Monday, February 12, 2024

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The U.S. Tops the Manga Piracy Chart, While Iran Leads in Music Piracy
Ernesto Van der Sar, 12 Feb 11:49 AM

bad 13dlDespite the growing availability of legal options, online piracy remains rampant. Every day pirate sites and services are used by millions of people worldwide.

New data released by UK-based piracy tracking company MUSO shows that pirate sites remain very relevant. And people have no trouble finding them either.

229 Billion Pirate Site Visits

A few weeks ago it was revealed that video piracy continued to grow in 2023. A new report shows this uptrend is visible across all other content categories, reaching 229 billion platform visits in 2023, a 6.7% increase compared to a year earlier.

Music and software piracy are by far the smallest categories, but these saw the largest relative piracy increases. The number of visits to music and software piracy sites grew 13.4% and 14.1% respectively over the past year.

TV piracy remains the most popular among consumers, however, accounting for almost half of all piracy traffic with 103.9 billion visits in 2023. The publishing category takes second place with 63.6 billion visits, followed by 29.6 billion film piracy visits.

Pirate Site Visits per Category (2023)

Category Visits Market Share Growth YoY
TV 103.9 billion 45.4% 4.2%
Publishing 63.3 billion 27.6% 7.4%
Film 29.6 billion 12.9% 6.5%
Music 17.1 billion 7.5% 13.4%
Software 15.2 billion 6.6% 14.1%


In recent years, the publishing category has seen a sharp traffic increase. This rise is mostly driven by manga comics, which have drawn more pirate site visits than film piracy in recent years.

"The global phenomenon of Manga, Japanese comic book and graphic novels, has driven publishing piracy to new heights in recent years, overtaking film piracy and the second most pirated medium in 2020," MUSO writes.

Manga now dominates the publishing category. While traditional book publishers have been very active on the anti-piracy front recently, more than two-thirds of all 'publishing' pirates (69.2%) are drawn to manga sites.

The United States is in the lead as the main source of traffic to manga sites. With 13% of all visits, it leaves all other countries, including Japan, trailing behind.

TV Piracy

Looking at the TV category, we see that the United States remains the top traffic driver overall. With more than 14 billion visits it puts runner-up Russia in distant second place.

Top TV Piracy Sources

tv piracy

The TV category also includes anime content which, unlike our yearly overview, is included in MUSO's top 10 list of most viewed TV series. The Last of Us remains the winner, however.

In recent years TV piracy has been dominated by streaming sites, which represent direct competition for Netflix and other authorized platforms. These pirate streaming sites now make up 96.3% of all traffic, marginalizing torrent sites and download portals.

Iran, India and Russia

It's no surprise that the United States is leading in the TV and Publishing categories due to the sheer size of the population and readily available broadband access. However, this dominance doesn't apply to all categories.

Looking at movie piracy, India is the clear winner by a wide margin (30%!), according to MUSO's data. Interestingly, visits to this category declined sharply in the second half of 2023 for reasons that are not immediately clear.

In the music category, Iran is the surprising leader with 11.8% of music piracy visits, followed by India and the U.S. as runners-up. This includes traffic to stream-ripping sites, download portals, and streaming sites.

Finally, MUSO attributes most software piracy to Russia, with the U.S. and China closely behind. This includes traffic to app piracy sites. Needless to say, all software piracy takes place through direct download portals.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Roblox 'Weight Lifting Sim' Dev Gains Muscle From DMCA Counter-Notice
Andy Maxwell, 11 Feb 07:05 PM

robloxThe last time developer Christopher Boomer appeared on our radar was back in July 2022 when he attempted to unmask thousands of alleged copyright infringers using the DMCA subpoena process.

As the developer behind the Weightlifting Simulator series of games, among others, Boomer has enjoyed extraordinary success in the Roblox community. Billions of plays of the developer's games are an endorsement of his work; for some, it's also a signal to publish similar if not identical games, to generate revenue for themselves.

