Wednesday, August 9, 2023

TorrentFreak's Latest News


Youtube-dl Site Goes Offline as Hosting Provider Enforces Court-Ordered Ban
Ernesto Van der Sar, 09 Aug 11:11 AM

censortubeIn 2020, the RIAA infuriated many players in the open source community by targeting YouTube-ripping tool, youtube-dl.

The RIAA sent a takedown notice to GitHub, claiming that the software bypassed technological protection measures, in violation of the DMCA.

GitHub initially complied but later changed course. After consulting legal experts, including those at the EFF, it restored the youtube-dl repository and launched a million-dollar defense fund to assist developers in similar disputes.

Targeting youtube-dl's Host

This episode was a massive setback for the music industry, which had been fighting stream-ripping tools for years. However, instead of laying down their arms, Sony, Warner and Universal went after Uberspace, youtube-dl's website hosting company in Germany.

A German court previously ruled that stream-ripping software bypasses YouTube's 'rolling cipher' download protection. This is seen as a circumvention of technical protection measures, a violation of intellectual property law in Europe.

Earlier this year this line of reasoning was also adopted by the district court of Hamburg. While the open source youtube-dl software is hosted on GitHub, Uberspace was held liable as the host of the website because it linked to the developer platform.

In its defense, Uberspace argued that the protection can be circumvented using any regular web browser and in any case, the youtube-dl software has plenty of legal uses. These arguments failed to sway the court.

The court recognized that YouTube's rolling cipher protection is far from perfect but concluded that it's good enough to signal to average users that downloading content from YouTube is not permitted.

"[T]he average user must recognize that YouTube content, unlike media content on other websites, cannot be downloaded with a simple right-click and must be aware that this is achieved using technology on YouTube and that youtube-dl 'overrides' this protection. It is therefore to be assumed that the average user acts in bad faith," the Hamburg Court wrote.

Ban Enforced

The ruling was published in March but Uberspace wasn't required to take action right away. The hosting company decided to appeal, which meant that the site remained online, unless the music companies posted a €20,000 bond.

Initially, it didn't appear that the labels would enforce the order, but that changed a few days ago. The plaintiffs informed Uberspace that they had posted the security, leaving the company no other choice than to take the site offline.

Speaking with TorrentFreak, Uberspace owner Jonas Pasche says that his hands are tied. Failure to comply with the order would either result in a massive fine, or worse, a prison sentence.

"I received that information from the plaintiff's side on July 27, with proof that they did the security deposit at a bank. So I no longer have a choice but to follow the judgment. Otherwise, I would face a fine of €250,000 or jail time," Pasche notes.


For several days, people who visited youtube-dl's website saw a blocking notice instead, which is shown above. At the time of writing, the website doesn't load at all.

Appeal 'Censorship' Order

Uberspace will continue the legal battle and is prepared to fight the order up to the highest court possible. If the appeal is successful, Pasche will gladly unblock the site.

"We are confident that a higher court will overturn the judgment of the Hamburg Regional Court, so we will be able to unblock the site as soon as this happens," he says.

Uberspace is not the website's domain registrar, so youtube-dl may yet decide to point its domain elsewhere. For now, that hasn't happened. The software remains available on GitHub where it also has a dedicated website.

The hosting company previously told us that the Hamburg court's 'devastating' order opens the door to privatized censorship, citing this threat as one of the main reasons to fight back.

"The consequences of this will be that hosting providers receiving complaints will most likely kick out their customers without a court ruling, for things that might be perfectly legal," Pasche said at the time.

"This is a shameful day for the freedom of speech. It's paving the way for privatized censorship. Do we as a society really want this? We strongly believe we're on the right side of history here."

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Judge Gives MindGeek 'Pirate' Domains After Porn Pirate Violates Injunction
Andy Maxwell, 08 Aug 09:49 PM

mindgeekAdult entertainment company MG Premium has left no stone unturned in its three-year legal standoff with the operator of piracy sites including the hugely popular 'DaftSex'.

The first public sign of the battle ahead arrived courtesy of a huge MG Premium DMCA takedown campaign that aimed to remove 832,000 DaftSex URLs from Google search.

