Sunday, January 14, 2024

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Share With Care: 2,217 Domains Blocked, The Majority For Circumvention
Andy Maxwell, 14 Jan 11:14 AM

sharewithcareAt the height of the online file-sharing boom, the phrase 'Sharing is Caring' was a reminder that peer-to-peer file-sharing systems lived or died on the availability of upload bandwidth. Its presentation allowed it to be about much more than that.

The 'give to get' philosophy forms part of the BitTorrent protocol even today, but Sharing is Caring was a phrase that could influence human behavior, to the benefit of the wider file-sharing movement, with no suggestion of pressure.

Sharing is Caring implied that by freely sharing whatever content file-sharers had at their disposal, downloaders would know that otherwise anonymous uploaders actually cared about them. If everyone felt that way, everyone could show that they cared too. It was simply a case of sharing the content other people had shared with them, with others in need of the same content; karma and piracy in perfect harmony.

Counterargument: Sharing Isn't Caring

While that may have been an unlikely piece of utopia for as long as it lasted, rightsholders viewed sharing rather differently. Well known for his work at the Swedish Anti-Piracy Bureau, Antipiratbyrån, Henrik Pontén – who sadly passed away in 2020 – often signed off emails to TorrentFreak with, "Remember, Sharing is Caring."

In the context of what was said in the body of those emails, the real message was clear: people should care about creators too.

In much the same way that Antipiratbyrån had its name reappropriated by rival group Piratbyrån (The Pirate Bureau), the phrase 'Sharing is Caring' would later be repurposed by Danish anti-piracy group RettighedsAlliancen (Rights Alliance).

Share With Care

Around 2012, agreements between rightsholders and YouTube, which allowed the former to more easily remove infringing content from the latter, prompted discussions in Denmark on how similar arrangements with other service providers could help to fight piracy.

Facilitated by Denmark's Ministry of Culture, a series of meetings attended by Rights Alliance, various rightsholders, ISPs, Google, Microsoft, and payment providers, concluded with the signing of a Code of Conduct.

Signatories committed to making the internet a safer, better place, based on respect for copyright and the promotion of legal products. In September 2014, members of the Telecommunications Industry Association in Denmark (TI) signed a Code of Conduct that ensured pirate site blocking applications, filed by Rights Alliance against a single ISP, would be implemented voluntarily by all ISP members of TI.

To this background and following development work by the Rights Alliance, the Danish Ministry of Culture, the Danish Consumer Council, and ISPs, a new anti-piracy education campaign was born. To find out what Share With Care had to offer, members of the public simply needed to visit a blocked pirate domain and let their ISP handle the rest.


The image above is a translated version of the anti-piracy splash screen that still greets customers of Danish ISP DKTV a decade later.

In general terms, little seems to have changed over the years. It's still possible to search for movies and TV shows on a platform called FilmFinder which informs visitors where content can be watched or purchased legally. The same applies to eBooks and Denmark-focused new outlets but for less obvious reasons, items of genuine furniture.

A Decade of Share With Care

In a statement this week, Rights Alliance director Maria Fredenslund said that much has changed since the launch of Share With Care a decade ago.

"The 10 years with Share With Care show how far we have come today in the vision of a regulated internet, where we can block illegal content and guide users along the way," Fredenslund said.

"With the collaboration around blocking and behavioral regulation measures such as FilmFinder, we in Denmark have shown the way to protect content through measures that regulate both content and consumption. With the permanent extension of Share With Care, we look forward to taking the effect of the collaboration to new heights in the coming years."

A Decade of Blocking Statistics

Rights Alliance also released a small amount of data related to the pirate site blocking measures carried out by the country's ISPs over the last decade.

rights alliance dk blocking

"Over the years, the Share With Care collaboration has resulted in 2,217 blocked websites," Rights Alliance notes.

As far as we can determine, blocked websites seems more likely to mean blocked domains in this instance.