Boomer's earlier attempt at using the DMCA subpoena process, to unmask potentially thousands of targets, failed Roblox weighed in. While it was clear that the developer had at least some genuine claims, a DMCA subpoena was the wrong mechanism to obtain alleged infringers' identities.

New Lawsuit Filed in the United States

A new lawsuit filed in a California court this week faces no such obstacles. The complaint states that Boomer is the author of the massively popular Roblox games Weight Lifting Simulator (released in 2017/18) and a game with a similar theme called Muscles Legends (2019).

Key features of the games include a play area with weights, benches, treadmills, and other sundry objects. When the player interacts with these items their in-game character becomes larger and stronger in appearance, which leads to progression in the game.

Get Muscles Simulator

Released on the Roblox platform in January 2022, Get Muscles Simulator "appears to be based on the same idea and features the same underlying mechanics as Mr. Boomer's Weightlifting Games," the complaint notes.

In Weight Lifting Simulator, player avatars interact with in-game objects to increase attributes, and can also battle other avatars. The same gameplay mechanics also appear in Get Muscles Simulator but the complaint alleges that copying goes well beyond that.

"[T]he infringing game blatantly copies Mr. Boomer's protectable expression, including, inter alia, its artwork, level design, animations, design aesthetics, game pieces, user interface and the selection and coordination of game elements, colors, and shapes."

A visual comparison of the gamesboomer vs muscles

"Indeed, the presence of these elements in Defendant's game makes it readily apparent that it is a blatant clone of Mr. Boomer's game. As the non-exhaustive examples [above] show, the main elements of Defendant's Get Muscles Simulator are substantially similar to the constituent elements of Mr. Boomer's Weightlifting Games that are original."

DMCA Counter-Notices Should Be Taken Seriously

As previously reported, a thriving and cut-price cottage industry has sprung up in recent years promising to remove infringing content from the internet using DMCA notices. The same operations also claim that if a client's content is taken down, they will file DMCA counter-notices to ensure content is restored.

Unfortunately, many of these DIY operations have a cavalier attitude to counter-notices and few warn of the consequences when things go wrong. As this case shows, no matter who sends a counter-notice, they should be taken seriously.

Around January 24, 2024, Boomer submitted a DMCA takedown notice to Roblox with the aim of removing Get Muscles Simulator from the platform. Three days later, around January 27, the developer of the allegedly-infringing game responded with a DMCA counter-notice to Roblox.

A DMCA counter-notice allows those targeted by a DMCA takedown notice to challenge its validity and ask for the removed content to be restored. However, this also triggers a 14-day period in which the original complainant has an opportunity to sue to prevent restoration.

If no lawsuit is filed, the content should be restored between day 10 and day 14. In this case, Boomer sued.

Under Penalty of Perjury, Don't Provide False Information

Counter-notices must contain an address where the sender can be reached and here, the counter-notice sender provided an address in Montana. According to Boomer's complaint, that statement was false. In a second counter-notice, submitted around January 31, the developer of Get Muscles Simulator provided an address in California.

Whether that address is accurate is unclear, but other things also need to be taken into account.

Counter-notices require the sender to state, under penalty of perjury, that they have a good faith belief that their content should not have been taken down. In this case, Boomer's lawsuit makes his position clear; Get Muscles Simulator is a blatant copy of his copyrighted game. The defendant will have to satisfy the court that simply isn't true.

When submitting a counter-notice, senders are required to consent to the jurisdiction of a federal court in the district where they live. In this case, Boomer's complaint states that there are no jurisdiction issues to consider because the defendant consented in writing to the jurisdiction of the court in the counter-notice submitted to Roblox.

Claim for Damages

The complaint notes that Get Muscles Simulator copies substantial original elements from Boomer's game. It further alleges that the game's developer, identified as Alexander Koshkin, is a deliberate and willful infringer, who generated unjust profits, gains, and advantages by competing against Boomer's game hoping to "poach the market" for his weightlifting games.

Boomer requests a preliminary and/or permanent injunction to prevent further infringement, an award for damages, costs and attorney's fees, interest, and a trial by jury.

The complaint is available here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.


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