Mass copyright takedowns like these should a) make sites like DaftSex harder to find and b) trigger Google's downranking mechanism which reduces search engine placement in response to DMCA notices.

Then came MG Premium's application for a DMCA subpoena targeting Cloudflare in the summer of 2020, which hoped to obtain the identity of DaftSex's operator.


At the time DaftSex was pulling in tens of millions of visits per month and MG Premium's goal was to reduce that to zero, through the courts if necessary.

MG Premium Files Lawsuit Against the Operator of DaftSex

Filed at the federal court in the District of Washington in 2022, MG Premium went after Vasily Kharchenko, the alleged operator of,, and other affiliated sites. In response, Kharchenko dug in his heels, failed to appear in the lawsuit, then sat back as District Judge Benjamin Settle awarded MG Premium $32,145,000 in damages in November 2022.

The Judge also signed off on an injunction that authorized the transfer of several domains away from Kharchenko and into MG Premium's possession.

The MindGeek subsidiary took control of some domains very quickly and redirected them to its own platforms including RedTube. DaftSex acted quickly too; it switched to new domains including,, plus and

In December 2022, MG Premium asked the court to hold Kharchenko in contempt for breaching the injunction. The company also requested permission to take control of the new DaftSex domains at,, and Since Daftsex was using a Twitter account to inform users of new domains, MG Premium asked the court to issue an order compelling Twitter to either shut down the account or transfer it to MG Premium.

Kharchenko Ignores Order to Show Cause, Judge Runs Out Patience

In his March 2023 order, Judge Settle described MG Premium's evidence showing Kharchenko violating the injunction, as both "clear and convincing." Nevertheless, Kharchenko was given yet another chance to participate and informed that he had 30 days to show why he should not be "subject to a bench warrant, to an order holding him in contempt, or to monetary sanctions."

Having boycotted the entire process to date, and despite being served, Kharchenko failed to comply with the March order. In an order handed down last week, Judge Settle considered MG Premium's evidence and the laid out the consequences.

After finding that MG Premium's 2,143 copyrighted works were still being displayed on,, and, Judge Settle found Kharchenko in contempt for violating the injunctions. With that alone unlikely to prevent further infringement, the court came up with a solution to help reduce visibility of the infringing sites.

Judge Declares MG Premium the New Owner of 'Pirate' Domains

The section of the order dealing with Kharchenko's domains initially reads like bad news for MG Premium but then suddenly starts to improve.

"MG Premium has not persuaded the Court that it can or should order non-parties to take concrete steps to prevent the infringement, or as a sanction for Karchenko's wrongful conduct and his contempt of court," it begins.

"The Court will not, therefore, Order third parties take affirmative steps to transfer domain name registrars to MG Premium. It will ORDER instead that MG Premium is entitled to ownership of the domain names." With that, Judge Settle issued the instructions below.

(1) MG Premium or its designee is entitled to be the registrar of record for the domain name, and this Order demonstrates that right to the operator of the .SEX registry, ICM Registry and/or Registry Service, LLSC. Any resulting transfer shall be done at MG Premium's reasonable expense.

(2) MG Premium or its designee is entitled to be the registrar of record for the domain name, and this Order demonstrates that right to the operator of the .TO registry, Tonic Domains Corp. Any resulting transfer shall be done at MG Premium's reasonable expense.

(3) MG Premium or its designee is entitled to be the registrar of record for the domain name, and this Order demonstrates that right to the operator of the ORG registry, Public Interest Registry. Any resulting transfer shall be done at MG Premium's reasonable expense.

Twitter and GitHub Ordered to Eject Kharchenko

Further instructions relate to Kharchenko-operated accounts on Twitter/X and GitHub. The order notes that since MG Premium "is entitled to be the owner of record" of the Twitter account used to communicate with DaftSex users, it should be transferred to the company at "reasonable expense." The same applies to and which have been used to inform DaftSex users of new domain names for many months.

Whether any of the above will be enough to prevent ongoing violations of MG Premium's rights and the terms of the permanent injunction, remains to be seen. Events to date indicate there's a solid chance that Kharchenko will find ways to circumvent the order. He may have been served but we suspect that his geographical location represents a major roadblock that's unlikely to be removed for the next several years.