The blue section above represents websites subject to court-ordered blocking measures, around 250 according to the chart. The much larger green section represents mirror sites, proxies and other platforms that appeared after court-ordered blocking of a specific domain, to circumvent blocking measures.

Since these domains are blocked by ISPs voluntarily, we can conclude that the vast majority of domains blocked in Denmark for copyright reasons, are handled on an administrative, company-to-company basis.

Current State of Blocking

No other blocking data was made available this week but TorrentFreak was able to review the latest blocking list issued to ISPs. At the time of writing it contains 892 domains, the majority of which do indeed appear related to circumvention efforts.

For example, the list contains four basic domains for YTS, probably the most visited torrent site in the world right now. The site's main domain,, is obviously a target and the same goes for the other three. Four other domains, including and, appear to be non-functional, while another 30 refer to sub-domains on unblocking portals such as Unblocklit, Proxybit, and Unblockproject.

Other sites for which circumvention domains also dominate include The Pirate Bay, TorrentDownloads, Torlock, and well, the list goes on. Two unexpected domains on the list include, which according to reports was used for scams, and a very long URL that allows users to access The Pirate Bay's onion domain, without having to install Tor.

While Rights Alliance is certainly in favor of site blocking, some believe that meddling with DNS is a step too far. Others believe that nobody should have the right to dictate which sites are available, and which ones are not.

Whether intentional, accidental, or simply a quirk of translating Danish to English, isn't entirely clear. Whatever the reason, local ISP DTKV operates its blocking page on a sub-domain of its main site ( using the Danish word 'censur' or 'censorship' in English.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Yandex Yanked The Pirate Bay From its Search Results?
Ernesto Van der Sar, 13 Jan 03:35 PM

yandexThe Pirate Bay and search engines are not a happy marriage recently. On the contrary.

For example, we previously reported on Google's decision to remove from its search results in countries where ISPs are required to block the site.

Searching for The Pirate Bay

This type of deindexing is not unique to Google. As highlighted in the past, Bing has effectively wiped all Pirate Bay URLs from its index until only the main homepage was left. That move sunsequently forced DuckDuckGo and other Microsoft-powered search engines to do the same.

Today, there are still some more exotic search engines that are capable of finding Pirate Bay links easily, including non-infringing ones. However, Russia's Yandex can be scrapped from that list.

Founded in 1997, Yandex is one of the oldest search engines on the web. The service is used around the world but is particularly popular in Russia where it has a majority market share.

It's known that Russia requires search engines, including foreign ones, to remove results linked to pirate sites. This also applies to Yandex, but these measures don't typically expand globally.

Today, it's not hard to find most popular pirate sites on Yandex internationally. This applies to YTS, Fmoviesz, Aniwave, and even the Russian torrent site Rutor. For some reason, however, The Pirate Bay's official domain appears to have vanished.

The Pirate Bay Vanished

A basic search for "The Pirate Bay" brings up plenty of results but these link to proxies, the Wikipedia page, and other related entries. In the locations we searched from, however, is nowhere to be found.

yandex pirate bay

Finding the official domain isn't rocket science as it's mentioned on the Wikipedia page that's linked in the information panel on the right. However, a 'site: search', that typically lists all pages from a specified domain name, returns no results at all in our tests.

no urls

Interestingly, the same site-specific command does return plenty of links for other pirate sites, so The Pirate Bay appears to be in a league of its own.

Update: After finishing this article the site: search started to show some results for again in our tests. It's still not featured in any of the top results for "The Pirate Bay". It's possible that Yandex changed something and the outcome may also depend on people's location, so results may vary.

Why Yandex has taken this decision is unknown. We requested a comment from the company, hoping to get an explanation, but that inquiry remains unanswered.

At this point, The Pirate Bay probably no longer cares about yet another 'blocking' effort. The site's traffic has been hurt by similar measures over the past years, but plenty of loyal users still manage to find their way to it.

Note: For those who are wondering; China's top search engine Baidu can no longer find either.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.


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