asked.

RIAA's attorney agreed that people could do it on their own which, in individual cases, may qualify as a copyright exemption. However, doing it to download a music video and to seed piracy on the Internet would be classified as circumvention under the DMCA.

Reverse Engineered Technological Protection?

Moving on to the "protection" element, the RIAA believes that the signature value used by YouTube serves as a technological measure that, in the ordinary course, prevents people from downloading music videos.

"The strength is not what we look at. We look at how it operates in the ordinary course and whether in the ordinary course of the operation, it serves the function of limiting or controlling access," RIAA's attorney said.

This again triggered more questions from the court about how effective this is and whether the signature value was intended as a protection measure. The latter question can only be answered by YouTube, whose views are unknown.

The RIAA countered by noting that intent isn't important, as it's not part of the DMCA rules. The statute looks at whether a technological measure is being circumvented in the ordinary course of operation, which it believes is the case here.

This didn't convince Judge Sullivan who pointed out that the lower court seems to have "reverse engineered" its way to a conclusion.

"But how are we able to know that from the pleadings? How are we able to know how it works in the ordinary course? I mean, it might be people are doing this all the time on their own. There's no discovery on that. There's no expert opinion on that.

"It seems to me that Judge Underhill sort of inferred that this, because it's complicated, because there's no download button, because it's a contractual provision, there must be a technological measure. He's sort of backwardly engineered it, it seems to me," Judge Sullivan added.

An Easy Solution

As is, the court may not be convinced by the RIAA's arguments alone. That's not to say that they're wrong, but he suggests that this case could benefit from YouTube's input on the matter. Particularly because there are "some pretty big stakes here."

"This could be easily solved. And my hunch is what it is. It's going to be clear that there are other technological measures that are here. But right now, YouTube's staying out of it and we're kind of guessing, Judge Sullivan noted.

Both attorneys were confronted with critical questions during the hearing, as is often the case. This means that it is too early to draw any conclusions. It is clear, however, that YouTube holds the keys to many of the questions that have come up. Whether it will be heard, however, is for the Court of Appeals to decide.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Reddit Doesn't Have to Share IP-Addresses of Piracy Commenters, Court Rules
Ernesto Van der Sar, 08 Feb 10:01 PM

reddit-logoEvery day, millions of people from all over the world submit posts, comments, and other content to Reddit.

In many cases, discussion comments are read and soon forgotten but several old threads were brought back to life recently as part of piracy liability lawsuits.

The comments in question were picked up by Kerry Culpepper, a copyright attorney who leads several piracy lawsuits against Internet providers on behalf of independent film companies. While they say they're not interested in pursuing legal action against these people, their comments could serve as important evidence.

Filmmakers Try to Unmask Redditors

Early last year, the film companies subpoenaed Reddit for the first time, requesting the personal details of several users. Reddit refused to cooperate, defending their users' right to anonymous speech, and found a California federal court in agreement.

In a second attempt a few weeks later, several film companies sent a similar subpoena to Reddit. This time, the request was more targeted, as all comments specifically referred to the ISP being sued; Grande Communications.

Reddit still refused to comply, however, stressing that its users' First Amendment rights would still be at stake. After hearing both parties, Magistrate Judge Laurel Beeler sided with Reddit once again.

Reddit III: Targeting IP-addresses

While the denial was another setback for the film companies and their attorney, they had no plans to abandon this route to evidence quite so easily. Last month, they were back in court with a similar but tweaked request, this time related to a lawsuit targeting Internet provider Frontier Communications.

Broadly speaking, the third case was comparable to the others. The film companies, including Voltage Holdings and Screen Media Ventures, wanted to use comments made by six Redditors to show that the ISP didn't take proper action against repeat infringers, or that 'lax' enforcement acted as a draw to potential pirates.

Contrary to the earlier requests, the film companies were no longer looking for any names or email addresses, only the applicable IP address logs. This would allow the commenters to remain anonymous because an 'IP-address is not a person', their attorney argued.

Reddit, again, refused to hand over information, arguing it would violate users' right to anonymous speech. The fact that it would only have to reveal IP-addresses wouldn't change that, Reddit argued.

Court Sides with Reddit, Thrice

After both sides had the chance to present their arguments, the matter landed on the desk of U.S. Magistrate Judge Thomas Hixson of the California federal court. After reviewing the paperwork, Judge Hixson denied the motion to compel.

Similar to the decisions in Reddit I and Reddit II, the court concluded that the First Amendment rights of individuals to speak anonymously weigh stronger than the interests of rightsholders. This is particularly true because the Redditors are third parties and not defendants in this case.

Of importance in this decision is the so-called '' standard, which was also applied in the earlier two cases. From that perspective, the court sees no reason to reach a different conclusion.

This case deals with comments from six Redditors that could serve as evidence in the film companies 'legal battle with Frontier. However, the court believes that the rightsholders can obtain similar evidence from a more direct source.

In the legal proceeding against the ISP, the court previously ruled that the film companies can unmask several alleged pirate subscribers. This could be used to obtain comments directly from Frontier subscribers.

"[T]here is information available from another source, as Movants themselves note the underlying bankruptcy court adjudicating the copyright litigation has already ruled they can obtain identifying information from Frontier for IP addresses known to have pirated using Frontier's network," Judge Hixson writes.

"If Movants sought further information, they need only subpoena the ISP for the subscriber information associated with that IP address, as the ISP does not share Reddit's interest in protecting the anonymity of that user."

Anonymous IP-addresses?

Judge Hixson didn't elaborate in response to the filmmakers' novel argument that sharing IP-addresses wouldn't violate the First Amendment right to anonymous speech ('not a person').

According to the ruling, current precedents suggest that it's not common to disregard the First Amendment argument when it comes to IP-address unmasking.

"While the Court is unaware of any cases in the Ninth Circuit in which a court has declined to apply a First Amendment unmasking standard for IP addresses, other courts have recognized that IP addresses are essential to unmasking because an 'IP address cannot be made up in the same way that a poster may provide a false name and address'."

"For this reason, the Court finds no reason to believe provision of an IP address is not unmasking subject to First Amendment scrutiny," Judge Hixson writes.

The court further added that the film companies can still use the Redditor's comments as evidence, as is. Printouts of webpages have been used at previous trials as well, so that could apply here.

Based on these and other arguments, Judge Hixson ultimately reached the same conclusion as the court did in the earlier two cases.

"In sum, the Court finds Movants cannot meet the 2TheMart standard because the evidence they seek can be obtained from other sources, including from Frontier in the normal course of discovery."

If the rightsholders are unable to obtain the desired evidence from Frontier, they could always try again, of course. If anything, the film companies have shown that aren't prepared to give up easily.

hixson order

A copy of U.S. Magistrate Judge Thomas Hixson's order is available here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.


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