The March order and last week's contempt order can be found here (1,2,pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Warning: TorrentFreak's Twitter / X Account Has Been Hijacked
Ernesto Van der Sar, 08 Aug 07:19 PM

xThis is a bit of an unusual post, but we believe that it's important to let people know that our Twitter / X account was been hijacked and put to new use without our knowledge.

The username and handle were updated as well, and there doesn't appear to be an easy way to sort this out without direct help from X, which isn't proving easy.

The account still has our followers so please know that everything that's posted by the account can't be trusted. The same is true for all direct messages and other communications.

We hope that the situation can be 'fixed' soon and we will update this article when additional news arrives.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Lead YouTube Content-ID Scammer Requests Reduced Prison Sentence
Ernesto Van der Sar, 08 Aug 01:42 PM

Sad YouTubeIn 2021, the US Department of Justice launched a criminal proceeding against two men suspected of running a massive YouTube Content ID scam.

By falsely claiming to own the rights to more than 50,000 songs, the pair generated more than $23 million in revenue.

Last year, the first defendant confessed to his part in the copyright swindle by pleading guilty. Webster Fernandez admitted it was a simple scheme: find Latin American music that wasn't yet monetized on YouTube and claim the content as their own.

In February of this year, the second defendant pleaded guilty. Jose Teran signed a plea agreement admitting that he was part of the conspiracy, engaging in wire fraud and money laundering.

First Defendant Sentenced to 70 Months Prison

Teran wasn't the initiator of the scheme and hoped to get away with a relatively mild sentence. The defense requested a probation or home confinement sentence, which would allow the defendant to continue to care for his family.

The Government, however, called for a substantial 70-month sentence, arguing that this was necessary to send an appropriate deterrent message.

At a sentencing hearing in June, U.S. District Court Judge Douglas L. Rayes sided with the Government's position, sentencing the defendant to more than five years in prison followed by three years of probation.

Second Defendant Requests Lower Sentence

A few days ago, the attorney for Webster Fernandez submitted a memorandum for the upcoming sentencing of his client. According to the defense, the alleged initiator of the Content ID scam deserves a reduced sentence.

The defendant admits to his part in the fraudulent scheme. Through the company MediaMuv he and his co-defendant defrauded YouTube [Y.T.], rights management outfit AdRev [A.R.], as well as many artists.

"Jose Teran and Webster Batista Fernandez fraudulently created contracts with companies which purportedly managed certain artists, and then emailed the contracts to Y.T. and A.R. for the purpose of deceiving Y.T. and A.R., and continuing their fraudulent operation," the defense attorney notes.

"Mr. Fernandez concedes that he made a terrible decision to become involved in criminal conduct, which has not only affected his family and children, but has also caused financial harm to the victims involved in this case."

Music Career

Fernandez was born in the Dominican Republic and immigrated to the United States in 2002. The Content ID scam was the 35-year-old defendant's first felony offense and he promises to do everything in his power to get his life back on track.

Mr. Fernandez previously worked in the music industry for major labels including Sony. He produced videos and also has a YouTube channel which brought in approximately $200,000 per month. His arrest brought his career to an abrupt halt.


While the defense doesn't deny wrongdoing, it believes that a reduced 46-month prison sentence should be sufficient. After that, he would like to be there again for his young family.

"Clearly, Defendant Webster Batista Fernandez has learned a significant lesson and wants to reform his life, as demonstrated through his post-arrest conduct in this case. Ultimately, Mr. Batista Fernandez wants a second chance to be a positive role model for his children, and to provide substantial restitution to the victims.

"Based on the mitigating factors in this case, a sentence not to exceed 46 months' imprisonment will provide just punishment, allow for adequate deterrence, protect the public, and promote respect for the law," the defense adds.

The Government has yet to issue its recommendation but given that it requested a substantially higher sentence for the other defendant in this case, it seems likely that it will do so here as well.

After that, it's up to the court to issue a final sentence, which is expected to arrive later this year.

A copy of the sentencing memorandum submitted by the attorney of Webster Batista Fernandez is available here (pdf)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.


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